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Marcia Selsor

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Status Replies posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. forgot how finicky porcelin can be.........

  2. Can't stop watching all the potters on Periscope...must remember to sleeep

  3. finished my little raku kiln to take on a road trip up to Kansas and beyond. Posted a picture in my gallery.

  4. Got my kiln going after a near two week of the flu. Feeling good about it.

  5. Really dodged a bullet on this latest glaze firing...whatever low fire glaze that was accidentally included was on the interior/rim of a bowl and did little harm (except for a few not-so-interesting drips). Whew!!

  6. I have posted photos to my gallery of alternate firing techniques using a small electric NOVA kiln.

  7. Flu's been getting me down all week, but feeling positive it's gonna end, hehe.

  8. Great bird watching in the back yard: Osprey, Anhinga, Egrets, three types of heron, Rosiette Spoonbill, and Ibis, Green-winged Teals, Coots, Cormorants. All this is very distracting but exciting to watch.

  9. Will be helping with adult ceramics class on Saturdays for next 5 weeks. Will not make last class as it is on the 19th of March. I will be returning from NCECA.

  10. Home for a month with lots to do! Must make work for the wood extravaganza at UK during the NCECA pre-conference, make pieces for trading with friends, do taxes, and write some articles. whew!

  11. Home for a month with lots to do! Must make work for the wood extravaganza at UK during the NCECA pre-conference, make pieces for trading with friends, do taxes, and write some articles. whew!

  12. finished two raku kilns yesterday but not the flashing idea. These are oil drum kilns with 1/3 cut off. Also added a burner holder. One is a replacement for my smaller raku kiln and the other is for a friend. the flashing ended up around the grapefruit trees for protection against rates. It seems to be working.

  13. finished two raku kilns yesterday but not the flashing idea. These are oil drum kilns with 1/3 cut off. Also added a burner holder. One is a replacement for my smaller raku kiln and the other is for a friend. the flashing ended up around the grapefruit trees for protection against rates. It seems to be working.

  14. Delay on making small traveling Raku kiln. Flashing went to protect my citrus trees. They are looking like the tin man. Must get some other things done first. New gallery in Montana.

  15. collected shells yesterday for the wood firing in Kansas pre-NCECA conference. There is an abundance down here so I offered to bring a bunch.

  16. studio maintenance in the works. Building 3 raku kilns in the next few days. I have a workshop on South Padre Island and need to replace my old worn out rusted barrel. Also trying a smaller version with steel facing that I have had for years 20" wide. I have had this idea for several years just didn't want to do it. Today is beautiful, sunny and 61 F.

  17. Shop floor mopped, clay trim reclaimed, wheel head refinished. Clay order on the way. No better way to get re-energized than to re-tool the shop.

  18. Just threw off the hump for the first time. Can't wait to get more clay to try a larger amount! A very exciting evening all round. :-D

  19. Having trouble ccreating an avatar ......

  20. Having trouble ccreating an avatar ......

  21. What is the difference between arrogance and confidence? Arrogance requires a voice, confidence is assured even when silent.

  22. enjoying home life and family over the holidays. Need to get some work shipped out by next week.

  23. I am going to have a lot of time to read while I wait in the coming months, anyone have any opinions on a few good pottery books, informative or inspirational or both?

  24. Be kind,work hard,stay humble,=smile often,travel when possible...never stop learning= Be thankful ..New resolution for new Year

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