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Marcia Selsor

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Status Updates posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. three spams today. It is easy enough to report to the moderators. just hit the report button in lower right hand corner of the post.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Benzine


      I'm with Bruce, hilarity of the broken grammar aside, some type of waiting period, or something of the like, would help with the SPAM.

    3. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      "(I'm) the most foul-tempered rodent you've ever laid your eyes on!" --Guinea of Caerbannog

    4. Chilly


      So far the spam seems pointless but not offensive. Providing it doesn't become offensive I think there's no need to go to the expense and time to make changes

  2. Got the cables replaced on my raku kiln. used a lubricant and a makeshift clothesline separator to keep the cables from twisting. All is well and super smooth. One hand can easily life the kiln chamber with the counterweight.

  3. Installing new cables on my top hat raku kiln.

  4. Fired raku this morning. Done by 10. deliver at 12.

    1. ChenowethArts


      Money in the bank by 1?

    2. Babs


      Spent at 1.05??

      almost sway me to raku.

      But some rewards are worth waiting for.....

  5. The belts for my wheel coming today. I will be installing them tomorrow.

    1. Crusty


      Hopefully your back up and throwing..

  6. Belts on my wheel broke while throwing. Ordered replacements. Second repair job on my 16 years old wheel. Then my clay supplier has had the phones disconnected. Next closest place is Austin 340 miles away.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      will have a look. I have plenty of reptiles in my yard. cats love them. The only two ways to Austin are either cross a big fracking development with huge trucks and crazy drivers in 2 lane blacktops or go through San Antonio up the most congested interstate I always try to avoid. It is a long haul either way. Not West texas.



    3. Crusty


      aprox. drive time on that is about 5hr 35 minutes.. give the big trucks the room they need and make sure when you pass them up you can see both headlights in your rear view mirror... I always hated to drive through Dallas, Ft. Worth, there are some idiots who must have gotten their drivers license out of a cracker jack box "prize" lol

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Austin is about 5 1/2 Houston 6 hours. And the same part from here to Corpus is B-o-r-i-n-g..not like Montana.

  7. winter seems to be everywhere even in the tropics.

  8. have reorganized my studio after taking my carts and work benches to my exhibit. Back to work!

  9. gallery talk at my exhibition

  10. today will ship pieces, reorganize studio and throw new pieces.

    1. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Omg shipping... ewwww... that is my most detested part. It gives me so much heartburn...I swear the dang post office plays kickball with my pottery! :(

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I still use FEDEX.


  11. show opens tonight. Old body feeling the strain of the past couple of weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Will be thinking of you tonight ... Enjoy every minute!

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      It was a great turn out despite the downpour and chilly temperatures for the tropics.


    4. Crusty


      Have fun and enjoy.. rain outside= people inside ;)

  12. all the pieces are unpacked and in the gallery. Start laying it out today.

  13. First van load ready to go to gallery Monday Morning

  14. studio and garage have turned into an assembly line of gallery prepping. Painting will begin tomorrow on the frames and an 18 piece series on immigration.

    1. Babs


      sounds exciting love to see some ofhte images.

  15. Very successful morning firing raku. So happy. still learning. I glazed a slab on the back side when I didn't like the front.and the original came out great!

  16. Very successful morning firing raku. So happy. still leRning. I glazed a slab on the back side when I didn't like the front. usually I put nubs in the back. Anyway, the original side came out great second time around. funny how things work out..

  17. one more day of raku firing, then exhibition preparations. I can squeeze in one more obvert firing too. Building frame for tile display, some risers for pieces. This gallery is usually showing paintings. Brick walls with hanger. Two good size room. The art museum is loaning me pedestals.

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Woohoo!! Don't forget to post lots of pictures!

  18. Cold front is here. Weather is beautiful with the highs in the lower 80s. Raku today and tomorrow.

  19. Dumping rain today 2+ inches so far this morning. Hoping for a good raku firing day on Friday.

  20. posted some of the recent saggar firing results in my gallery.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      I used to love raku results in damp weather ... Hope it works out well for you.

    3. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      your pieces are wonderful! Have you written a book about your process?


    4. Crusty


      I wish someone would write a exhaustive book on Raku/atmospheric style firings- Hint Hint

  21. Finished firing sag gars yesterday.Next is raku, mounting tiles, finish pedestals.

  22. done firing sag gars for my show. Next is Rake slabs, the obvara.

  23. cold front is here...highs in the 80s. Firing saggar today and preparing more raku glazed pieces.

  24. Good Raku firings today. Happy camper!

  25. Firing again. Glazing for Raku mural. Building frames. busy!!!

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