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Marcia Selsor

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Status Replies posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. Had a great trip to Andalusia , Spain and through Extremadura to and from Madrid. Saw many pots from where I had visited in 1980s doing research. sadly most of the traditional potters are no longer around.

  2. Had a great trip to Andalusia , Spain and through Extremadura to and from Madrid. Saw many pots from where I had visited in 1980s doing research. sadly most of the traditional potters are no longer around.

  3. Having a dabble into changing firing schedules to get rid of bubbles. Tried a slow cool with no luck, still just as many. Tried a hold at 900c for 20 mins after reading that is the temp dolomite and whiting have finished gassing. Excited to see if that has made any changes.

  4. Hey, anybody just dump a beer in their obvara brew? seems like it might jack it up quickly but what do i know.

  5. Hey, anybody just dump a beer in their obvara brew? seems like it might jack it up quickly but what do i know.

  6. working hard in the studio before I leave again.

  7. Still feeling pain from the cortisone shot my doctor gave me. I can't even make a fist. I hope it ends soon. I miss being in the studio.

  8. Still feeling pain from the cortisone shot my doctor gave me. I can't even make a fist. I hope it ends soon. I miss being in the studio.

  9. My house/studio was burned to the ground in the Valley Fire that started very close to my home. Our street was the first to go and my area is totally destroyed. 75% of the homes in my little town are gone. I had over 300 pots ready for fairs and of course, all the pottery we use daily. I’m devastated. I’m hoping I’ll be able to recover some pots that didn’t break/melt, and maybe my kilns? Wheel? The evacuation order hasn’t been lifted yet. With the shards I’ll make a big mosaic wall when we...

  10. Yy, today's obvara was a total success. thanks Marica for the advice. will post pics when i can. rakuku

  11. Yy, today's obvara was a total success. thanks Marica for the advice. will post pics when i can. rakuku

  12. mixed the brew. looks like it is going to grow out of the bucket this should be fun. rakuku

  13. Packing up for workshop in Las Cruces. Driving across Texas from the southern point to the western point of Texas and into New Mexico. 875 miles

  14. Success! My first glaze firing in my own kiln came out perfect. Yay!

  15. enjoying my improved throwing in the last couple of days. I am obligated to make a piece for a museum to replace a piece that was in the permanent collection, but was broken by visitors who were in the collection room. So, I am throwing on a larger scale than normal for me.

  16. Loaded my first glaze load into the kiln this morning. Looking forward to the thrill of opening it tomorrow.

  17. Akira Satake workshop was amazing. Helped free my mind and understand a different thought process. I glazed some pots when I got home in my glazes and felt the most joy ive felt glazing them understanding why I loved what I loved.

  18. Gearing up for a busy Fall. Workshops coming in Sept. Travel with my husband in October, and Rome residency in Nov and Dec. Must ship things this week, do last minute preps for workshops, and finished up some pieces.

  19. Gearing up for a busy Fall. Workshops coming in Sept. Travel with my husband in October, and Rome residency in Nov and Dec. Must ship things this week, do last minute preps for workshops, and finished up some pieces.

  20. getting ready to try obvara. made some textured heart shapes. i am trying to get some other people interested so we can try it out. thanks Marcia for advice. as soon as the pieces get bisqued i will make the brew. rack

  21. Happiness is a squeeky clean studio. Yay ME!!!

  22. Did a 5 days workshop with Anima Roos, learning printing techniques on ceramics, and my head is full of possibilities! Can't wait to try them all again

  23. Well, it's time to get back to work! I wish I didn't have such a negative feeling about having to wedge all that clay, thorough...I have been procrastinating going back in the studio because of that! My priority now is to work on an attitude adjustment!

  24. Posted some results this weekends firings. Mine were Obvara

  25. Mixing Obvara brew today. Looking forward to a weekend of firing with my Clay buddy coming down from Austin. Added a short video to my Obvara page on my website.

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