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    Hulk reacted to Min in What’s on your workbench?   
    Some of 75 assorted mini vases for wedding favours, 60 done, 15 more to do.

  2. Like
    Hulk reacted to Pres in What’s on your workbench?   
    Reposted as I had it in the wrong strand!  These are a few from the last load.


  3. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Chilly in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    Condolences Chilly.
    ...I'm still noting topics for next conversation with Dad - coming up will be twelve years - Mom was always easy to chat with, Dad, I kept/keep a running list of things to talk 'bout. I believe Mom watches out for me; coming up will be five years ...dozens of occasions I'll have a random thought to turn here, stop and check a tire, etc. right before a tight spot; thanks Mom!
  4. Like
    Hulk reacted to Benzine in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    As I noted, in my recent Status Update, my cat Mari, hangs out in the studio, sometimes more than I do.  The past couple months, she was sleeping against my tool storage bag, and it was matted with her fur.
    She used to get into my throwing water bucket, and steal my sponge.  I'd have to follow the trail, to figure out what she did with it.  
    My daughter will occasionally come in, as she has an easel in there.  When she was younger,she used to come in, when I was trimming, and collect all my scraps to throw in my reclaim container.  She doesn't do that anymore...
  5. Like
    Hulk reacted to Selchie in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    Hulk, Is that a self-cleaning wheel???? There would be a market for that - a Roomba for the studio, too. Sigh. I expect it is too good to be true, but maybe some day.
    I use a bluetooth speaker, too - listen to audio books, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting) podcasts, and ABC (Australian Broadcasting) podcasts.
  6. Like
    Hulk reacted to Jackpots in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    Bandit keeps me company.  I hope it is true that dog hair fires out in the kiln!

  7. Like
    Hulk reacted to Pres in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    Understand house having an attitude. Years ago, our starter home that we never moved from had an attitude. Doors we knew were closed were open, footsteps sounded in the middle of the night, things in the attic were moved around, doors would slam without any reason. Disconcerting! Over the years, we have made major changes to the house, stripped rooms to bare walls and redone, added space with bump outs at old porches, created different movement patterns by consolidating smaller rooms, and made a bathroom suite across the back of the second floor while adding a downstairs bath. House is now quite quiet. I guess things are at rest or it wasn't home anymore. We did find out that there was a tragedy when someone died in a burning kitchen, evidenced from framing exposed during a kitchen renovation a few years ago.
  8. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    My furry companion passed a couple of weeks ago, and everything is so quiet without her. 
  9. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    I totally agree the passed friends,  relatives and pets look out for you.   My MS is very slow progressing,  my neuro calls me wonder woman.  I had two aunts that had MS and I think they are doing everything they can to slow it down.  I have also  asked pets from the past to help me with my current dog.  The first time it was for a behavioral problem,  my dog settled down immediately after I asked for help.    Ten years later my dog decides he doesn't want to eat any more,  he lost so much weight his hip bones stuck out.  The vet ran a bunch of test and couldn't find anything wrong with him.   I asked for help and he started eating again and regained the needed weight.  I use to live in a haunted house and the spirit  was listening   all of the time and let us know if he was unhappy with us.  My pottery studio was in the basement and he used to play with the balance beam scale.       Denice
  10. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Denice in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    Condolences Chilly.
    ...I'm still noting topics for next conversation with Dad - coming up will be twelve years - Mom was always easy to chat with, Dad, I kept/keep a running list of things to talk 'bout. I believe Mom watches out for me; coming up will be five years ...dozens of occasions I'll have a random thought to turn here, stop and check a tire, etc. right before a tight spot; thanks Mom!
  11. Like
    Hulk reacted to Chilly in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    I have the box containing my dad's ashes.  Soon to be joined by my mum's as she passed away last weekend.
    Live companions include the robins nesting under the greenhouse staging, many bees and butterflies - which, unfortunately get caught up in the spider's webs before I can set them free.
    Occasionally a sparrowhawk sitting in the tree outside the window.
  12. Like
    Hulk reacted to Mark C. in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    I have full blown large set of speakers(cerwin-vega) in studio also a set in outer kiln loading area-and 5 more sets spread around like kitchen living room salt kiln-office all hooked to two 300 cd disc players and also can pipem pandora thru the system.Most speakers have their own volume control nearby. The players and amp is in the living room so its dust free.There is a 8 speaker control as well. Player goes all day on shuffle .Or pandora on a shuffle mix .
    Music is must for me. 
  13. Like
    Hulk reacted to Min in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    I bought one in January for my workroom. I like that it is voice controlled but would really recommend syncing a bluetooth speaker to it. The Echo speaker is okay for listening to the news or talk radio etc but for music I find the sound quality is pretty bad, worse when you crank up the volume. 
    @Hulk, I don't think my wheel is ever that clean! 
  14. Like
    Hulk reacted to LeeU in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    A rat took up residence in my studio (a converted bedroom in my old-ish mobil home)  while I was out of town for a couple of weeks.  He ate--completely destroyed--the good welder's gloves with the extended cuffs for stoking the big anagama kiln.  He ate my leather studeo shoes. He ate all things cardboard. He ate my foam core and one dry wall shelf board. He ate a plasaic  texture roller. He ate through the old semi-crumbling cement foundation (!) to get in and out. He did not eat any food. I did not have a cat. I highly recommend that you add a second cat. 
  15. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    I have a nice Bluetooth speaker setup in my shed that I blast tunes on.  But most of the time I'm throwing alone in silence.  
    There are also a few camcorders for recording what I'm doing so I can watch it back and/or make YouTube videos.  That's kind of like having a companion, I feel like the cameras are a person and talk to them too.  I also talk to myself while I'm throwing even if the cameras are off though, so I guess the voices in my head are another companion haha. 
    Recently I found a rat or squirrel had visited my studio, so I wonder if they have taken up residence.  I don't think so because there's no food and my cat is in and out all day, but there was evidence!

  16. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    I use to have a television on or a radio and my dog sleeping next to me.   Now that my husband has retired  he is in and out of my studio hanging around,  borrowing a tool or just cooling down.  I have to really concentrate on what I am working on because of all of the new distractions.    I don't mind him getting out of the heat,  the garage isn't air conditioned,   I will get use to our new life eventually.  Denice
  17. Like
    Hulk reacted to terrim8 in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    podcasts : Marketplace, Planet Money, Freakanomics - its all so interesting & entertaining
  18. Like
    Hulk reacted to Pres in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    As there have not been any new questions in the question pool, I will pose an old question.  QotW: What is your studio companion lately? This for some of you may be a pet, or it may be a radio, or a television or some other device . . . CD player. . . 8 track tape?  At any rate, I pose the question.
    I have a television in my studio, and use old movies or movies that I don't have to watch to keep me company. Long hours of wedging and throwing can be repetitive and to some degree boring. The tv adds a little noise and on occasion I do watch. Lately though, I have been wondering about putting an Echo Dot in the studio. The prices right now are really low. it is voice controlled, and can play off of a variety of streaming services both free and for subscription. I prefer free! It will also play audio books. Might be a possibility. What are your thoughts?
  19. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Koojakkaran in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    Condolences Chilly.
    ...I'm still noting topics for next conversation with Dad - coming up will be twelve years - Mom was always easy to chat with, Dad, I kept/keep a running list of things to talk 'bout. I believe Mom watches out for me; coming up will be five years ...dozens of occasions I'll have a random thought to turn here, stop and check a tire, etc. right before a tight spot; thanks Mom!
  20. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Marcia Selsor in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    … reflections on 61+ years in this life, local Public Radio, KPIG (also radio), mp3 library - all through 6.1 surround sound, the local birds (when door is open), passing neighbors, an' good ol' Jack the Nanday conure.

  21. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Koojakkaran in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    … reflections on 61+ years in this life, local Public Radio, KPIG (also radio), mp3 library - all through 6.1 surround sound, the local birds (when door is open), passing neighbors, an' good ol' Jack the Nanday conure.

  22. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from oldlady in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    … reflections on 61+ years in this life, local Public Radio, KPIG (also radio), mp3 library - all through 6.1 surround sound, the local birds (when door is open), passing neighbors, an' good ol' Jack the Nanday conure.

  23. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Min in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    … reflections on 61+ years in this life, local Public Radio, KPIG (also radio), mp3 library - all through 6.1 surround sound, the local birds (when door is open), passing neighbors, an' good ol' Jack the Nanday conure.

  24. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from LeeU in QotW: What is your studio companion lately?   
    … reflections on 61+ years in this life, local Public Radio, KPIG (also radio), mp3 library - all through 6.1 surround sound, the local birds (when door is open), passing neighbors, an' good ol' Jack the Nanday conure.

  25. Like
    Hulk reacted to Joy pots in What’s on your workbench?   
    Got a huge order of honey pots & mugs, just hope my back holds out as this may be the last large order I’m capable to make.
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