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Mark C.

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Everything posted by Mark C.

  1. This is the week of shipping one mug at a time-its brutal

    1. yappystudent


      Hang in there Mark. 

    2. What?


      I didn't read anything in the Feb 2018 issue of Ceramics Monthly about the brutality Mark C has to face shipping out one mug at a time. Nice write up.  I think a while back you mentioned you were contributing to an editorial. Always nice to see and read articles from people I have meet here and in person.

  2. Last load of clay and dry materials today-this will feel good when done my helper bailed and I moved all 19 tons solo-I still can without hurting myself at my age.Clay is good for the body  right?

  3. Been a strange week of customer requests after the xmas season-swapping mugs-broken bowls to replace-Getting in the way of tax data entry-studio is closed for 4 weeks.

  4. Last crabbing trip today and tomorrow before commercial season opens and crap are all gone. Great trip today on the ocean.Fresh crab tonight .

    1. Denice


      Sounds good, I have had a hankering for crab lately, but they are never fresh in Kansas.   Denice

  5. The forum seems slow must be the cold

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Its the warmest night we have had in weeks its 60 degrees out at 8 pm-starting to rain.

      I realize most of the country is in a deep freeze just not us on the west coast .

      We need rain badly.

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I haven't been in the studio in 2-3 weeks. I just don't like working when its 40 degrees out there. I am a wussy. I have other things I have been doing so it isn't like I am wasting time though.

    4. Denice


      Mark we are in a drought also, they are predicting a drizzle Sunday but I will believe it when I see it.  My son is coming home for a visit in the middle of February,  his grandmother hasn't been well.   He is afraid she might not be around when they move back home from Palau.  She is having her 95th birthday  in February.   Are you still having a great vacation?   Denice

  6. Shipping last pottery shipment of this year to MO. via UPS.I feel bad shipping these  warmer (55 degree)pots to an arctic chill zone

  7. A few outlets are wiped on stock(yes the grocery stores)

    seems like the day before xmas is a feeding frenzy no matter what I give them in terms of stock-restock in am before heading offshore to get more crabs.Love the ocean and its bounty.

    1. Denice


      Mark are you talking about feeding frenzy of the crabs or your customers.  Have fun!   Denice

  8. Going crabbing today-my white stuff will be crab meat not snow

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      My sister is moving to South Jersey to where we spent our childhood summers and did some crabbing every summer. Crab races in the kitchen while my grandmother prepared to make crab cakes. Great memories and hope to do it again next summer with my sisters. Love crab meat!Enjoy.



  9. Last day of sales-then time off.I have been making at least 3 drops a day to outlets and today is the last day of that as well-ya.

    1. glazenerd


      Been off the last three weeks, and will probably take three more. Trying to decide if I want to hang up my tool belt after 42+ years. Maybe do some flip houses, or perhaps make some clay: or both. 

    2. Denice


      Finally talked my husband into retiring he is turning 67 in Feb.   He's not retiring until the end of the year but at least he is agreeing to it.  He is doing the work of three or four people at his job,  they don't hire new people when someone quits they just dump it on him.  He likes his job but the over load is going to kill him.  His hobby is restoring old muscle cars it would be nice if he could work on them during the week instead of just weekends.  I also want to have him around for a long time after he retires.    Denice

  10. time to order supplies -repair the kiln and get back to work

    1. Roberta12


      Yes, Indeed.  Taking a week to go see the kids  in New Mexico,  then back at it!!  Happy New Year.

  11. firing my last two gas kilns for the year today.

  12. profile gremlins-thats new

  13. firing last bisque of year in electric kiln. Then the last gas car kiln load of year-its a clean up fire as well as a dinnerware set to be shipped next month.

  14.  Last minute customer e-mails coming in now wanting pots shipped past my ship deadline

    1. Denice


      Do you go ahead and fill the orders?   Denice

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      4 small mugs-yes as they are small enough for UPS not to kill right now.

      The two large bowls No, I told them I would ship on the 26th.

  15. Two days of glazing begins today

  16. Electric kiln hard wire connection just gave out after 15-20 years. I had to replace the metal box and rewire the connections.Minor setback of a few hours for a parts run

  17. Go time in the pottery world for me-every outlet needs pots NOW. I'm making my rounds today after setting up my booth wit h pots.

    1. Min


      Yuppers! 3 shops today, pots for another shipped out last Wed. Good luck with your annual winter booth at your local spot. 

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Looks to be a good season for us all.

  18. setting up my Christmas booth this afternoon in town-pots go in  the  booth  in am

  19. going crabbing this am on the ocean

    1. glazenerd


      Just stop by the house around 4:30 AM, I am usually crabby about then.

  20. Packing a  8 piece dinnerware set for UPS as well as 24 mugs and glasses to another Vermont business via UPS.I need to get this out before they get rough with packages during the Holidays-I'm right at my cutoff ship dates

  21. Good luck on the hunt Pres

    1. Pres


      I'm back! Drove a 9 point buck out to a young hunter on Friday afternoon. . . his first rifle buck and largest deer. Have seen lots of deer, and have hiked nearly 20,000 steps each of two days, and something like 70 flights of stairs. Good exercise for a diabetic.




    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I know a few hunters myself-weather its deer-ducks or geese. Me I stick to hunting in the sea-mostly Tuna halibut and a few rockfish.

    3. Pres


      Yeah, if I were where you are I might also. At the same time, we both get wet one way or another.




  22. Two GAS kilns firing today

  23. Glaze day turned into two days.

  24. Its  Glaze day for the car kiln.

  25. Lou I'll trade you some worlds best kitty litter for Albany slip #for#

    1. Biglou13


      Corrected its Alberta.....   but I have about 2 pounds of Avery....  it's so rare I'm afraid to experiment with it.....


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