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Mark C.

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Everything posted by Mark C.

  1. That clay looks like sandstone buff-has the same baby poo look to it.
  2. One thing of note-in my 45 year ceramic career my art BA has never come up-not in any sense-galleries -shows-etc.
  3. (I'm starting to wonder if this topic keeps resurfacing because those who have a piece of paper want to reassure themselves they're safely in the elite and everyone else is not. It must be a very warm, secure place to be. I wonder what that's like? ) Yappy-I would like to add that a piece of paper has zero value-its the experience that one needs-its the quest for knowledge-not all can go to school and thats the way it is -but community collage is more affordable and adult Ed later in life is most avordable. The point is learning makes for better people . You have that drive from what I know about you .Its the quest for learning that is more important than any piece of paper. My real learning was after school in the real world.I also went to school when one could work their way thru it as it was cheaper back then. I have spent the last 7 years giving back some of my learning in ceramics in this forum and mentoring-much of that knowledge was gained by the school of hard knocks.I have no paper that shows those bruises but they have the same value -maybe more. I have never felt elite or thought of my BA as anything other than a lot of work.I do feel very lucky to do something I never felt as work like a regular job. And that I get to use the school knowledge to work thru problems as there always problems with ceramics.
  4. Formal education is a key element in the whole process. I was raised in a art friendy home by educators. I was exposed to ceramics in 5th grade and again in high school. It took hold of part of me and I do not know why. I went on and got an art degree in collage over a 5 year process. I happened to learn from recent graduates from the golden age of Alfred graduates who got their 1st teaching jobs. They learned from the greats-like Rhodes etc. I was at the right place right time. Also one could find materials on the cheap and build kilns and obtain permits may back then. Thats all changed now. Back in school I fired gas and electrics worked as a tech and fired kilns for work study money-built kilns-made bricks learned clay and glaze formulation did low fire and high fire and raku and pit firing-made sculpture and made functional wares. Only in school is one exposed to it all and to get all the knowledge one needs to see it all.U-tube cannot hold a candle too this experience. School was the beginning of my learning experience -Really just a jump off point looking back. Its the foundation of my career but the real learning was in the real world of business and the sheer number of years it takes to get good and succeed .Throwing really well takes everyone different amounts of time to master-for me it was about 7 or eight years to get handles and forms perfected and have then sell well. I'm a big believer in formal education-our society improves with formal education. The only downside these days is ceramic education has been slashed nation wide and there has been at least a twenty year bias towards sculpt vs functional wares in many collage programs. You can now get a degree in what I call (jar opening) where you learn very little except low fire sculpture making.Finding a good school these days is work.
  5. Have to cancel my next weekend art fair due to broken elbow  1st canceled show ever

    (cracked radius bone)

    I was in my old apple tree when a 5 inch limb broke and I fell about 7 feet.1st ever broken bone.Two weeks in sling no clay for at least a month. kiln is firing last glaze fire now.just coming to terms with this setback

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      ok the Bali dive trip is going to be cancelled as I need 6-8 weeks to heal well. no work with arm for 3 weeks but I can use it lightly in 3 more days-just gentle  use.Doc said since I do not drink or smoke and have lifelong love of milk I will heal fast .Friends are toto tilling winter garden with 91 gallons of apple pressings into soil for me.

    3. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      Yikes.  Of all the times for something like that to happen! Speedy recovery, man!

    4. Benzine


      Here's to a quick recovery Mark!

      I know, that scaling back on work, might not be the norm for you, but healing is something that you want to get right.

      Hurt by an apple tree.  Now I have images of those tree from the Wizard of Oz, throwing apples at Dorthy and crew.

  6. Big apple juicing event this Saturday at our place. Looks like a tuna trip on Thursday .Big show next weekend out of state-time to play some before work.

    1. oldlady


      and some home made apple cider later, YUM.

  7.  Glaze fire today as well as the demo this am.Another glaze is cooling-big art fair in Nev. in 2 weeks

    1. glazenerd


      The cycle of business continues.

  8. I packed up my small truck with every thing one needs to demonstrate pottery throwing .I am doing a live demo (11am -1pm at one of my organic market outlets in Mckinleville,Ca as its local products demo day . This is the 1st year my schedule has allowed this to happen.I have. not done this in 40 years or more

    1. JohnnyK


      What are the chances of your shooting some video of your techniques while you're at it and posting them here? I and many of the Forum members would love to see you in your medium...

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      chances are zero-sorry I'm  solo at this gig as my wife is in Colorado this week and I do not want to add my  go pro to what I'm already doing.

    3. Min


      Lucky people of McKinleville!

  9. Sorry about the the link -goggle is your friend here is the link to my friends http://www.onedreamdesign.com check them out at a show near you (west coast states)
  10. Soap/lotion pumps outsell soap dishes for sure But soap dishes are a perfect stuffer-I wholesale them and they sell in all 9 of my outlets.I like making them as well. I make about 1/2 of them with drain holes I now use the metal covered (stainless heavy duty flat head pumps-)on my lotions and charge $5 more for them. I no longer offer plastic pumps. The metal tops made sales pick up.I buy them in $500 lots (I buy them in 200 lots to save $$ that saves a few dollars per pump)from some fellow potters I know who import and resale parts as well as they are high end crystalline potters. You can view them at http://www.onedreamdesign.com
  11. Mine are mini vases and mini bowls-sponge holders and spoon rests -small cat bowls-extruded soap dishes. Smalls are where I make the most money selling as they sell to everyone.
  12. Big local show was a success for all-great weather-huge turnout

    1. Denice


      Time to go on vacation.   Denice

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Actually time to do another out of state show then leave the country


  13. 9 boxes (262#s)left yesterday to Harmony Ca .Another potter stopped by on way south and is taking them for me on His way to Santa Barbara. I sweetened the deal with a 50$ bill for them for extra gas. One less thing on the bench. Big show this weekend so bench is clear. Another out of state show in 3 weeks so lots of greenware piling up.
  14. Pres-My squeeze bottle has a metal tip you can see the results on this photo post on this thread-the surface is also curved .
  15. Two bisques out today -glaze day for 3/4 of day in am then I'm a volunteer tuna bbq guy at a local fundraiser-every Labor Day as long as I can recall.Nothing like BBQing for 100 plus folks.

  16. Pres I kept bees for 20 years so I have a soft spot for all things honey-I used to sell my honey along with pottery at shows in the early 80's. Now I trade pottery for 5gallon buckets of clover/mix honey from a larger bee producer.I use honey every day instead of sugar.
  17. Looking good Pres-I'm working on a $3,900 wholesale order myself due on the 11th-I got it last Monday. Should help pay for my upcoming trip diving in Bali. Those pots look great by the way-I really like the honeycomb texture. Asa you are finding out extruded handles are very strong and so much faster. Its 99% of all my handles the past 35 years. Never had a mention about folks missing the taper.
  18. 40 soap dishes 200 sponge holders a few hundred mugs-20 small miso bowls 4 oval platters and A partridge in a pear tree.
  19. back in full production-two early fall shows and one big gallery order for far away.Glaze day on Friday

  20. I am on a midsummer break and the bench is empty-just returned form my really big show and a few days of diving.No clay for another week.
  21. Typical day starts at 9 am in studio throwing until 12 to 1 pm -putting wares in sunshine (may-oct)break for lunch and expresso. Depending on drying conditions-start to trim/handle wares- after lunch.The idea is to finish all the work that day. sometimes get to throw some for am trimming as well. Try to finish up by 6-630pm In winter pots are forced dry in shop with natural gas heater or if coastal fog come in for days -Like past few days -I light up heater and dry work inside. This cycle repeat's until bisque day which usually has some throwing or trimming in am and firing goes into the evening hours. Load and fire bisque car kiln- while making glaze that day. Glaze day starts at 9-ish and runs long (7-8pm) I load two kilns most of the time and fire them the next day.I have an assistant for glaze day and putting on handles the past 25 plus years as well.I usually do all the kiln loading and she helps with most of the unloading.I usually cool one and 1/2 to two days and we unload the next and pack and price all the wares in one long afternoon.That we glaze on Fridays and I fire on Saturdays-unload on Monday afternoons orGlaze on Mondays I fire Tuesdays and we unload Friday afternoons.(glaze days usually are Mondays or Fridays occasionally Wens) Then the cycle repeats itself.-Been this way for many decades -maybe more- Sundays is usually a day off as the kilns are cooling and I am trying to do less in clay.Sometimes a Market pottery drop off happens on Sundays. Thursdays are also a slower day usually with pottery deliveries to wholesale accounts and loading a bisque and glaze making . Things that affect this schedule are fishing /camping /trips away/diving/off season break/ Vacations/etc.
  22. packing -packing -packing

    down to changing out boxes of forms in van which is always a bad idea.

  23. Unloading last two kilns on Friday for really big show out of state in a week.Packing dive gear into van as well.Then taking a summer break from clay for few weeks-hopefully catch some tuna during that period.

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