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Marcia Selsor

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Status Replies posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. slow day on the forum. Guess people are going on holiday.

  2. no. 100+ today til Tues. Began today fixing a leak in the bathroom sink by replacing a hose. Then studio.

  3. Love this part where there's only a hundred degrees or so until I can lift the lid on the kiln!

  4. Saw this video today, animation and pottery.

  5. 4th of July show my 43rd in a row-wonder whats it like not to work on that day??

  6. 4th of July show my 43rd in a row-wonder whats it like not to work on that day??

  7. Firing another celadon test, progressing right along to perfect surfaces. On another note, just had the best throwing night of my life. Out of body experience, blissfulness and peace. Was freaking amazing.

  8. I put a video of some Korean carving and Buncheong process in the Buncheong thread. Always fun to watch a master at work. Has anyone seen this?

  9. Cremating my cat in gas kiln today

  10. I just replaced all 12 elements. Should I fire empty or with a load?

  11. Did a Raku firing with my departing Art Club Seniors. For reduction, we used their old notes, papers and tests. Fun was had, minus the heat and humidity...

  12. can someone remind me how to change my avatar?

  13. Score!! A potter in NH is selling off most of her studio, so I got myself over a $100 (retail) worth of tools for $15. Yee haw!

  14. new objective: bisque in big oval. Rolled more labs today. Mixed some colored slipped for buncheong

  15. 100 degrees in the studio. 115 degrees put side. And trying to get my kiln fixed. Waiting on parts, again. I think maybe the heats getting to me. I told my wife I wanted to quit.

  16. 5th night in a row firing. I will figure out this celadon thickness if its the death of my elements.

  17. 5th night in a row firing. I will figure out this celadon thickness if its the death of my elements.

  18. I just finished a website update today. If anyone has a moment, would you mind giving it a browse for errors, bugs or slow loading photos please? www.dieselclay.com

  19. I just finished a website update today. If anyone has a moment, would you mind giving it a browse for errors, bugs or slow loading photos please? www.dieselclay.com

  20. Finally got to use my diamond bit hole cutter to perforate a little kiln shelf for my demo kiln. I got the bit at NCECA and it works great!

  21. Just acquired just under a ton of semi-dry Coleman porcelain clay...re-constituting this mess may take a while.

  22. Just acquired just under a ton of semi-dry Coleman porcelain clay...re-constituting this mess may take a while.

  23. posted pictures from the workshop in Scotland in my gallery under its on album. I also saw some great Lucie Rie pots and a collection of bernard Leach and family pots.

  24. posted pictures from the workshop in Scotland in my gallery under its on album. I also saw some great Lucie Rie pots and a collection of bernard Leach and family pots.

  25. I forget how nice throwing porcelain is. Bought a bag of 365, never have tried it before. very nice indeed.

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