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Status Updates posted by Hulk

  1. Was catching up on foot polishing, washing, and inspection this week, then took a few new pictures.
    I like this teapot. It pours well too!



    1. Denice


      Nice looking teapot,   does it pore well?   I have trouble with pouring,  they look good but are nonfunctional     Denice

    2. Hulk


      Hi Denice!
      Yes, it does pour well - not ideally perfect, but well.
      I've been working on what makes a spout pour well. If I'm able to demonstrate what is effective and why, I'll then submit my findings for publication and (whether it gets published or not) share my findings here on the Forum.

  2. Lower back has been nagging, trying more rest; cycling, construction and maintenance projects on hold, hence, more chatty on the Forum!

    ...yesterday, a few careful hours in the Studio went ok, heading out to try that again now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GEP


      Treat Your Own Back, by Robin McKensie. 

      This book did wonders for my lower back, by opening my eyes to what I was doing wrong. Changed some daily habits, and my back has never felt better. It’s an inexpensive book, and a quick read. Highly recommend it!

    3. Pres


      Had 2 broken vertebrae when 19, wore a back brace 3yr, chest constrictor 2 yr. Back pain is not new, but found that push-ups, and other exercises alleviated the pain. When bad, wedging helped also, Hanging from an overhead bar and wiggling your hips help also. In the long run better muscles do the job, but the older we get. .. . 



    4. Hulk


      I'll second the recommendation of McKenzie's book

      I've been a traction fan for over fifty years, that too!

      Much better these last few days, thanks all...

  3. firstfire.jpg.93e89df96a1137b438f9b060d848ee34.jpg

    Recommended initial fire underway!

    I'm guessing that making will now be more about making than practicing and experimenting.

    I'm watching the temp differential between the instrument I'd used on the prior (fully manual) kiln and the new kiln's displayed temp (not sure if it's a composite/average of the three thermocouples, the middle one, or?), which might help, for I'll be trying to replicate the firing profile I was using afore*...

    Finished up the wiring today; it was all done except for terminating at the main panel...

    *Thanks to those who'd shared their initial experience on making the leap from fully manual to auto!

    1. JohnnyK


      Good Luck, Tom...I think you'll find auto-firing a delight. You will have to experiment with firing schedules at first and there should be some recommendations in the user's manual. I also found John brick's schedules to be helpful. Once you've established your primary schedules, future firings will be a breeze!

    2. Denice


      Congrats on the new kiln,  I bought the slightly shorter model like your about 9 months ago with a Genisis controller.   I was also hesitant to jump into controlled firings,   I had been using a dual Skutt digital thermocouple set up for 15 years.  The L&L  had a larger diameter than my old Skutt so my husband put commercial casters on it.  I keep it in a corner and then roll it out to load, fire and unload.   With it deep in the corner I have room to work with my other kilns.  I will be checking out John Blicks firing schedules.  Have fun!    Denice

  4. We closed today!

    We have keys and remotes; tomorrow we'll start moving things from storage.

    The garage space has one big "two car" door and a one car door.
    The one car space will become ...Studio!
    My plans include putting up a wall to close off the one car space, with a person door near the back - door with a big window in it, to catch some of the light from that North facing window.
    We'll run wiring in the new wall, separate the overhead lighting from the rest of the garage, and add several flat mount LED lights up there.
    The heat pump thing will go on that far wall somewhere, the kiln in the corner by the rollup door.

    It's a nice space. The window isn't as big as the prior Studio's, but it will bring it a lot of light, being Westerly.
    The space is a bit bigger.


    The roll about shelving we negotiated for from the sellers.
    I'll very likely use a few of them on the Studio side; they are adjustable and very stout.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roberta12


      Hooray!  Congratulations!

    3. Bill Kielb
    4. Hulk


      We closed out our storage units last week.
      Yesterday we moved out of our son's house and spent our first night in the new house!

  5. Moved!

    We made it all the way to our new town* ok this last Sunday.

    Most all our stuff is in storage whilst we stay with our Son and look for a new house. The movers left my wheel and a box of clay near the front, so I might set up to start making greenware** if I get bored, heh. ...no idea where my ribs, sponges, stick, chamois an' all are. However, this town has what appears to be a fully appointed Ceramic Supply store! !! It's open on Tuesday and Saturday, I want to go to there...

    This was a nice space to work in.
    That big window supplies a lot of light.
    Lots of shelving, just enough counter space.
    The next space, I'll need some heating/cooling, for it gets both hotter and colder here than Los Osos...



    The back yard was coming along.
    Just about everything needs a pruning.
    I hope the new owners keep it up and, And, keep the bird feeder full...
    There are many of the same small/songbirds here in Chico. Interesting that the House Finch here has a slightly different song than those in Los Osos.


    *Chico, California
    Where IMCO is just over a hundred miles away; I'll be able to make a clay run on little more than a whim!

    **I'd smashed a hundred fifty plus hours of work into buckets for reclaiming later on.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LeeU


      Way cool!!! Best wishes-how exciting!

    3. Denice


      Congratulations on your new house and studio,  you will love having a real studio.   I have had areas in homes that I worked  in and even a tiny building  but they were never a real studio.    We built our new house and  a studio  plumbed  and wired for a potter (me).   I love it,  I could live in it,  when you get settled you will love your studio.    Denice

    4. oldlady


      you are going to have many  very happy birds in chico.  and the vegetation will get even lovelier than that photo.   can't wait to see the new location description in your avatar.

  6. Hi Donna!

    May I suggest you post your question to the "Studio Operations and Making Work" forum?


    A couple thoughts

      Did you have cones at same level as the thermocouple? Expect there to be warmer and cooler places...

      Do you have an idea how fast the temp was rising the last hour or so? Note that the cones bend at lower temps when it's taking longer to get hotter - shoot for 2237F for cone 5.5 when the rate is 270F/hour



    1. DonnaN


      That's interesting because the temperature read 2237 at the hottest.  It then started to move down.  We have a call into the ConeArt company to see what we can alter or if we did something incorrectly.  It must have gotten to close to 2295 or hotter because the cone 7 cone was bent all the way over as well.  I don't know about the rate of temperature rise.  Oh, so much to learn!

    2. Hulk


      Each of the three columns is a different rate; to reach cone 5 where the rate is 27F/hour, stop at 2118F.

      If the rate is much faster, e.g. 270F/hour, then take it up to 2205F

      Your cone 7 will bend at 2194 if there's enough "heat work" (iow, slow rate).

      I've fired one glaze load in my home kiln; I overfired on account o' my thermocouple reads a bit low, and my rate is slow as well...

    3. Bill Kielb

      Bill Kielb

      The v6CF defaults to about 120 degrees per hour in the last 250 degrees of firing in cone fire mode. so their built  in cone table will say 2232 I believe. I just replied with a post detailing some simple questions and we can send her the basic V6Cf technical setup. It’s pretty easy and since she is close likely will help correct the situation.

      she will need to get familiar with fast glaze, slow glaze, etc..... as well 

  7. Hulk

    Hi Sue!

    Copy your question to equipment use and repair thread?


    ...I'm not finding anything on Scarva's website this morning. Is it a hand pump unit?

    1. Sue T

      Sue T

      yes it is.  You can pump it up and it sprays for a while.  Looks like they have 2 versions.  One you have to pump all the time and the other, which holds the pressure for a little while.  The one review I read said you get very little mist generated, which sounds good.

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