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Rae Reich

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  1. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Gabby in What’s on your workbench?   
    The image is splendid. I adore pigs. (Except in my case, because I adore pigs, I wouldn't want the words).
  2. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Marcia Selsor in What’s on your workbench?   
    when I was a kid the Philadelphia phone book was used for this purpose. It was about 3 inches thick. There are no phone books that thick in Montana. Oxford Dictionary made do.
  3. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Magnolia Mud Research in What’s on your workbench?   
    put six-by-twos under the seat,
    or use the phone book on the seat, that solved the problem of the low level chair at the dinner table when I was a kid.  
  4. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to LeeU in What’s on your workbench?   
    Scored an old iron bacon press; want to make a mold so I can make trays. I found a good clay for the purpose (Si02) but I need a better first impression so when I bisque it and make the final mold I get enough detail, especially in the letters (it sez bacon press).  The rough & quick tray is with a direct pressing, so the words are still reversed--it's just for some glaze testing. 

  5. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Babs in What’s on your workbench?   
    Liam nice to see.
    I am amazed at how high your knees sit above your splash pan.
    I'll have to look at more throwers as mine, small female are lower. I have my feet on..blocks of clay already..
  6. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Min in What’s on your workbench?   
    Oval oil bottle prototype (to use with silicone and stainless pouring spouts).

  7. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Benzine in What’s on your workbench?   
    Currently, too much "crap" is on my workbench. 
    I need to start getting things cleaned up, and organized, so I can start on Graduation mugs, for my Seniors. 
    I was going to get started on all this weeks ago, but this second half of the Winter has been brutal, so I've spent waaaaay too much time moving snow!
  8. Like
    Rae Reich got a reaction from Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    Good job on similarities! How big will these end up? I appreciate your sharing as you're learning, especially since you made a clear, steady unfussy short useful video. Please make another to demonstrate the gobble-slowing feature!
    Suggestion: If you release outside pressure about 1/2" before the top on each of your raising passes, especially the first- see where it tapers sharply?- and lightly rest a finger on the rim as you finish each raise, you'll end up with a thicker rim that needs less adjustment. 
  9. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Thanks!  I'll do that, I am picking up some lag bolts to mount my extruder on the way home.  Maybe get a few done tonight.
    I'll try not pulling the last bit instead of rolling the rim, I kinda like the rolled rim though.
    They should end up right around 8 inches wide, if not, I will adjust and make bigger, my dogs current dishes are 6 inches wide and 10 inches wide and I wanted it to be in the middle.
  10. Like
    Rae Reich got a reaction from liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Good job on similarities! How big will these end up? I appreciate your sharing as you're learning, especially since you made a clear, steady unfussy short useful video. Please make another to demonstrate the gobble-slowing feature!
    Suggestion: If you release outside pressure about 1/2" before the top on each of your raising passes, especially the first- see where it tapers sharply?- and lightly rest a finger on the rim as you finish each raise, you'll end up with a thicker rim that needs less adjustment. 
  11. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to oldlady in What’s on your workbench?   
    very nice!   
    i did notice that you are stretching a long way to reach the water.  and whatever is behind you to the left.  maybe it is time to look at your setup for speed and comfort.   just curious about why you throw water and clay under your bats?  
  12. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to LeeU in What’s on your workbench?   
    This lovely penguin was made by Liz Fletcher and I got it in a NH Potters' Guild pot swap. A good friend collects penguin stuff and I am reglazing it to make her a gift of it. The black was too thin in spots and there's a little chip on the beak that needs coverage. Hopefully, an 05 refire will do the trick.  Yes, that's snow in the background.

  13. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    We've got 2 huskies, a 3 year old white one (Kita), she's 65lbs, and a 10 month old cream one (Kodi) and he's 45lbs so far.  We also have a 12 year old daschund (Scotch) and a 15 year old tuxedo cat (meowzer)!

  14. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Gabby in What’s on your workbench?   
    Remind me of the type and size of dogs you have. I have an 87 pound golden retriever 
    I think dog and cat dishes are an excellent idea for the Seattle area market.
    Maybe don't make them white with a goofy picture.
  15. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    That sounds interesting!!
    And my wife has changed my plans for the week.  We are putting together our business plan and she wants me to work on designing and throwing some dog and cat dishes.  Our animals have always been central in our life, and so has our mixed heritage so we thought these would be central themes in a family business.  So DOG BOWLS!!! WOO!  Now I have to go find my sketchbook
  16. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Gabby in What’s on your workbench?   
    I have an oblate sphere on my banding wheel.  I have roughed in some dancing figures to circle the outside and am thinking about the underglaze treatment.
    On a separate table I have an oval plaque, as yet unfired, maybe ten inches by 16." I will probably underglaze that before firing. That one is on a Year of the Pig theme, with a plan of showing up to three red river hogs, a Vasayan warty pig, and a warthog. 
  17. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Mark C. in What’s on your workbench?   
    1st  bisque firing of the year in big kiln today(35 cubic feet)-Little kiln (12 cubic)has had 3 glaze fires already in it.
  18. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Did a glaze firing last night, hope to open tonight when I get home.  Kiln was still at 900f when I left for work.  I've got 35 mugs in there and a shelf of spoon rests.  Trying out a new glaze, coffee nuka.  Went to mix some other glazes this weekend and lo and behold!  No silica. Grrr, I thought I had half of a 50lb bag left when I saw the bin almost empty.  
    Oh well!  That just means I get to make another trip to Seattle pottery supply!
    This week I'm going to continue to try repeat bowls.  That's all that's on the docket.  I might do another glaze firing midweek if I can, but not a deal breaker
  19. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to oldlady in What’s on your workbench?   
    liam, they look like they are a barbershop quartet singing a very happy tune!
  20. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Welp, had to go get clay again, was down to my last box.  This time I decided to go ahead and bring a half ton home, which is all I trusted myself and my Tahoe to drive safely in crazy downpour.  500lbs of Klamath yellow and 500 lbs of vashon red.  I really like the yellow as a fast, soft clay and the red as a stiffer smoother clay.  Also picked up two new kiln shelves for the kiln I got in December.  The ones it came with were both cracked and covered in lowfire glaze.  Now I can get 3 shelves of mugs in my kiln at once which will be very nice.  
    Speaking of kilns, I'm doing a full bisque right now!  So far I've been able to fill my kiln every week with a bisque, I'm pretty happy with that!  
    This week on my workbench is more spoonrests and mugs.  I spent this last week doing just a bunch of spoonrests.

  21. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Pres in QotW: Space wise can you afford to have a slab roller?   
    Ok, OK, OK, ok. . . no more new QotW's in the pool so Pres is going to have to pose one.  I just happened to have been asked a few days ago if I would be interested in a Brent 14 inch slab roller with stand. This is a cable system that I first purchased while teaching. I am familiar with its foibles, and the board system for setting up thicknesses. So not a big deal. However, I had to pause, as my one car garage is kind of crowded. Then I figured that I could always cover it and use it for a table or new pot shelf when not actually using it. So someone might ask how often I would use it? I do like to do a bunch of slab/wheel combinations, and this would be helpful. . at times. 
    In the end I said yeah I would take it and pay some cash for it. I think I mentioned $25 or $50.
    So the question of the week is Space wise can you afford a slab roller or any other piece of equipment that you would not use all the time?
  22. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Bill Kielb in QotW:  What matters the most to you when throwing?   
    Funny I sat down tonight at a wheel and first it didn’t start, then it ran backwards, then it finally performed normally after I jiggled the footpedal wires. Guess I will do a quick video on cutting these back and repairing them nicely. New strain reliefs, new crimp on connectors all for little money but in good lasting order when they are done. It has come up on this site recently several times now. Time to make a video and link it here somewhere.
  23. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to shawnhar in QotW:  What matters the most to you when throwing?   
    The foot control not jumping from zero to 88mph when you barely touch it, good bat pins and the rest I don't care about, although I'm spoiled by the quiet nature of my Bailey, it's really grown on me and now all the wheels at the studio suck, lol.
  24. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Denice in QotW:  What matters the most to you when throwing?   
    Had a thunder/sleet storm last night , so were stuck inside today.      I have designs for my tile project all over my work table and I have plenty of clay to practice with so I am all set for this cold and nasty weather.    The word catawampus is used in this area still.     Denice
  25. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Pres in QotW:  What matters the most to you when throwing?   
    Still use catawampus. . . after living all over the country I have found that some words are regional, and but have credence. At the same time some words really date you! Catawampus  might have been Wonky a few years ago, or even lop-eared, whatever the word is undeniably descriptive by sound of being misshapen.
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