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Mark C.

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About Mark C.

  • Birthday 03/15/1953

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  • Location
    Near Arcata Ca-redwood rain forest
  • Interests
    Diving-underwater photo-salvage diving-dive Travel
    Extreme offshore tuna fishing off north coast of Ca.

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  1. Annual clay order comes in next week. 33,000 #s total -my share is 25,000#s.I odered a ton of dry glaze in 50# bags my formula-lasts me 5 years-I mix another 14 glazes to go along with it.

    1. oldlady


      i need a nap just thinking about all that!

    2. Benzine


      Sooooo, does most of that just stay on the pallet(s), or do you have to hand move some of it?

      How many boxes per pallet approximately?

      I just ask, because the order I get for my classroom, always has to be broken down, and hand moved.  It comes on a pallet, to the District warehouse, at least I imagine that is the case, then they put it on small pallets, that a two wheel dolly can get under, then I move it off them, to the floor.

      My first District, the Art Room, was on the 2nd floor, so it had to be carried, sometimes by hand, up the stairs, to the room....  Fun!

      My second District, we were in an old Auto Shop classroom, so it had a garage door.  In that case, they just brought the pallet directly off the truck.  But even then, it wasn't nearly the quantity that you go through, only a few boxes high.  So I have no idea, how high they stack each pallet. 

    3. Rae Reich

      Rae Reich

      I love my hand trucks.

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