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    Hulk reacted to GEP in QotW: In terms of your pottery work, where do you seen yourself five years from now?   
    I posed this question because I am a big believer in long-range goals. My whole career trajectory has been based on one long range goal after another:
    Get a full-time job as a graphic designer ... become a freelance graphic designer ... buy a house ... build a pottery studio in my house and launch a part-time pottery business ... quit the design business and do pottery full-time .... renovate my studio and buy a second kiln, which caused a big increase in output ... buy a minivan, which caused a big increase in shows and sales .... 
    In recent years, my goals were all about improving efficiencies and productivity, ie making more more money with fewer pots and less labor. 
    I”m now in my 9th year of full-time pottery. I would’t trade this experience for anything. It has been as satisfying as I hoped for. But as Mark noted, it is a grind and takes a toll on your body. So I am also thinking about winding down. 
    In five years, I’d like to be living a much less labor intensive lifestyle. I don’t really want to live in a house with a yard anymore (especially on a spring day like today when I had to mow a tall and wet lawn). I’d like to live in a small, low-maintenance dwelling, which means no more pottery studio. I won’t need to earn a full-time income at that point, but I’ll probably work part-time to earn some extra income, and to stay busy. I also plan to travel, and pursue some recreational interests that I haven’t had time for while running a pottery business. 
  2. Like
    Hulk reacted to Mark C. in QotW: In terms of your pottery work, where do you seen yourself five years from now?   
    I have a slow down plan
    My slow down plan has been in effect for about 5 years now-I cut out  5 shows in that time. One gallery went out of business  and I did not replace-one wholesale place cut their orders in 1/2.
    Thats the good news on slowing my pace but I have picked up 3 grocery store wholesale orders  two years ago. Thats been a lot of success  money wise but that means more work has happened. I no longer will take new wholesale orders.
    In 5 years I plan on doing way less production-and it may be next to none by then. Its hard for me to let go as I like certain parts still like talking to customers . Shows are hardest and the most profitable-I have 3 traveling still and 2 local ones left. These will be pared down in upcoming years.
    I may still have a few wholesale acounts and one local show in 5 years we shall see.Pottery keeps me moving (I have 4 tons to move today with a helper) it also takes it toll so its a love hate thing on the body.
    I'm throwing less this past year but I also broke nmy arm and had two months off from throwing. In 5 years my plan is alot less for sure.
    Right now I could quit (retire completly)but I like this business and am not good at relaxing.The hard part is the happy meduim.
  3. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in QotW: In terms of your pottery work, where do you seen yourself five years from now?   
    Like you I just hope to be working in my studio at the same pace I am working now.     I didn't have much hope of that until I got a report back from the doctor that my MS has had minimal progression is the last ten years.    I still have the wrists and knee problems  that potters get but I can muddle through them.   I have to see the hand doctor next week,  keeping my fingers crossed I don't need surgery.    Denice
  4. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Nice!  We finally got some good days of weather and I finally got a little better hold on my settings.

  5. Like
    Hulk reacted to LeeU in What’s on your workbench?   
    Speaking of photography, what is on my workbench at the moment are  3 bins of pieces from a recent wood firing that need to be shot and inventoried, plus about half of a backlog of some bisque smalls that still need to be glazed. 

  6. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    I took them outdoors today because it was cloudy, I think this one is a little better

  7. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    I made a thing. 

  8. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    This week I haven't done anything out in the shed but trim some fermentation jars (and feel guilty about it).  Instead I've been hunched over a computer and camera trying to get everything squared away for my business and website.  I have my photo booth almost all squared away, need to pick up some posterboard tonight and really start photographing everything.  Wish I could just make things and let them disappear on their own, hah.
    Anyway, here's a picture.  I was using this mug to dial in my camera and lights.

  9. Like
    Hulk reacted to Chilly in What’s on your workbench?   
    Not so much on the workbench, but finished and on the wall.

  10. Like
    Hulk reacted to Bill Kielb in What’s on your workbench?   
    I like them.
    Audio is nicer also and of course no PJ’s a plus. Kudos to mentioning the compression out to in. You are probably only the third person I know to mention it and it has saved countless newbies from the unexplained crack. Food preparation is a bit of science also. This video has made me hungry, go figure.
    someone I watched who was a throw to the stick person actually hinged the last two inches of his stick  so when done he could flip it horizontally out of the way. Seemed like an easy good idea.
  11. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    This week I will be making some three pound fermentation vessels.  I think I need to make a dozen or so jars for my wife and her group of friends.  I'm hoping to also get through 30 mugs this week.
    Made a video of me making the fermentation jars, or at least the first exploration of the form, can watch if you are interested in seeing me throw cylinders poorly, haha

  12. Like
    Hulk reacted to GEP in What’s on your workbench?   
    As I mentioned in the Events section, I have a big show coming up soon. Lots of good stuff coming out of the kilns now.

  13. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Been making bells for the past few days.  I love the sound of giant bowls when I ting them, so might as well make a big bell and hear it whenever the wind blows!  I have a small wind chime I got at a second hand store, and it sounds really nice, but it's all tinkle tinkle, and I like the bonging and donging of a deeper bell.  Hope it all works out, this is a video of me making my third one.  I am gonna make some more tonight, it's fun.  Probably gonna make a bunch of mugs first though, i need about 20 more mugs for a full mug bisque load.
  14. Like
    Hulk reacted to Min in What’s on your workbench?   
    This is a finished one of the oil bottles I posted a greenware photo of a few pages back, flashing slips, cone 10 soda. 

  15. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Was kind of busy last week with trying to bisque a lot of the stuff taking up space, I got a lot cleared out, some winners some losers.  Here are some of the winners, a new glaze combo I really like.  I call it rotten melon 

  16. Like
    Hulk reacted to Bill Kielb in What’s on your workbench?   
    Nice work!
    I never post anything here so here is a sampling of the weekend reduction firing. There are many talented artists at the studio (Clayspace ceramic arts center) that now excel at getting their favorite reduction, Carbon trapping, even ice crackle!
    cool stuff and a fun mask almost sans eyeballs. Great group firings, time after time in an old Alpine updraft with some fancy digital stuff hooked to it.
  17. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    I made some new stuff for spring. 

  18. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    And here's the other two pictures dang upload limit

  19. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Bill Kielb in What’s on your workbench?   
    a few more
      variegated over bmix is bluer
      teal blue
      Lakeside Pottery clear blue really shows thickness differences - I've got some work to do here
      Aardvark light blue gloss
      variegated over red is greener
      faux celedon

  20. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from LeeU in What’s on your workbench?   
    a few more
      variegated over bmix is bluer
      teal blue
      Lakeside Pottery clear blue really shows thickness differences - I've got some work to do here
      Aardvark light blue gloss
      variegated over red is greener
      faux celedon

  21. Like
    Hulk reacted to Benzine in What’s on your workbench?   
    I'm generally just being funny...
    I actually wasn't sure what it was.  I had never heard of a strawberry planter.
    @Hulk Those are very nice works.  Far better, than my second batch of glazed wares...
    I like the bottom of the bowls.  They resemble those plastic speckled bowls, faded in popularity, but have now come back, partially due to Rachael Ray using them, on her show as "Garbage Bowls".  My family had a large one growing up, but we called it a "Puke Bowl", partially due to it's coloring, partially due, to what it was used for, when someone was sick...
  22. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    Good lessons all, Hulk. Some right nice things in there!
  23. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    Unloaded second glaze firing Sunday last, looking forward to th' third!
    From top left, clockwise
      Some bmix bowls, teal blue, light blue gloss, variegated glazes; chattering highlighted with underglaze and/or glaze, clear over. Clear glazes crazed on every bmix piece except one, ; the other glazes behaved well, except the light blue crazed some over bmix
      Some red clay pieces, teal blue, variegated, white, faux celadon and clear glazes, chattering highlighted with underglazes
      bmix  bowls, light gloss blue over bmix
      Closeup of variegated over red clay; looks bluer over white clay. I love this one - from Bill van Gilder's book (the blue teal is from his book as well*)
      Closeup of faux celadon over bmix, same highlighted chattering; this is variation of Marcia's recipe
    The lessons, so far, fairly typical
      sieve them glazes
      adjust sg and jellyness of glazes to hit thickness without running and dripping
      cone pack on each level
      be able to see the cones when approaching target temp
      be careful loading and unloading
      toss flawed pieces into recycle pile - don't let them take up time, nor space
      don' expect glaze that fits this clay ok to also fit that clay :|
      test test, learn learn, repeat
    *I'll post recipes if anyone's interested

  24. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Pres in What’s on your workbench?   
    Unloaded second glaze firing Sunday last, looking forward to th' third!
    From top left, clockwise
      Some bmix bowls, teal blue, light blue gloss, variegated glazes; chattering highlighted with underglaze and/or glaze, clear over. Clear glazes crazed on every bmix piece except one, ; the other glazes behaved well, except the light blue crazed some over bmix
      Some red clay pieces, teal blue, variegated, white, faux celadon and clear glazes, chattering highlighted with underglazes
      bmix  bowls, light gloss blue over bmix
      Closeup of variegated over red clay; looks bluer over white clay. I love this one - from Bill van Gilder's book (the blue teal is from his book as well*)
      Closeup of faux celadon over bmix, same highlighted chattering; this is variation of Marcia's recipe
    The lessons, so far, fairly typical
      sieve them glazes
      adjust sg and jellyness of glazes to hit thickness without running and dripping
      cone pack on each level
      be able to see the cones when approaching target temp
      be careful loading and unloading
      toss flawed pieces into recycle pile - don't let them take up time, nor space
      don' expect glaze that fits this clay ok to also fit that clay :|
      test test, learn learn, repeat
    *I'll post recipes if anyone's interested

  25. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from dhPotter in What’s on your workbench?   
    Unloaded second glaze firing Sunday last, looking forward to th' third!
    From top left, clockwise
      Some bmix bowls, teal blue, light blue gloss, variegated glazes; chattering highlighted with underglaze and/or glaze, clear over. Clear glazes crazed on every bmix piece except one, ; the other glazes behaved well, except the light blue crazed some over bmix
      Some red clay pieces, teal blue, variegated, white, faux celadon and clear glazes, chattering highlighted with underglazes
      bmix  bowls, light gloss blue over bmix
      Closeup of variegated over red clay; looks bluer over white clay. I love this one - from Bill van Gilder's book (the blue teal is from his book as well*)
      Closeup of faux celadon over bmix, same highlighted chattering; this is variation of Marcia's recipe
    The lessons, so far, fairly typical
      sieve them glazes
      adjust sg and jellyness of glazes to hit thickness without running and dripping
      cone pack on each level
      be able to see the cones when approaching target temp
      be careful loading and unloading
      toss flawed pieces into recycle pile - don't let them take up time, nor space
      don' expect glaze that fits this clay ok to also fit that clay :|
      test test, learn learn, repeat
    *I'll post recipes if anyone's interested

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