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Cavy Fire Studios

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Status Replies posted by Cavy Fire Studios

  1. My non-art brain is being pushed to the hilt. I have to design a 60+ tile mural for Scouts and Explorer Scouts to carve at an event in July. I wish my mouth would learn to stay shut.

  2. been fighting wind all week. This morning in a lull I hope ti finish firing my raku pieces before a week of wind gusts and thunderstorms.

  3. Made four bowls and three mugs off the wheel just now. My pants look awesome. Time to nap!

  4. Another glaze load in tonight. Chalice and Pates to finish orders.

  5. got the bricks lined up for wood burning kiln...location gets pulled last minute

  6. Working madly on glazing two loads of bisque. I'm starting to really regret all the plans I had for iron oxide because it's a pain to work with!!

  7. Took the hammer to a bunch of runny glazed mugs. Felt great!

  8. Working madly on glazing two loads of bisque. I'm starting to really regret all the plans I had for iron oxide because it's a pain to work with!!

  9. reglazed or touched up some of my pieces from my "disastrous" Saturday. It wasn't really all that bad. The pyrometer worked this morning during a firing. I only lost one piece and that was old. I wasn't upset about it.

  10. Working madly on glazing two loads of bisque. I'm starting to really regret all the plans I had for iron oxide because it's a pain to work with!!

  11. I've been looking at that porcelain canvas stuff, and getting ideas. Do you think a diamond bit could drill a hole in it for hanging?

  12. Off to a slow start for the late spring...stomach virus kept me off the wheel for a few days and 'vegetating' on the sofa...starting to feel human again though, thank goodness!

  13. My test of the Iron Crystalline cone 10 glaze in Ceramics Monthly came out just as in the photo-when does that happen?

  14. My Fred is officially hooked up. Dusted out his exhaust system and checked the elements. Back to splattery mud fun mañana.

  15. My Fred is officially hooked up. Dusted out his exhaust system and checked the elements. Back to splattery mud fun mañana.

  16. My Fred is officially hooked up. Dusted out his exhaust system and checked the elements. Back to splattery mud fun mañana.

  17. I've been waiting so long for a dry day here in the UK to do some firing outside! It's raining all week :'(

  18. Finally hooking my kiln up this weekend. Been a rough couple weeks, but hot-place or high water, I`m cranking out yarn bowls like a madrodent.

  19. The Air Pen I purchased at NCECA arrived yesterday. Can't wait to use it on my raku luster lines.

  20. Doing a saggar firing.í ½í¸

  21. Why do pets have to take such a huge piece of our hearts when they go? :'(

  22. sitting at work...wishing I was muddy.

  23. sitting at work...wishing I was muddy.

  24. Its turned cold (46 degrees) and rain is in the forecast-Turned on shop heater and am making some gallery orders.

  25. Back to throwing today-still a bit spaced. It was 99 degrees last day of the show on Sunday in AZ.

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