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How often do you use your kiln?


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The question is how often do you fire your kiln a week?

Let’s say I want to bisque fire Monday and want to get a glaze firing going Wednesday after unloading the bisque ware. Is this too much strain on my kiln too fast?


Sorry if this seems dumb lol, this is my first year firing my own kiln rather than at school. 

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Around the holidays In the studio we use them non stop so almost no rest. Two of the cone arts have over 1000 firings on them and are in great shape. Still need elements every 150 firings or so though.

During these periods I used to thermal scan them while they were running several time per week and change questionable relays and wire ends etc.... before they went bad just to try and make sure no firing was interrupted mid stream.

Kilns are tough they can take a beating for sure, but the parts will wear out from continuous use and require attention.  Not likely a home kiln would see this kind of load.

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During the summer we fire our kilns 3 times a week.  During the winter twice a week is more normal as all our yearly maintenance items are set up for the winter so I make less work.  There have been times where our kilns have been opened at 250*F and reloaded as soon as the shelves cooled off.

When I worked at a collage studio most of there electric kilns were fired 4 or 5 times a week.  

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I fire mine when i get it full. Takes me a month or so to fill it. I just did a bisque firing with around 450 pieces. I used around 550lbs of clay. Im not in a hurry like so many other people so i built a fairly large kiln

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