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About Hulk

  • Birthday October 13

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  • Location
    : Chico, CA
  • Interests
    Pizza, swimming, cycling, reading, puttering ...and ceramics

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  1. Moved!

    We made it all the way to our new town* ok this last Sunday.

    Most all our stuff is in storage whilst we stay with our Son and look for a new house. The movers left my wheel and a box of clay near the front, so I might set up to start making greenware** if I get bored, heh. ...no idea where my ribs, sponges, stick, chamois an' all are. However, this town has what appears to be a fully appointed Ceramic Supply store! !! It's open on Tuesday and Saturday, I want to go to there...

    This was a nice space to work in.
    That big window supplies a lot of light.
    Lots of shelving, just enough counter space.
    The next space, I'll need some heating/cooling, for it gets both hotter and colder here than Los Osos...



    The back yard was coming along.
    Just about everything needs a pruning.
    I hope the new owners keep it up and, And, keep the bird feeder full...
    There are many of the same small/songbirds here in Chico. Interesting that the House Finch here has a slightly different song than those in Los Osos.


    *Chico, California
    Where IMCO is just over a hundred miles away; I'll be able to make a clay run on little more than a whim!

    **I'd smashed a hundred fifty plus hours of work into buckets for reclaiming later on.

    1. High Bridge Pottery

      High Bridge Pottery

      Beautiful garden. You never know how much stuff you have until you pack it up and move it :lol: I wish you well in finding a new home.

    2. shawnhar


      Congrats? on getting into your new place. Your old studio looked great!, and that back yard looked really nice.

      We had to add heat/air to ours too, and the heat broke in October, the part finally arrived in January, lol.

    3. JohnnyK


      Chico is going to be a big change from Los Osos. You mentioned IMCO in Sacramento for your clay. You also have Alpha Fired Arts in Sacramento for ALL your needs. If you're in the Sacramento area in the future, let me know and we can do lunch!

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