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Status Updates posted by Pres

  1. PQotW  29 is up and ready for your perusal! Enjoy 


    Finally posted Answer key to PQotW 27


    PS.. Found another box of 20 books in the attic!

  2. 1F. this morning! Kids in school for make up day for sub freezing temps a few days ago. Today no wind.


  3. 5F. This morning, brutal, with snow/ice expected tonight, up to 12"!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Pres


      Yeah, my wife fell while getting into the car. .alone. Laid under the car for 30 minutes before my daughter found her. Broke her hip, could have been worse as it was winter cold, icy, and I would not be home for hours. Didn't have her phone.

    3. Denice


      That must have been awful for your wife to lay in pain like that not knowing when someone would find her.  I was amazed how many people that drove by and waved as I laying on the sidewalk like a fish out of water.   I  at least had a nice warm day to lay around.   I have a new phone and ordered a tough case with a lanyard for it.  I am thinking about getting a hiking stick when I walk  in the yard and flower beds.  It wouldn't have helped with this accident but may prevent future ones.  I was taking photos of our 4'x5' Century Plant that has huge thorns,  I am glad I missed it when I tripped.  Denice

    4. Pres


      Things happen, as we get older we need to make adjustments. We were told getting old were the "Golden Years". nobody mentioned that they were tarnished!

  4. 87F. Yesterday.. .  . weather is nice, and presently I do not need it! Next week when I get back from GA I have more chalices and patens to do, and some funerary urns to do. Working on cleanup and try working with the white clay.

    1. Denice


      I heard your area was having some high heat,  we have had stormy weather for several days.  It is moving out and it is going to get hot.  What white clay are you working with?  I am always looking for a clay that fires white at C6, strong but doesn't feel like cream cheese like B-mix.    Denice

  5. Amazing how much a changed fuse set in level 3 of my manual L&L has messed up my timing. Over fired a glaze and a bisque!!@#@#$!!

  6. Answer Key to PQotW 40 is up for your perusal and education.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pres


      I always post the keys in the first post with the questions. If anyone has a better suggestion of where to put the answer key, I will be happy to make the adjustment.

    3. S. Dean
    4. Marcia Selsor
  7. Answer Keys are added to PQotW #28 & 29. Sorry that I have been behind the times. Acting nurse is hardly able to even get this latest bisque glazed.:wacko:

  8. Away again. . . play nice:)Back Saturday night.




  9. Back from NCECA yesterday. All unpacked, and doing laundry. Exhausting week, but well worth the time and effort. Lots of demos, lectures and other to visit.

  10. Bisque load is off. Glazing tomorrow and Monday.


  11. Bisque of chalice and patens, including first of new honey jars. Glaze Monday and Tuesday


  12. Bisquefired two large pickling crocks last night.  Largest was 25#, thicker walls than usual, but wanted it to hold up to abuse, and the rim is a water catch to cut the oxygen contamination to the interior. Glazing later in the week as Med emergency with wife(broken shoulder).

    1. Min


      Ouch! Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your wife.

  13. Crazy things happen. . . another tip to be published in Ceramics Monthly this next month.

    1. GEP


      Congrats, and I’m looking forward to reading it! I’m working on one too, to be published in a few months. 

    2. Pres


      Mine is really so simple, posted it here a while back.

    3. glazenerd


      Congrats to both of you.

  14. Did you get my email yesterday?


  15. Finished a bisque of patens, firing was weird. So checked out the elements with the ohm meter. Top element is dead. Have backups, will put in before glaze load.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pres



      I would think they can be shipped up there. However, with you being on the West coast, it really isn't a good idea with the shipping.

      I could have fired it without, but it will reach temp quicker this way. Gotta love L&L for the element holders.

    3. Min


      I think I'm just going to have to covet your L&L from afar, can't really justify buying another kiln. ^_^

    4. Pres


      I understand that, have been considering a new kiln, but the old on is 30 and doing well. I keep replacing whatever needs replacing.


  16. First glaze load of the year, pitchers and bowls, patens for chalice sets, orders start out this week.

  17. First of Communion presentation sets went out. 13 more to go out. Honey jars and mugs are moving along. Whew.

    1. Gabby


      Do you have photos on your blog? I don't know what a Communion Presentation set is.

    2. Pres


      They are the chalice and paten sets. They are used as a presentation to ordinands into the ministry with high community service, academic achievement and religious commitment. It is called the Hickman award. I have them posted in last years blog postings. My sets are completed with the Order of St. Luke logo, stamped on the plates which are actually larger than the standard paten that was used with the wafers for communion, but of late the churches are going to the broken bread communion and intinction. Intinction requires a wider bowl on the chalice to allow for dipping of the wafer or bread. Almost too wide to be drinkable, but not quite.




  18. Folks I just copied two of Josephs tutorials to the Forum FAQ & Help Topics area. This should allow future users to find these excellent tutorials when needed without running a search.  This has been in  with approval of the Moderators and Administrators.

    Time to adjust to the changes, it is new for all of us, but if we work together, we'll all get through it.




  19. Folks PQotW #33 is ready to tease your gray matter.   Enjoy!




  20. Folks, I will be away for about 10 days. No. . . not more hunting. . . My wife and I are going to the Southern Caribbean, on a cruise. It is our 45th anniversary, and has been planned for several months now. Also, I will not have the quiz and the question of the week this week or next week. I will be dropping in now and then til Friday, but then not certain if I will be on afterwards.




    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Enjoy sir and madam!


    3. Min


      BonVoyage! and Congratulations!



  21. Folks, PWotW 32 is up and ready for your scrutiny! Have fun. . . and Happy Halloween!


  22. Glaze load last night with the long wait to open ahead. Both pickling crocks in the kiln, and several apple bakers and mugs. could not get chalices in this load.

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Can't wait to see apple bakers.

  23. Going to help with the adult class at the HS next 5-6 Saturdays.


    1. Denice


      I hope you have a good time.  One summer I took a three day tile course at a junior college.  We slept in a dorm at night and found our own meals during the day.   I had been making tile for several years and thought maybe I  could increase my knowledge on the subject.   At the beginning of the first day I realized that I was mistaken.  Most of the people there had never worked with clay.  The class was doubled book and one of the teachers was sick. A overwhelmed teacher asked me if I would help with the class.  I really enjoyed helping the students,  I think I would have been bored out of my mind  with the elementary presentations.  Denice

    2. Pres


      I taught in this position for 36 yrs, started the adult class. The new teacher 2nd after my retirement, treats me like a king. Great guy, and has kids coming in for the class along with adults. Lots of fun, and the interaction that I miss is marvelous. Teaching can be so rewarding, and often you learn something by teaching others.



  24. Have IT Band Syndrome, painful to walk, and work in shop. Working on stretches and massage gun.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LeeU


      Sorry to hear it-glad that it sounds like there is hope for a light at the end of the tunnel--best wishes!


    3. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      I used to work in a physio clinic. No one ever likes the foam roller, but the evil thing works!

    4. Pres


      Hammer massager worked quite well, and not that I have one I use it on my shoulders and legs a bit after a hot shower. Loosens things up well. Just have to be careful not to over do.

  25. Hi folks, Sorry I'm late but the PQotW Key for Week 25 is up.




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