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    liambesaw got a reaction from Gabby in QotW: How does your process involve object design?   
    I do a mix of drawing and then "sketching" with clay.  I usually have something in mind but will play with the design in clay until I'm happy with it.  Once I have a form I like, I will make more and save a finished piece as a reminder when I go to make more.
  2. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Roberta12 in QotW: How does your process involve object design?   
    I do a mix of drawing and then "sketching" with clay.  I usually have something in mind but will play with the design in clay until I'm happy with it.  Once I have a form I like, I will make more and save a finished piece as a reminder when I go to make more.
  3. Like
    liambesaw reacted to neilestrick in Geeks only - Raspberry PI controlled kiln   
    Just so you have a point of comparison, I fired my E18T-3 yesterday, a fast bisque firing with a 4 hour preheat, and it averaged about 2,600 relay cycles per kiln section. These are typical mechanical relays. Because SSR's have a longer lifespan, it's okay to have them switch more, plus all that switching can increase element life. When relays switch less, the element has greater variation in temperature. That is, it heats up and cools down every time the relay turns it on and off. The longer the time period switched off, the greater the variation in the temperature of the element. As we know, metal expands and contracts as it heats and cools, and that movement decreases the life span of the element. By switching more often, the element can maintain a more constant temperature, which increases its life. So why don't all the manufacturers use SSR relays? Because they cost more, require an additional safety relay (even more cost), and most people don't care enough to justify the greater cost.
  4. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from LeeU in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    I don't think it's because a movie made pottery iconic, I think it's because there's some kind of sensual overtone to the joke that comes with it.  I don't even tell people I make pottery anymore because of it, even though it's a large part of my daily life.  I get "ooo lah lah, like in ghost?" With winks and rapid eyebrow raises.  I don't know what happens in ghost, but just from people's reactions there must have been something smutty or something.  Makes me feel gross and uncomfortable.
  5. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from hitchmss in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    I was always exposed to ceramics from kindergarten on through college.  Didn't have money for a wheel, kiln, clay, etc until my mid 30s where I am now.  My recent inspiration was my neighbor who is a metal and woodworking artist, I told him I used to really enjoy ceramics and he said I should just do it.  So I did.
  6. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Rae Reich in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    I've never seen ghost but have to hear about it all the time.  Wish there was a newer movie that had pottery in it so I could stop hearing the same wise cracks all the time.  All I'm asking for is a little variety
  7. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Min in What’s on your workbench?   
    Picked up a used kiln yesterday.  Crucible 234, inside dimensions 23x18.  It's a cone 10 electric with 3 inch brick.  It needs new elements and two of the grooved bricks have chipped but overall good condition!  The person I bought it from only fired to cone 06, so that's nice. The elements are functional but bulged in the bottom ring, might as well replace them if I'm going to have to pin them anyway, right?
    Next step is getting the 50amp outlet installed outside, get a few bisques in, and then try making this raspberry pi controller.  Not a bad kiln for 75 dollars I think.  Anyone know a cheap electrician? Haha
    I made some divided plates last week and my wife likes them so I'll make some more this week.

  8. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Rae Reich in What’s on your workbench?   
    Will do, first step is saving up for the electrician.  Luckily there will be less than a foot of wire to run, the kiln is just on the other side of the wall from my circuit breaker.  After all is said and done will be nice not to blow 15 bucks in propane every time I bisque.
  9. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Rae Reich in What’s on your workbench?   
    Picked up a used kiln yesterday.  Crucible 234, inside dimensions 23x18.  It's a cone 10 electric with 3 inch brick.  It needs new elements and two of the grooved bricks have chipped but overall good condition!  The person I bought it from only fired to cone 06, so that's nice. The elements are functional but bulged in the bottom ring, might as well replace them if I'm going to have to pin them anyway, right?
    Next step is getting the 50amp outlet installed outside, get a few bisques in, and then try making this raspberry pi controller.  Not a bad kiln for 75 dollars I think.  Anyone know a cheap electrician? Haha
    I made some divided plates last week and my wife likes them so I'll make some more this week.

  10. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from GEP in What’s on your workbench?   
    Picked up a used kiln yesterday.  Crucible 234, inside dimensions 23x18.  It's a cone 10 electric with 3 inch brick.  It needs new elements and two of the grooved bricks have chipped but overall good condition!  The person I bought it from only fired to cone 06, so that's nice. The elements are functional but bulged in the bottom ring, might as well replace them if I'm going to have to pin them anyway, right?
    Next step is getting the 50amp outlet installed outside, get a few bisques in, and then try making this raspberry pi controller.  Not a bad kiln for 75 dollars I think.  Anyone know a cheap electrician? Haha
    I made some divided plates last week and my wife likes them so I'll make some more this week.

  11. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Bill Kielb in What’s on your workbench?   
    Picked up a used kiln yesterday.  Crucible 234, inside dimensions 23x18.  It's a cone 10 electric with 3 inch brick.  It needs new elements and two of the grooved bricks have chipped but overall good condition!  The person I bought it from only fired to cone 06, so that's nice. The elements are functional but bulged in the bottom ring, might as well replace them if I'm going to have to pin them anyway, right?
    Next step is getting the 50amp outlet installed outside, get a few bisques in, and then try making this raspberry pi controller.  Not a bad kiln for 75 dollars I think.  Anyone know a cheap electrician? Haha
    I made some divided plates last week and my wife likes them so I'll make some more this week.

  12. Like
    liambesaw reacted to Mark C. in What’s on your workbench?   
    Here's that last load that came out last week.This is the kiln load in above post
    It was a loose load -what I call a year end clean up fire.
    Now its a everyday selling pots  at my pottery booth and dropping pots off at my 9 outlets in this county. Xmas is go time in my world.
    The 25th is time to put my feet up. Then its stock up the outlets for the slow winter months.

  13. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Marcia Selsor in What’s on your workbench?   
    Well, lost track of time and blew up half of the lidded jars while candling.  No biggie!  I ended up making some larger bowls and have them drying out by the kiln right now!

  14. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from VladCruceanu in What’s on your workbench?   
    Well worked my way through all of my bags of iron-rich stoneware.... Or so I thought.  100 lbs of reclaim looks just about ready to throw with, so I'll be wedging up some of that tonight to see if it's still got legs.  While burning through my bags I used this stuff called Goldbar Brown and it was pretty stiff, but it made throwing large pretty easy, might have to pick some more of it up if I like the fired appearance.  I made a pretty good sized lidded jar with it and I know with my standard clay I would have had the torch out a few times at least.

  15. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from glazenerd in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    I was always exposed to ceramics from kindergarten on through college.  Didn't have money for a wheel, kiln, clay, etc until my mid 30s where I am now.  My recent inspiration was my neighbor who is a metal and woodworking artist, I told him I used to really enjoy ceramics and he said I should just do it.  So I did.
  16. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Callie Beller Diesel in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    I was always exposed to ceramics from kindergarten on through college.  Didn't have money for a wheel, kiln, clay, etc until my mid 30s where I am now.  My recent inspiration was my neighbor who is a metal and woodworking artist, I told him I used to really enjoy ceramics and he said I should just do it.  So I did.
  17. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Marcia Selsor in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    I was always exposed to ceramics from kindergarten on through college.  Didn't have money for a wheel, kiln, clay, etc until my mid 30s where I am now.  My recent inspiration was my neighbor who is a metal and woodworking artist, I told him I used to really enjoy ceramics and he said I should just do it.  So I did.
  18. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Rae Reich in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    I was always exposed to ceramics from kindergarten on through college.  Didn't have money for a wheel, kiln, clay, etc until my mid 30s where I am now.  My recent inspiration was my neighbor who is a metal and woodworking artist, I told him I used to really enjoy ceramics and he said I should just do it.  So I did.
  19. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Rae Reich in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    Sounds more like an journey of self-punishment.  I thank you for your sacrifice though, I've learned more than a little from your explorations posted here on the forums.
  20. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from terrim8 in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    Sounds more like an journey of self-punishment.  I thank you for your sacrifice though, I've learned more than a little from your explorations posted here on the forums.
  21. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from dhPotter in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    I was always exposed to ceramics from kindergarten on through college.  Didn't have money for a wheel, kiln, clay, etc until my mid 30s where I am now.  My recent inspiration was my neighbor who is a metal and woodworking artist, I told him I used to really enjoy ceramics and he said I should just do it.  So I did.
  22. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Pres in QotW:When, where, what, or who influenced you to begin your journey into pottery? If you care to share: what was it exactly about pottery that drew your interest?   
    Sounds more like an journey of self-punishment.  I thank you for your sacrifice though, I've learned more than a little from your explorations posted here on the forums.
  23. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Benzine in What’s on your workbench?   
    Welllllllllp, I ended up having time to go get clay over the weekend.  Picked up 500lbs, as well as some glaze chemicals I wanted.  I threw a big 15lb moon jar out of recycled clay last night, wow what an experience!  It was probably a little softer than I should have thrown with but it was a lot of fun and great practice for throwing bigger.  My new goal is to center and throw a 25 pounds vessel which is I think the max my rk2 is rated for.  I probably won't be able to fire a piece that big without modifying my kiln, but I guess it's a personal challenge.  Anyhow, with all of this brand new clay in my hands I need to get busy throwing some real stuff too.  Bowls, bowls, bowls.
  24. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    Welllllllllp, I ended up having time to go get clay over the weekend.  Picked up 500lbs, as well as some glaze chemicals I wanted.  I threw a big 15lb moon jar out of recycled clay last night, wow what an experience!  It was probably a little softer than I should have thrown with but it was a lot of fun and great practice for throwing bigger.  My new goal is to center and throw a 25 pounds vessel which is I think the max my rk2 is rated for.  I probably won't be able to fire a piece that big without modifying my kiln, but I guess it's a personal challenge.  Anyhow, with all of this brand new clay in my hands I need to get busy throwing some real stuff too.  Bowls, bowls, bowls.
  25. Like
    liambesaw got a reaction from Rae Reich in What’s on your workbench?   
    Welllllllllp, I ended up having time to go get clay over the weekend.  Picked up 500lbs, as well as some glaze chemicals I wanted.  I threw a big 15lb moon jar out of recycled clay last night, wow what an experience!  It was probably a little softer than I should have thrown with but it was a lot of fun and great practice for throwing bigger.  My new goal is to center and throw a 25 pounds vessel which is I think the max my rk2 is rated for.  I probably won't be able to fire a piece that big without modifying my kiln, but I guess it's a personal challenge.  Anyhow, with all of this brand new clay in my hands I need to get busy throwing some real stuff too.  Bowls, bowls, bowls.
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