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Status Updates posted by terrim8

  1. :ph34r: -28C, colder tonight

    thanks Siberia

    1. Min


      I thought we were cold at -8C here. Stay warm.

    2. JohnnyK


      And here I thought it was cold at 40FB)

  2. Hope all goes well!

  3. short person (me) + tall kiln = leaning over too much to reach=

    very sore ribs. :(

    Took about 1 1/2 months to heal.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. terrim8
    3. Denice


      I am not too short just getting old.  I put a false floor in my electric.   I laid old firebricks with space between them on the bottom being careful not to cover my vent holes and then a shelf of top of the bricks.  The shelf was one that had broken in half  so I made sure it had a nice gap.   I called Skutt about it and they said they didn't think it would fire properly.  I think it fires  more evenly than it use do.   I have a dual pyrometer and really had to adjust for a cool bottom and hot top.  Now there is a minor difference.   Denice

    4. terrim8


      sometimes things work out for the best!

  4. drying a large slip cast item - still in the plaster form- is it better to leave it upside down to drop out or will it dry faster right side up?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. terrim8


      It seems to dry/absorb so slow- its still in there! It was the right SG too so I'll keep it right side up . I may have complicated it all by having a paper-plaster mix behind the solid wall.

    3. JohnnyK


      Can you send some pix?

    4. terrim8


      with the next try-  decided to start again- back to the model to remove any imperfections so it will be totally smooth & then I'll insure its a smooth one-shot pour for the plaster.


  5. I burnt hand in the kitchen again! I'm getting a set of protective raku style gear for the kitchen :angry:

    Plus its such a bad time to have an injury!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. terrim8


      I hate cookin. Problem is I like eatin. :(

    3. oldlady


      so do i.  proof is making potato salad from the pot of potatoes that i forgot and let burn .   sorry looking potatoes with half an inch of black burned skin and meat make fine food when the black is cut off.   don't know what to do with the pot.

    4. Hulk


      Hope you feel bettrsoon terrim!

         ...soak that pot, soak it goood

  6. moved the wheel back into the basement from the outdoor shed.

    any other cold weather people starting to get cabin fever yet?

    It's a real thing :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pres


      Snow and ice here in PA, seems like one storm quits and another is behind it. 4hrs a day shoveling and scraping just isn't fun.




    3. JohnnyK


      Maybe you folks can build snowmen and creative with your carving tools to make it interesting...:).

    4. Pres


      Spend too much time in the snow as it is. The ice is granular, and not very carvable. It does not pack, and is very heavy. What bit of snow is there is between layers of the ice.


  7. It's a bit chilly here this week and my wheel is in a shed that is outdoors with a gas heater. -27C so maybe I should think of something else to do.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      Oh you're trying that too, eh? I started mine at about 1. 

    3. oldlady


      terri, were you ever a weatherperson in florida???  their vocabulary list contains only two words,  "chilly" or "warm".  it is NEVER cold or hot.    i think your temp reading places you in the definitely instantly freezing category.

    4. terrim8


      should have said "a tad chilly" like the Brits :unsure:

  8. still haven't had a chance to make any cone 10 stuff but I'll get there. Maybe we can go in the spring for a change?

    1. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      It would save freezing our butts off. 

    2. terrim8


      wouldn't it be great if that actually worked?  (butt freezing) Like that "cool sculpting" you see advertised all over the place :o

    3. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      But then we couldn't get all ragey about the guilt tactics that diet manufacturers and health clubs use this time of year!

  9. Mold Making continues - now to clean up the mess :(

  10. been trying some mold making. Think I prefer the wheel.


    1. JohnnyK


      Your wheel work is outstanding from what I can see on your Instagram site. I like the Raku yarn bowls and tea light holders in particular because I've gotten requests for both recently. Your work is an inspiration for me! As for the mold making, like anything else in ceramics, there is a definite learning curve. It's just a matter of whether or not you want to spend the time on that side road of your journey...

    2. terrim8


      Thank you ! Got up this morning and had a look at yesterday's disaster & thought of another way to tackle it. You're right about time and having to just do it to learn.

    3. Pres


      Mold making for me is not as immediate as wheel throwing. I make lots of mugs, each a little different even thought they start with same amount of clay. Making all the same would be boring on the wheel, but mold making not so much if I could get through the first part to the second part. However, I am not really interested in going with all the slip casting process.




  11. raku'd all morning & then I get into the kitchen tonight and burn my hand from the steam of a microwave dinner. Looks like I should have kept the raku gloves on.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Benzine


      When you are dealing with temperatures around 2000 F, for a ceramic firing, you are ready for anything.

      A couple hundred degrees, in the kitchen, autopilot is engaged...

    3. Min


      ouch! hopes it's minor! 

    4. terrim8


      just two small spots :unsure:

  12. Starting to read thru the gerstley borate substitute items on the forum.  Has anyone tried Tom Buck's dry mix substitute?  Or do you think its less problematic to just go with Gillespie Borate?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dick White

      Dick White

      Back in the day, one issue with Gerstley was its variable chemical content. Natural materials are always variable over time , depending on what part of mine it came from, etc., but Gerstley was variable from batch to batch, and some even gave it the nickname Ghastley Borate. When Laguna bought the whole mineyard (but not the mine, nothing new coming out of the ground anymore), they processed it all at once and thoroughly mixed it all. So now the many years worth stock in the warehouse is all pretty much the same. But also slightly different than what it was 20 years ago. The published analysis of the current stock compared to ~1999 show somewhat less silica than before, but other fluxes are about the same +/-. So get some Gerstley and make a test batch of your glaze recipe to see if it needs any tweaking.

    3. glazenerd



      given your background: study ulexite.

    4. terrim8


      another evaporite mineral! - I just bought a 50 lb bag of Laguna Gerstley Borate so I didn't need a substitute. Started mixing up glazes today. Will add a few touches to the raku kiln in the morning so I can operate it by myself, then I'll have more pictures for the gallery.


  13. bit of hair stuck out from the face shield while raku-ing today - its crispy - good thing I have a hair appt on Fry-day :rolleyes:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. terrim8


      See that picture above . That's from heavy reduction at Medalta. That was fun. So's the new kiln :ph34r:

    3. terrim8


      I kept the avatar because of the similarities. 

    4. terrim8


      Plus I'm cool like that :blink:

  14. Got my new tiger torch today. There was a problem with the valve on the old one & the regulator was slowing things down. I think its all a-ok now :D

  15. going to get a new burner today :mellow:

    1. glazenerd


      What do you plan on burning?

    2. terrim8


      anything I want! I now have 220,000 BTU's:ph34r:

    3. glazenerd


      That's not a burner, that is a flame thrower. Cooker deluxe!

  16. anyone have a good patching mix for bisque? Thinking of trying to use paper clay as the patch material but the body is regular clay.


    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Yes. For small batches, soak toilet paper over night, squeeze dry, put it into a blender, add powdered clay body to be repaired,  Use about 25% paper to clay

      about add some vinegar, and a smaller amount of sodium silicate 

      Blend into a paste. Ad a little water if you need to. 

      Dampen the bisque well before applying or else the patch will peel away.

      Re-bisque before glazing. I have repaired students' handles and some of my own architectural work using this.


    2. terrim8


      Thanks Marcia!

  17. My passive-aggressive neighbour is out cutting the grass after he threw all the pinecones back into my yard. We had some strong winds a few days ago. Thinking of making some clay pinecones, but maybe not-  since the real ones  are from my pine tree :)

    1. Min


      Pinecones are better than the slugs and snails that my neighbour keeps sending over to my garden. ;)

  18. Bought a box of Seattle Pottery Supply's cone 8-10 Flameware today! This is a first but I have Sumi von Dassow's book & you guys for advice....(my goose is cooked)

  19. One more snow day then it starts to melt!

  20. recycling my clay scraps & using them for my smoked pottery then using the ashes from that to mix up ash glaze :D This recycling thing is working out!

  21. recycling a lot of mistakes these days! Fighting with crazy shapes.

  22. picked up raku cage & posted a picture

  23. You know how you southerners blame the Alberta Clipper for cold weather? I grew up during the cold war and we used to blame the cold weather on the Russians! :D

    1. dhPotter


      You know, the scientist are saying about 6 southern states are in an unusually cold pattern that has been going on since the 1960's. They call it a "Warming Hole" - go figure... 

    2. terrim8
  24. Your work is in one of my raku books (S.Branfman). Horses and a great white heron - so beautiful!

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      yes. I am. Thanks!

      My raku pieces are also in Raku; a practical Approach by Steven as well plus lark's book on Raku and Advanced Raku by Bill Jones and Alternative Kiln by Watkins and Wandless.



  25. the geese are headed north in huge flocks but we still have a ton of snow and its -16 right now????

    1. glazenerd


      They know something we do not. 

    2. Roberta12


      it was 6 below here this morning....but I am certain it must be that cold or colder in Canada.....



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