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Status Updates posted by JohnnyK

  1. Opened the kiln yesterday after running a "break-in" ^6 firing after installing new Euclids coils. Looking forward to my first bisque firing later this week and then on to glaze firing a few moonshine jugs for a customer!

  2. Kinda lookin' forward to getting my new coils from Euclids so I can start testing the old Cress Kiln...

    1. JohnnyK


      For those who may have seen my previous reply (before editing), Euclids made a mistake on the shipping charges and took care of the discrepancy! Instead of $160, the charges were only $16....

  3. After a too-long hiatus from throwing, I'm back in the studio and found something very interesting...I've noticed that I'm throwing with a lot less water than in the past. I've also decided that I'll be using my reclaimed clay for squirting  extrusions since it seems a more acceptable use of the reclaim than throwing...at least for me.

    1. Denice


      I also use my reclaim clay for extrusions and hand building,  my throwing clay is also good for hand building.   One of my college professors showed us how he threw with very little water.   Everyone in the class loved throwing that way,  you and the wheel were easy to clean up.   The pot on the wheel was tighter  and easier to move than a sloppy wet pot.  Denice

  4. Just wanted to say that I like the increase in the # of Topics!

  5. Got half the farm planted...hope to the rest planted by the end of this week with the cooler weather...then more time in the studio!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Min


      That must be very satisfying. Good on you donating too!

    3. Joseph Fireborn
    4. JohnnyK


      Well, the entire crop is in and now comes the hardest part...waiting for it all to grow and start to produce. Harvested the first of what, I'm sure, will be hundreds of squash :)

  6. I think the new format of the "Recent Posts" section leaves a lot to be desired. In some instances, the subject of the post can take up the entire section where we might get 5 answers to a question rather than 5 questions as it was before.  Many times, we are told that the changes are supposed to "make things EASIER for us". I don't think that is the case here...

    1. JohnnyK


      WOW! Talk about a quick response! I really appreciate the return to the old format!

      Thank you!

    2. Denice


      I am with you on this,  I like the old arrangement of the forum.     Denice

  7. What happened to the rest of the page here? There is nothing below the Recent Status Update list...

    1. Min


      The "Who's Online" section is now above the Status Updates now so it looks a little different.

    2. JohnnyK


      OK, Min...but below the status update there used to be a set of 5 questions. Has that just been slipped into the totality of questions on the left side of the panel?

    3. Min


      Stay tuned….

  8. Way to go @Hulk! I've enjoyed your insights from that "Pile 'o sand" in southern CA...It doesn't seem like you've been with us for only 4 years!

    1. Hulk


      Thanks JohnnyK!
      I'm enjoying your contributions to the Forum as well, keep it rolling!

  9. Just got a jar of Amaco's Honey Flux and am looking forward to seeing what kind of great layering effects I can come up with.

  10. It's been 7 weeks since my spine surgery and I'm happy to say that the procedure was a total success! I'm back to doing everything that I couldn't do and more. No back or leg pain at all. Looking forward to firing up the wheel again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Denice



    3. Mark C.
    4. oldlady


      johnny k,  i tried to send you an email through  a personal message here and it will not work.  is there somewhere we can exchange some information?

  11. Been doing all my previous glaze firings with Potters Choice at ^6. Just made a bunch of test tiles and will be running tests with my usual layered PC glaze combos at ^5 just to see how they turn out. Main reason for this is that I've got a bunch of black clay pots that have to be fired at ^5 and I don't want any surprised with the glaze combos...

  12. Just had spine surgery so I'll be off the wheel for a month or two, but will still keep up with the forum...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady


      reading is good, have you done the william kent krueger series?


    3. JohnnyK


      I haven't, but I'll give it a look...always looking for a good author. I'll be spending a lot of time perfecting my drone flying skills since I have to spend a lot of time standing and walking,,,

    4. Denice


      I hope you heal quickly,  our neighbor got hooked on drones.   He joined a drone club and started doing competition flying.   He has built a couple of hundred drones,  they young members in his group got him started on it.  He recently drove to a  competition in Florida and won  second place not bad for a retiree.   Denice

  13. Opened my kiln yesterday and was gratified with the products. Check out the album photo below for a sample .

  14. Just finished a bag of Laguna B-3 Brown ^5 which is supposed to fire black...we'll see...and thanks for all the input on not firing above ^5...

  15. Yesterday was the last day for the veggie stand this season, so it's time to get back in the studio and start producing for my foray into a local farmer's market this fall as a craftsman...

  16. Going through a "black" phase where the next glaze firing will contain all pots with Amaco's  C-1 Obsidian as the base glaze with a number of different colors layered over it...Results to follow...

  17. Sometime ago I made a bowl using 5" crown molding to shape the profile and was asked to post the results. Please check my album or look at the images at the bottom of the page for the results with raw and finished glazes.

  18. Major fail, but lessons learned...see Forum entry.

  19. Right now "testing" a set of jewelry racks I made for glazing earrings and pendants, Will know tomorrow how things turned out...

  20. Wow!!! Just over 1" of rain in the last 18 hours. The first rain we've gotten since the middle of April...a truly welcome sight...and the snow in the high Sierra measured in feet! It's a start!

  21. 83490173_Yardartmosaic.jpg.6f85350235ef7e9e09f308172bfb495c.jpg

    Going to install a neat mosaic in my brick patio this weekend. Pix to follow...

    Here's the installed mosaic...37" diameter.

    1. Denice


      Your colors are bright and cheerful yet tie in nicely with the surrounding bricks.  Great job.     Denice

  22. Just had an interview with a local online news source posted based on my KVIE-TV Juror's Award...Where would be the best place to post the PDF?

    1. Min


      Ceramics Events of Interest sounds about right. Looking forward to reading it.

  23. 92 degrees in the studio yesterday evening (no A/C), 112F outside as we battle triple digit heat for the next week in Northern CA. Managed to use a piece of 5" crown molding for an interesting  pot profile...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.



    3. JohnnyK


      Great for some, not for others. I have to keep the mugs under cover...otherwise they dry too fast for the handle installation.

    4. Denice


      I was taking a summer throwing class,   the classroom was under old cement stadium seating.   Our professor had us throwing bowls and setting them on the steps,  they would be dry enough to trim before class was over.   Denice

  24. Great news today...my submission of the Three's A Charm horsehair Raku was chosen for a Juror's Award in "Sculpture" at the KVIE  PBS Art  Auction!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Min
    3. Pres


      Whoop!  great job there JohnnyK! Take a victory lap!




    4. LeeU


      How exciting! Way cool!

  25. For the third year in a row, my "Three's a Charm" set of Horsehair Raku pots has been accepted by KVIE, Sacramento's local PBS TV station for their annual Fall Art Auction!

    1. liambesaw


      Should rename it to third time's the charm :D

    2. Pres


      Good news Johnny, Congrats!


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