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Status Updates posted by Pres

  1. Honey jars and mugs dleivered to Savannah Bee. Whew!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gabby


      I always love those honey pots, quite the prettiest I have seen anywhere.

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      sounds fair for both parties price wise 

    4. Pres


      Hope so, as this is my first time with wholesale.



  2. I have posted PKQotW #42 and added the Answer key to #41.

    Sorry to be so far behind. . .

  3. I just posted the PQotW#34. It is guaranteed to be something different and challenging.




  4. I will be going away this week for a little camping trip to Acadia, ME. Will return the following Monday 9.11.

    Bruce, John and others will be covering for me.

  5. In Honolulu this week. We get on cruise ship on Saturday. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Min


      Have a wonderful trip!

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      One other off then radar thing is the early morning fish wholesale market-its opens at dark 30 and is worth going to to see them auction off all the days giant tuna and all restaurant fish for all of the islands-I did it 20 years ago and it was a highlite.Check it out

    4. Pres


      Bishop Museum today was great. New building, and some additions I had hot seen. In ten years this town has really built up. We are at the Ohana about one block from the International Market place. Nice room. I could only do a few days at Aulani, price and boredom.

  6. In the midst of rebuilding my tower. CPU was 6yrs old, went dead. Requires a new Mobo, CPU and RAM as everything was out of date. . .no longer manufactured, and none out there. Oh well, should be up and running tomorrow.





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      yes. Hope it all works out.



    3. glazenerd



      My Windows 98 (remember that version) is still purring like a kitten downstairs.

    4. Pres


      Yeah this machine of mine had a 6 core processor, and a 2 tb drive with a 120gb SSD drive. I had built it myself 5 years ago for 3D design and animation, along with running various other machines like a stencil cutter. It has run well,  but many times they do go POOF! Still trying to get the  new board up and running, but have help from the Mobo manufacturer.




  7. Just posted PQotW 26, Enjoy!




  8. Kiln arrived yesterday, and is now in the shop. I am in the process of reassembling, and have an electrician coming to do whatever needs done with the wiring into service. I am also getting ready to set the vent into the chimney at back corner.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pres


      Assembled, now I am waiting on electrician.


      When the old J236 broke down, it was in the middle of a firing. The cones had turned white, and the pots were all glaze fired, but lacked depth and appropriate hardness. I believe the kiln reached about 2150F. Therefore, I have enough of a load to fire in the new kiln. The old kiln would hold 2 patens(plates) at a layer with overlap of rims at different heights. The new kiln will handle 3 to a layer, and will handle quite a load of chalices at the top levels.  The first firing will not be packed, but will get me used to what is going on.

    3. GEP


      Congrats, Pres! 

    4. dondon


      great news! hee hee exciting....x

  9. Kiln was sold probably before posted here. So I didn't get it! Dang!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. oldlady


      there are 2 kilns advertised on craigslist for long island.  one has only one sentence about a paragon Dragon.  no phone number, posted awhile ago.   the other is for a paragon Viking and is current per a phone call this morning.   PRESTON, PLEASE CONTACT THEM.   SEE MY PM TO YOU.

    3. Pres


      Really will hold out for an L&L, mine is nearly 30 now and still runs great.. . . not sure of others out there. Thanks for thinking of me.


    4. oldlady


      OK, i will stop looking.   it is just that kilns with controllers and all the shelves and other goodies do not come up very often so i jumped on it.   hope something L&L comes up soon.

  10. Kiln wiring is in, will set up wifi, and update software and then run an empty test firing.

  11. My wife's fracture is a spiral involving the prothesis. Present treatment is continue to wear brace/sling and see if arm will heal on its own. If not, future surgery will require plate and bone graft.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LeeU


      sounds absolutely awful--best wishes

    3. Pres


      Last of heavy meds only at night now. Nothing during the day. She is doing pretty well.

    4. Roberta12


      That sounds brutal Pres!  Send her my best thoughts for healing!


  12. New kiln was shipped today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady


      congrats on entering the 20th century!

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Congrats-I still am in the Stone Age with a Manuel kiln. Enjoy all the time off after the learning curve.

    4. Pres


      Received a call today from shipper.  Kiln will be delivered tomorrow morning. Asked for it early as I have appointments (bowling) in the afternoon.

      Have to have it dropped at the driveway. Luckily tomorrow is a no rain day.

  13. Okay guys, I think we have had enough of a vacation, I have just posted PQothW 40. Did you think I was getting lazy?




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pres


      I have concrete everywhere. Right now, the ice is terrible! Have a post hole digger that has a 4" flat blade weighs about 15# so it will scrape up ice well without a lot of chopping work.



    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Just wait until the thaw

    4. Pres


      Not on a public sidewalk, we don't dare.

  14. Popping popcorn and mailing out communion sets.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Denice


      I have never heard of using popcorn for packing material.   We just save the packing material we receive in the mail.   We just ran out of boxes and my husband needed to send a car part he had sold on E-bay.   To solve our problem decided to order some groceries from Walmart,  if you spend over $35 you get free freight.   So far we have received only a fourth of our order but it was in a nice sturdy box.   As  our order trickles in we will be getting more boxes,  I got a e-mail notifying me of a back order.  I am glad I didn't order anything I was in desperate need of.   Denice

    3. Pres


      We go out once in a while, I had to go to State College on Monday afternoon as I was running out of popcorn and bubble wrap. Groceries once every 10 days or so, masks, etc. Staying in otherwise.

      I have been using popcorn for years. Haven't lost a pot as long as I compress the box and wrap pieces individually in bubble wrap. 

    4. Denice


      I was wondering if you also wrapped them in bubble wrap.

  15. potentiometer for the CXC Brent arrived today, put it in when I find a few minutes. Flooding did the thing in!

    1. Pyewackette


      FLOODING?  What happened?

    2. Pres


      Don't really know, Walked into the shop after the snow and ice we had, it was thawing outside. The shop had 4" of ice on the floor covering the foot pedal, the extension socket on the floor, and some of the bisqueware on the floor along with many other items. All thawed out, but the damage to the foot pedal and the extension socket. Easy enough to fix, As to where the water came from 3 possibilities: drain in the floor that leads to an underground river, brick walls that are worn after the last century, and the garage door that does not have a lip, just a rubber seal on the door itself. Who knows!! First time it ever happened in over 20 years.

    3. Pyewackette


      OMG well maybe set the foot pedal and extension thingy up on the wheel when not in use?  Of course I'm an abnormally clean potter and I always leave my station shiny.  Wouldn't work for someone who cleans Simon Leach style.  I mean I love the guy but his work space makes me shudder ...

      Glad the damage wasn't worse.

  16. PQothW # 39 is ready to tease your gray matter!





    1. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      grey matter is all thats left

    2. Pres


      Can never remember English, or American spelling!




  17. PQothW #38 is up. . . . good luck!



  18. PQothW#37 is ready for your viewing/participation.




  19. PQotW #25 is up and ready for your enjoyment. Carefully!;)




  20. PQotW #30 is up and ready!




  21. PQotW #31 is up and ready to test you. Good luck!

  22. PQotW #35 is up and ready, it is diverse, and about famous artists, so enjoy.




  23. PQotW #41 is posted for your perusal. Kiln builders should have an easy time of it!

  24. PQotW #30 Answer Key is up for your perusal, I hope it enlightens those of you that had problems. It is posted at the end of the first post after the questions.

  25. PQotW 26-Answer Key is up and ready for your perusal. Hope no one is too upset.

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