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Posts posted by neilestrick

  1. What do the tags on the front say- the one above the dial and the one in the corner?

    It's the same shape as the old Amaco kilns, but the rest of it doesn't look right for Amaco. The dial on the front looks like a Cress dial. Send the pics to Cress and see what they say.

    Without info from the manufacturer, there's no definitive way to know if it's set up to run on 208 or 240 volts. The good news is that a lot of these old square kilns were made to run on either voltage. To determine the amperage draw of the kiln, you'll first have to determine if all the elements are free of breaks. The best way to do that wold be to open the control box and test them with a meter. From there you can test the resistance of the elements and math out the amperage draw. We can then compare that number to other kilns of that style to see if the elements will have enough power to do the job. We'll also need to figure out if it's set up to run on a 3 wire or 4 wire circuit. There's a very good chance that the power cord is not appropriate for the kiln.

  2. I'm having these moments almost daily since I'm trying out a bunch of new hand building and decorating techniques. I'm amazed and proud of myself every time something works out the way I hoped it would, or I discover a way to make the process faster or more successful. I haven't had this much growth in such a short time since I first started making pots. I'm having a great time!

  3. 2 minutes ago, Yvonne51 said:

    After 2.5 hours the top 4 are glowing and the bottom elements are dark.

    The 4 elements in each section are wired in parallel, so if one goes out they all do. Assuming that's the problem, first unplug the kiln, open the control box, and check for any fried out wiring connections, especially where the elements are wired together, and where the feeder wires for that section connect to the elements and the other end where they connect to the control box. If you don't see any obvious issues there, then you can check the elements for continuity if you have a multi-meter, or you'll need to inspect the elements for a break. It could just be a little spot that fried out somewhere on an element. A meter would make the whole process faster, as you can quickly check if there's a break somewhere in an element by putting the probes at the ends of the series and seeing if there's a connection. And if you can't find the break then you can unhook all the elements and use the meter to determine which one has failed. But you can try all the visual inspections first and if you don't find anything then get a cheap digital meter at the hardware store.

  4. 4 hours ago, PeterH said:

    @neilestrick As this is for enamelling would there be any merit in a minimalist solution based on a pyrometer and an infinite switch?

    I vaguely remember pictures of old glass/enamel/jewellery kilns which appeared to have this sort of arrangement.

    You can definitely do a hold manually, but if you need the hold temp to be accurate then it's not going to be as simple as just turning it down to a lower setting. You'd have to watch the pyrometer and make adjustments to the dial as needed. Doable for sure, but a hassle and it'll take up your time. Plus from a setup standpoint, just plugging into a wall mount system is much less intimidating than adding a switch for most people.

  5. On 4/30/2023 at 11:52 AM, Lucia Matos said:

    Hi Neil,

    It is a Light Dome. I got it because I can set it up by myself and it is sturdy.

    On another note, I love the underglaze transfer pieces you are posting on Instagram!

    Light Dome makes light poles that span the top of the canopy. Go to their page HERE and look at the menu on the left.

    And thank you for the kind words!

  6. 5 hours ago, D Spinks said:

    Thanks Neilestrick.  I will be using the kiln for enameling, so would want it to hold at a particular  temperature. Which device of the two you mentioned would be the easiest for me to install and use?

    For holding temp you would need an external digital control box. Orton makes one that would be the most affordable for a kiln that size. See HERE.

  7. If it doesn't have a switch, then it should just turn on when you plug it in. The problem is that you can't fire clay that way - it needs to heat up slowly. That kiln is probably made for glass annealing, where you get the kiln hot, then put the finished glass work in and let it cool. You would have to monitor the temp with a pyrometer. So for you to use the kiln for clay you would really need to install a switch on it, or plug it into an external digital controller.

  8. You can't just fire clay in a microwave, so do you mean using one of those microwave kilns? I supposed it's doable, but the ring is going to be far from durable since you're not going to vitrify the clay. Also, for safety reason you shouldn't be using a microwave you use for food. IMO, there are a lot of other materials out there that would be better suited for making a ring, but if you're going to do it I would at least make it from a fine-grained clay that vitrifies, like a good cone 6 porcelain, which will require an actual kiln. This is an excellent opportunity to justify the purchase of a baby test kiln if your budget allows for it. Test kilns are worth every dollar if you're the type of artist who does a lot of experimenting and glaze testing.

  9. Try using more of the CMC mix in place of water and see if that helps. Is you gum solution fairly slimy? It should be, like a syrup. You could also try adding some VeeGumT to the mix, about half as much as however much CMC you used. As Babs said, make sure the first layer isn't totally dry before adding the second. It should be dry to the touch, but no bone dry. No sure about cooking, I've never heard that term used in regards to CMC.

  10. A 15-20 minute hold equals 1 cone hotter, so yet, the hold will increase heat work on the rest of the kiln, too. I would first try loading the middle of the kiln tighter and loading the top looser. Put low mass pieces up top, like wide bowls.  If that doesn't work, I would try firing a cone lower and holding for 15-20 minutes to achieve the next cone.

  11. Kilns here in the US usually run on 240 volts or 208 volts, and Skutt only sells one type of infinite switch, the 240 volt model, so you'll be fine using a 240 volt switch on your kiln. Any 240 volt, 15 amp infinite switch you find will work fine. I like the kits that come with the knob because your old knob may or may not fit the new switch. Robert Shaw is a good brand to get, something like THIS, but I don't know if they are available where you are. If there's a local appliance repair shop they may have something you can use, because these switches are usually used on stoves/ovens.

  12. Hi @McKenna, welcome to the forum! Coneart kilns are well built and work great. If you're willing to do the brick replacement then go for it if the rest of the bricks are in good condition. Since you'll already have the lid off and the elements out it's the perfect time to do the bricks. ConeArt kilns are a little bit trickier when it comes to brick replacement since they have a layer of backup insulation between the bricks and the metal jacket. If it's an older kiln you may find that the backup insulation is very crumbly and needs to be replaced too, so I wouldn't order any parts until you get the bricks out and can assess the condition of the backup insulation and order some more if needed.

  13. Hi @Terri Cunnyngham, welcome to the forum! The jacket won't affect the firing, but if it's so rusted that it has holes in it then it's not structurally sound. You can order new bands from the manufacturer.

    With a new old kiln I would inspect the wiring for loose connections and areas that have overheated, and measure the resistance of the elements to see if they're still within specs. Replace any sketchy wires and corroded connectors. Elements that are 10% off should be replaced. Other than that, plug it in and see if the switches work.

    When wiring those up- to meet code, kilns must be on a breaker that is 25% greater than the amperage draw of the kiln, but not more than 50% greater.

  14. 2 hours ago, moonzie said:

    I did notice last fall that when attempting a fast fire, it still took about 7 hours and the set point was off from where the kiln was at by at least 20 degrees.

    The fast fire program is too fast for most kilns. It can get close in a small 2 section kiln, but a 3 ring kiln can't fire anywhere near that fast and stay even. A really full load will make it even more difficult, in any size kiln. I would avoid that setting altogether, because most glazes don't look as good being fired that quickly.

    The TC tubes do extend their life, but not to the degree that you would expect. The heat itself is more damaging to them than the fumes in the kiln. IMO the main benefit of the protection tubes is that they keep the TC metal flakes from getting all over the inside of the kiln. Check them at 75 firings, probably replace them at 100-120. They're relatively inexpensive, and fresh ones will keep the kiln running accurately.

  15. 4 hours ago, moonzie said:

    How many firings do you usually see quads last for? I spoke with a L&L tech by phone and he said they typically see about 180 firings on average. I've been watching the screen where you can see power output and for a good while now, the bottom stays on 100% sometime after 1200f. The error occured when the top was 2190 and the bottom was 2130, but think my TC adjustments are just a touch  under value (reading cooler than what it is).

    My customers usually get about 250 firings, some more than 300. If those were the original thermocouples, then they were probably the source of the problem. I'm honestly surprised they were still functional at all after 192 firings. I would replace them every 100-125 firings to be safe. If your elements were reading 20 ohms, then they were only about 4% off. They shouldn't need changing until 10% off. It's normal for the bottom to work a lot harder and run at 100%, especially if it's a packed load and you're trying to fire fast. Which firing program do you usually use? Most kilns can't keep up with 350F/hr and fire evenly. Make sure you're not packing the bottom of the kiln tightly. Put large pieces at the bottom, small pieces in the middle/top.

  16. 34 minutes ago, moonzie said:

    Q1: How far should the TC tips recess into the open tubes? I set mine back about 3/16"

    I usually do about 1/4".

    35 minutes ago, moonzie said:

    Q2: I'd like to do a seasoning fire with some shelves and maybe a bunch of stilts in it and some large witness cones in front of the peep holes so that I can dial in the adjustment all in one fire. Would this be acceptable or should I do them as two separate fires?

    Yes, that can all be the same firing.

    35 minutes ago, moonzie said:

    After 192 firings, I got an error ED50

    What cone are you glaze firing to? I would expect a lot more than 192 firings if you're doing cone 6 glaze and 04 bisque. Did you measure the element resistance? How old were the thermocouples?

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