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Alumina (?) paper clay sheets

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Coming back to ceramics after years away.  Remember there being a proprietary product of thin, high firing, fine clay sheets that could be cut with scissors.  Was very white like porcelain. Could buy it a 2mm thin sheets. It's formula was a company secret but I think it had a high alumina content.   Could only be bought from the manufacturer 's website in the US. 

Have seen it discussed on this site but getting no love from the Search tool and hoping someone knows the name of the product.  Thanks in advance.

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Hi all.   Thanks for the replies!

No the paper clay product was not a ceramic fibre 'paper' for kiln shelves.  

It was ,  as Neil said, an unfired paperclay that you could manipulate like paper...think origami.  There was only the one supplier and so it was expensive(!!!)  but gave a beautiful translucency especially when used in lighting design.

The video Min has suggested is a similar product but seems to be pre-fired.  Robin calls it porcelain 'canvas'.  An internet search brings up pre-fired products that are used by porcelain painters as a flat panel alternative to plates.

The product I'm thinking of was sold as sheets but was highly manipulative.  The product can bear up to repeat firings but was sold in it's raw state to allow for shaping.  It's that ability to be folded and manipulated that I'm looking for. The alumina content was high in it and it could be fired to 1300C (2372F)

Have tried making my own but I'm getting nowhere.  Can get the thinness I want but it tears or splits too easily.  Have tried different fibres, additions and plasticers but still no luck.  Don't want to give up.

Still hoping someone remembers the name.

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Well...that's  disappointing!! 

The Ceramic Art Cart webpage is blank.  The Facebook groups seem to have their last posts in 2015-6.  There is a European site that describes it but is a wholesaler and doesn't do smaller orders.  It has been available at NCECA  but I am a LONG way from there.   Will keep looking.    If someone knows a source of this product, please tell.

Have found some of the previous discussions about this product...



YES!!  Just now found one of my old posts in 2014 asking for a recipe similar to Keraflex!   Had long forgotten so am happy with that! 

Also posting the link to the PDF mentioned in the answers .



Have a starting point now.   Relief.

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Thanks  liambesaw!

Just looked that up and found the Etsy shop.  Am happy to start there as Canadian $ are similar to Australian so I know what I'm up for.

The company is based in Canada  https://yuyo.ca/keraflex-porcelain-sheet-a3-sheet-thickness-0-5mm-sold-by-1-sheet-kera005-bulk-prc-avlb/     

Will contact them and see if direct shipping without the Etsy 'middleman' fees is possible.


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You may find this helpful. Although it is for a different application (I think?) the material is basically the same as Keraflex. Someone at Alfred University did some research on "tape casting" which is basically a ceramic matrix spread into a thin sheet using glycerine and PVA (Elmers) glue. A thin, flexible, unfired sheet of clay. Although the set up is relatively simple I think it will require some research and testing - the only advantages I see over Keraflex being availability and cost (although time is money). Good luck! Very curious what you plan on making with it. 


The student "cookbooks" in this second link also have some documentation of students' tests with tape casting. I don't remember where, you'll have to scan through and find them. The Alfred Grinding Room website is an excellent resource for other alternative ceramic processes as well. 


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