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Rebekah Krieger

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Everything posted by Rebekah Krieger

  1. waiting for my kiln to cool..... glaze firing with my first tiles!!

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Waiting is the hardest!


    3. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      I posted my update in the original thread. Some good some bad I think. :)

  2. Just started a bisq load! FINALLY got my prototypes done for a possible wholesale order :)

    1. High Bridge Pottery

      High Bridge Pottery

      Don't count your chickens till they are glazed ;D Good luck with the orders.

  3. Bisque firing a load hoping to get some last minute work in before friday's show!

    1. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Kinda off-topic, but your icon pot makes me drool like Homer Simpson. Any more of those scheduled in the future? :3

    2. Roberta12


      Go Rebekah, Go!!! I know this feeling!


  4. is that a bat or a ginuea pig with bat wings? It's cute!
  5. Just uploaded my first gallery.

  6. tweaking my beer steins to make them better

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bciskepottery


      Constant quality control . . . you know, testing each stein full of beer until the beer tastes just right.

    3. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      I do need to do that- test each one out! I do not know how to post the current ones and the new unfired ones? (in gallery) anyone know how?


    4. Biglou13


      Click on drop down by your name click my gallery follow direction

  7. Trying to get into a production schedule...

    1. Crusty


      schedule 1rst thing- Coffee/Tea go from there== seriously , I didt see any flower pots on your showing pictures.. It kind of slapped me In the face and a light bulb came on.. flower pots might be a great way to incorporate your sculpture work..

  8. Here goes nothing! Just started my glaze fire a few days before my first show. My future is in the hands of the kiln gods...

    1. Marcia Selsor
    2. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      Thanks!! I just finished my show.


  9. Re bisque firing my big bowl in the old small kiln. This one takes more care to fire.

  10. Preparing my last glaze batch for my first show!! :)

    1. Min


      Good luck with your show!

  11. Dipped my toe in the ocean of glaze making …. the knowledge is so vast and intimidating.

    1. Babs


      little toe first!

    2. Biglou13


      Just jump in the waters fine, start a bob bucket. ( bottom of barrel). Basically a glaze slop bucket......

    3. Chilly


      my last test of the slop glaze was lovely. No idea how to make any more tho'

  12. Just turned on a bisque load- this one contains little handprints on slabs for my sons preschool class, they are my first slabs and have already warped a lot, but I need to get them done before school lets out this year.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      no - I just turned it on medium for a cone 05


    3. Benzine


      A little candling never hurt....

    4. Min


      Those closed forms seem to take forever to dry. Agree with Benzine about candling them.

  13. I had a fantastic day of lessons at the Neil Estrick Gallery. I think he saved my horrible lid issue ;)

  14. Glaze fire cooling off as we speak! OOOh the excitement!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      right as always Ben


    3. Benzine


      As far as my students are concerned, yes I am always right. In reality.....

    4. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Rebekah, I guess you already knows: The greatest pleasure lies in the anticipation!


  15. Bisque firing a load today!

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Happy firing Rebekah! I have a glaze fire going in the kiln...

    2. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      Ooh exciting Evelyne!! Hopefully you post some pictures of your kiln opening? My firing went good. Now I get to glaze.


  16. Beautiful Outside- I should probably take my splash pan outside to clean it. (i just scrape it out in the winter because I don't want the clay water down the drain)

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Yes, finally caught some warmth and hung my hummingbird feeder ... They might still be in Florida but I need to see the feeder!

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