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Joseph Fireborn

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Status Replies posted by Joseph Fireborn

  1. When you love your greenware but dislike your glazed ware. #confused

  2. I am finishing chapter 3 on my clay formulation book. Each chapter is running about 4000 words each. I think it will take almost 9-10 chapters to throughly explain the clay codes. Wonder how many could sit through that many chapters on clay?

  3. I can't say exactly where I have been hiding, but my Mayan is certainly getting better :)

  4. Out of the Earth, Into the Fire. On it's way to my house to be devoured by my brain.

  5. Off on a 5 day art show trip.

  6. I can't say exactly where I have been hiding, but my Mayan is certainly getting better :)

  7. house is under contract. Mini packed up. Having espresso and breakfast before we start out 1780 track back to Montana for the last time.

  8. Off on a 5 day art show trip.

  9. So far I am really liking 75-104 utility porcelain. I formulated it to a specific set of limits in lieu of clay varieties. I can nearly pull up a bowl almost perfectly on the first pull. I pulled up a 4" x 10" cylinder with only one pound of clay. Think I will pug out 25 lbs here shortly, interesting properties indeed.

  10. Arrived in Red Lodge after driving a uhaul and pulling a trailer 1820 miles due North. happily here in Red Lodge. Unloaded the van Wed. and the truck yesterday. Sorting out things. Sat. I am flying back to Brownsville and touching up nail holes and returning with Matt and the dogs in his Mini. Should be a much faster trip. Glad we made it.

  11. Developing a small bottle shape today for glaze test. Fun day.

  12. Finished Quiz of the week-Week 6 this time from The Workshop Guide to Ceramics. . . Hooson & Quinn. Good book

  13. I am reading a book on clay body formulation from 1959: and the information is relatively the same as in 2017. Why does this bother me?

  14. Decided to fore the gas kiln today. I hope there's enough gas in my 3 mostly empty tanks...

  15. I am reading a book on clay body formulation from 1959: and the information is relatively the same as in 2017. Why does this bother me?

  16. Ever drank an underglaze-filled water mistaking it for fruit punch? I have.

  17. (*rewrite) -3rd pottery class last night. None of my work worth mentioning had been bisqued so I sat out the stoneware glazing to practice on the wheel. Bummer. Going back in to make some handles today.

  18. enjoying a nice slow cappuccino in a new mug from the wood firing.

  19. Think I finally convinced myself to write a book on clay formulation and remedies for common clay issues. Should not take me more than five years.

  20. Second pottery class tonight. Saw a raku firing done for the first time. Threw another pot, started a hand-built berry bowl and sig stamp. got to show off a couple of my self-made jewelery molds. Glazed my things for raku firing next week. Fun times.

  21. Maybe (just maybe) I have found the magic bulltet: 3 days after throwing, my porcelain test body still had enough moisture left to trim easily.

  22. My wife saw a the table covered with bowls, each with a little slice of lemon all wrapped up in cling film and realised yes he's lost it...

  23. This year, let's see if I can find the right cycle of work and stay in it. It's all about balance and consistency. Easy. ;)

  24. This year, let's see if I can find the right cycle of work and stay in it. It's all about balance and consistency. Easy. ;)

  25. This year, let's see if I can find the right cycle of work and stay in it. It's all about balance and consistency. Easy. ;)

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