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About liambesaw

  • Birthday April 1

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    Bothell, WA

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  1. I wasn't successful getting the gold to reduce with just pine resin, if you buy Greg Daly's book "lustre", he details making it from elemental sulfur and gold chloride. This works well. Commercial lustres using pine resin thinned with toluene use a different gold salt, I'm guessing that's the reason they work. I think the compound is a chlorohexanoic salt of gold. You'll also need a bit of bismuth in there to act as a flux bridging the gold and glaze. I had some luck making a silver lustre by making silver soap. Silver decanoate. But it was difficult to dissolve in almost everything so it was a pain to apply. Was conductive though and I made a few touch lamps using it. Also had success doing a similar thing with copper.
  2. It is a really good wax. Luckily very close to me. Another great wax, but with different properties, is reed wax from brackers. Both are the best waxes I've used, and SPS crystal wax is a product that Mobil oil no longer makes (or at least that was the last news), so there is a limited life on it. You cannot let it freeze, I know that's not a big deal for you @CactusPots, but could be for others here. Reed wax is nice because it can freeze, but also is a decent wax in general. And is available into the future. I do hope mobilcer-a continues to be available, but I have a good back up just in case.
  3. Freezing slip will cause water to leave parts of the slip, leaving drier clumps when thawed, but a little bit of time in a blender or magic bullet or whatever will set it straight. If it's casting slip, the water will separate and the deflocculant and other salts present (I'm looking at you neph sy) will crystallize. Would be a bit more of a task to thaw out casting slip. What will work fine at keeping mold out though, is a tiny pinch of copper carbonate.
  4. I've never had mold issues with clay, it's more bacteria than mold. Anaerobic bacteria sets up shop in my throwing water and reeks to high heaven. You'll have to just give it a try and find out how sensitive you are to whatever mold or bacteria is in your studio. You can't get around it by spraying everything with h2o2, it's just not feasible.
  5. Line 23 of index.html says (from the right I think) heat, cool, air, hazard, door. I'm on my phone so I can't grep the files for the term hazard, which would be the best way to find how the icons turn on and off.
  6. What specifically? It's all dynamic so it's not as simple as looking at the html. The values are populated by the program. The html is in /public and the javascript is in /public/assets/js and the python code is scattered about. You can search for the symbols you want in the files to see where they're stored.
  7. Yep that's a typical wash recipe! The wash above looks like it could be manganese, iron, or a mixture of the two
  8. I've done my share of both and they have their own ups and downs. I find gas firing more enjoyable because I like to tinker and feel like I'm more responsible for the outcome. But when I've got things to do, it's really nice to set it and forget it with my electric kilns. As far as the outcome of either.. I mean I don't think there's a huge difference personally. Yes, reduction firing can be used to get some great/different colors, but so can electric, and I can make things look fuel fired in an electric, so it's not a big selling point for me. Gas firing was more expensive in both energy and time for me, which is why I eventually got away from it, and by using a spray gun and unique glaze combinations I have been able to achieve the same look and feel, so I'm exclusively electric now. Electric is far easier for me.
  9. I have the TA metalworks one too, it works great! He's also really flexible in the dies that come with it, if you want different ones.
  10. I have 2 half shelves because there's no full shelves for my kiln. But in my old octagonal kiln I had a full shelf in the bottom. Can't count the number of times it saved my butt!
  11. Oh boy, I just fix things as they break and clean things when I can't move anymore... I'm really bad about that, but this is not my full time job, and it's in a separate building, so it's kind of out of sight out of mind. Speaking of which, I'm getting a new 3D printer soon so I need to clear off a shelf for that... Hmmm, where to put this giant box of underglazes.... I do prebox things I put on my website so I can simply grab them and toss them in an outer box and ship them out as soon as an order comes through, so I'm not completely disorganized... Also, I do keep general maintenance parts around (elements, thermocouples, wheelhead grease, etc) so that when something does finally get bad I can fix it right away.
  12. At my home studio the only people who pilfer pots are neighbors and family, which is 100% OK with me and I've told them all so. In high school/college the only pots that disappeared after firing were incognito bongs and pipes and I know the teachers accidentally lost them on purpose Right now on my bench I've got several more lamp projects and coffee pourovers. This lamp has 7 soviet era neon bulbs (nixie lamps) to provide a warm communist orange glow.
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