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    Hulk reacted to Min in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Lunch today, 4 days to sprout the seeds in a mason jar on the kitchen counter, (clover, alfalfa, radish & mustard), hummus and hard cooked egg on ww crackers. Corner of the bowl in the background is one of my dinner bowls.
    Hummus recipe is just by eyeball, chickpeas, lemon juice, olive oil, sesame oil (I’m out of tahini), garlic, salt, smoked paprika and an ice cube in the food processor.

  2. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Also did some cooking for lunch, instead of the constant snacking today. Today has been a good energy day, so I am making hay while the sun shines. 
    This is Tom Kha, or coconut lemongrass soup. There is no link to the recipe I use, because I got it off a cooking show years ago, but the link here is similar. I make a green curry paste with a whole bunch of cilantro, the ginger, garlic, onion, hot pepper and lime, but the jarred stuff works just fine. I used enoki mushrooms, because they were super cheap and they’re like extra noodles. I put some fish in, but you can use thinly sliced chicken, or big shrimp (heh) when they’re in season. 

  3. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Bit of a late breakfast. Mixed a tablespoon of hummus into some canned tomatoes, salt and pepper, a shot of hot sauce and some fresh herbs.  Simmer for about 10 minutes and then poach an egg in it. Serve with toast to dip in the yolk. Cheese toast shown, but any will do. 
    These bowls are my go-to. I made them a couple of years ago and tried to make more for the public, but they weren’t as popular as I thought they’d be. 

  4. Like
    Hulk reacted to Chilly in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Made two lots of jam yesterday.  Tayberry and gooseberry, both the last of last years crop, frozen on day of picking.  It's much nicer making jam in the winter, not in the heat of summer!

  5. Like
    Hulk reacted to Min in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    My day to bake bread. Old school long fermentation but not sourdough. I'm trying to make my yeast last as long as possible, all the stores here are sold out. Will have to start some sourdough starter.
    Bowl is about 15 years old, it's a second. I had left it as bisque for quite a while, outside kiln area, and when I went to glaze it there was a small mud wasp nest inside it. Got rid of the wasp nest and I thought I had it cleaned well enough but I guess not, there was iron in the mud the nest was made from. Little bit of straw coloured glaze inside the bottom of the bowl. 

  6. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    @LeeU if you take the same pan roasted cherry tomatoes, they’re pretty tasty on hash browns too. Or it would indeed be amazing with sourdough! 
    Cut tomatoes in half, a couple of tablespoons of oil in a hot pan, clove of garlic and herbs. Fresh if you have, dried if you don’t. Comes together in about ten minutes and they get all sweet. 
  7. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    No bears here,  there is a private zoo a half mile from us  with exotic animals,  we will have to take a drive and see what animals are out and about.   We often see a group of camels running across the fields,  their size and strength is very impressive.  The heron rookery  by the creek is full this year, nice to have them back,  they disappeared for a couple of years.    The deer and coyotes are still playing hide and seek,  I think the deer are winning.  I see some  hungry  looking coyotes around,  I have to keep a close eye on my dog.    My husband loves to cook,  so far he has made a loaf of farm type bread and a loaf of raisin bread.   The raisin bread wasn't sweet and didn't have enough raisins any suggestions would be appreciated.   We are trying to help keep some of the food places in business while everyone is sheltered in.   Went through a drive thru at a chicken place the other day,  haven't done that since we gave up fried foods twenty years ago.   IHOP is delivering in our neighborhood so we are going to order a dinner from them.  We have never had a meal there so that will be a whole new experience.  Ordered groceries on line for the first time.  we can pick them up Monday at noon, good thing I didn't need them this week.    Denice
  8. Like
    Hulk reacted to oldlady in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    not today but you reminded me of a breakfast in september in harpers ferry back in 2017.    my pieces plus a cream and sugar by del martin, a mug by seth cardew, and a thin waisted cup by john glick.   i made the square at a workshop with ellen currans in oregon.  marvelous time there.
    the bacon looks excessive but it is paper thin and i microwave it on paper towels to take out the fat.   

  9. Like
    Hulk reacted to Roberta12 in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Pumpkin bread was yesterday.  I am going to try and Irish Soda bread today.  The pumpkin bread recipe was from my mother in law.  I use it as a base for banana bread or whatever.  It's almost fool proof and reminds me of winter and holidays and family.  And thanks @neilestrick for a great thread.  I am definitely going to try Mea's shoo fly pie.  I don't have starter for sour dough, but I love your photos!
    Pumpkin Bread
    1 cup raisins, 1 cup water, 4 eggs,3 cups sugar, 1 cup veg oil, 1 tsp cloves, 1 tsp nutmeg, 1 tsp cinnamon,1 tsp baking powder, 2 tsps. salt,2 tsp baking soda,1 cup chopped nuts,3 1/2 cups flour, 1 small can pumpkin (1.5 cups)  Combine all, and mix well, bake in 2 greased loaf pans at 350 for 1 hr. 
    The platter was a gift and it was made by Catie Miller.  Perfect for Bread!

  10. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in QotW: What are your concerns about the coronovirus impact on your health and your livelihood and passion?   
    When the Coronavirus spread first started I was getting ready to start on tile project so I had taken a count of the different types of clay I had and weight.  I also went through my chemicals and glazes to see if I was low on anything.   I was going to do some testing and hate it when I am in the middle of mixing a glaze and missing a chemical.   This has turned into a much longer shelter in,  our county closed down a week ago and now they are talking about the state.  My husband and I are in the almost 70 category,  he has mild diabetes and I have MS so we have to be vigilant a in avoiding exposure.    Thankfully we  both have plenty of projects to keep us busy.    Denice
  11. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in What’s on your workbench?   
    I don't have any snow views but I do have a field across the street full of wild life.  It is turkey mating season, the male puts on a nice show but you can tell that the female is the boss.   I finally finished  glass casting done,  it is time to start assembling and mortaring everything in place.  That will have to wait until better weather.   My husband has started working on the basement,  it is unfinished so wiring,  plumbing, framing and sheet rocking needs to be done.  He has finished the storage room and wood working shop and is working on the bathroom now.  I need to make some more tile for the shower,  he changed the design and made it larger.   I have the clay and glaze ready,  I just need to start  rolling and cutting.   We are lucky we both have plenty of projects to keep us busy during the next three weeks of shelter at home.     Denice
  12. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Rae Reich in What’s on your workbench?   
    Aforementioned brother, pulling our friend Gwen (rip); myself and big brother; the bunny hill in Italian Alps, Jan '64, a somewhat dry winter, if me recall ...my brother showed me how much faster lying down on the sled is, aero an' all that, hence, took a running start and bellied it, however, having not yet learned how to effectively brake and/or bail, hurtled through the snow fence (off to the left in the panorama pic) and was tackled by a friendly Italian man and ground to a halt some twenty feet from the precipice. He walked me over so I could see the thousand plus drop to rocks below, then instructed me in sled braking and kindly pointed out how much heavier than my brother I am, "...ti piace la pizza" (you like the pizza, eh)? You gd right I do I said - oh, we laughed! How I blushed, din' expect that he spoke the English, which he did, perfectly.

  13. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Rae Reich in What’s on your workbench?   
    "...thick bats, hulk, what are they made of?"
    5/8" powder board of some kind, finished with oil stain, then spar varnish, made up three square ones, three big circles, and three more circles of 3/8 material, these are my fav bats for just a few no hurry pieces; when feeling more "productive," will roll with plaster bats.
    Excepting six years in Sierra Nevada foothill town - a few snow events almost every year - over fifty years removed from real snow, not missing it much, however, fond memories of my brother catching my eye as he initiated a furious snowball war (half hour drive uphill from Paradise, alla snow one could wish for), culminating in perfectly timed duck as he sprinted across the field, hence my fastball caught the b in law flush against the side of his ******* head, priceless, ahem. I prefer my snow brewed into IPA, heated for shower water, circulating in the lap pool, bubbling in the hot tub, a left on Left Spot...
  14. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Rae Reich in What’s on your workbench?   
    mugs and bowls

  15. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Denice in What’s on your workbench?   
    Aforementioned brother, pulling our friend Gwen (rip); myself and big brother; the bunny hill in Italian Alps, Jan '64, a somewhat dry winter, if me recall ...my brother showed me how much faster lying down on the sled is, aero an' all that, hence, took a running start and bellied it, however, having not yet learned how to effectively brake and/or bail, hurtled through the snow fence (off to the left in the panorama pic) and was tackled by a friendly Italian man and ground to a halt some twenty feet from the precipice. He walked me over so I could see the thousand plus drop to rocks below, then instructed me in sled braking and kindly pointed out how much heavier than my brother I am, "...ti piace la pizza" (you like the pizza, eh)? You gd right I do I said - oh, we laughed! How I blushed, din' expect that he spoke the English, which he did, perfectly.

  16. Like
    Hulk reacted to neilestrick in What’s on your workbench?   
    This is how my family does snow.

  17. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Bill Kielb in What’s on your workbench?   
    "...thick bats, hulk, what are they made of?"
    5/8" powder board of some kind, finished with oil stain, then spar varnish, made up three square ones, three big circles, and three more circles of 3/8 material, these are my fav bats for just a few no hurry pieces; when feeling more "productive," will roll with plaster bats.
    Excepting six years in Sierra Nevada foothill town - a few snow events almost every year - over fifty years removed from real snow, not missing it much, however, fond memories of my brother catching my eye as he initiated a furious snowball war (half hour drive uphill from Paradise, alla snow one could wish for), culminating in perfectly timed duck as he sprinted across the field, hence my fastball caught the b in law flush against the side of his ******* head, priceless, ahem. I prefer my snow brewed into IPA, heated for shower water, circulating in the lap pool, bubbling in the hot tub, a left on Left Spot...
  18. Like
    Hulk reacted to Mark C. in What’s on your workbench?   
    Here is a photo my wife took back in February  2017 in Indonesia of snow the way we like it along with a snow suit and required snow gear to enjoy the snow.Once you experience snow like this you to will like snow better this way.

  19. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Min in What’s on your workbench?   
    mugs and bowls

  20. Like
    Hulk reacted to Bill Kielb in What’s on your workbench?   
    Interesting! There are folks in the northern latitudes that swear as the snow disappears even while its technically too cold to do so is simply sublime!
  21. Like
    Hulk reacted to Mark C. in What’s on your workbench?   
    OH snow -well I like snow and this is how I like mine-1st it falls in some place that has rath for winter months long cold dark snowy nights. It melts and flows down rivers to the sea. This is where the process I like begins. That water is diluted with salt water and the ocean currents slowly take it towards the warmer latitudes where it slowly warms to the right temps-say about 82 degrees -then slowly tropical fish as well as other inhabitants take over and make it thier home-corals and such. My snow is shaded by a plam tree on white tropical sandy beach. Thats how I like my snow.-No shovel needed but fins and a mask will help as well as a snorkel.An underwater camera is the right tool in my snow world.
  22. Like
    Hulk reacted to oldlady in What’s on your workbench?   
    very nice.   mugs made  for big hands.  those are very thick bats, hulk, what are they made of?
  23. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from oldlady in What’s on your workbench?   
    mugs and bowls

  24. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from rox54 in Free Video Recommendations for Potters   
    Oooh, I like all those too, even Simon, haha, "Oh Hi there, how are you, potters, friends, utubers?"
    Ton a day Isaac Button, classic; first of four segments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmG5NOmQy_4
    Michael Casson, here's one of his - there are a few others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19YjNGEtUYo (I like his book too)
    Still watching this one 'bout once a month,
    Genji Shimizu (artist name Hokujoh) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybb-HhSrtxA&t=8s   NHK Ceramic Treasures series - some great stuff here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUCSFSJSz477hmqwO98PWp940W_voWW7W  Clinton Pottery clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs2tUxKQIic&t=70s
    Tim See - not seeing many potters anchoring hand on the away side to center - works for him https://www.youtube.com/user/timseepots
    ...where's the German lady, and the Swedish lady, hrrrm… (still looking)
    Add Bill Van Gilder https://www.youtube.com/user/vangilderpottery/videos
  25. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    No bears in the city, however quiet it is! Lotsa jackrabbits though. And coyotes. 
    Tonight, no one was particularly hungry because we’re not really active. Dinner was just pasta with a good olive oil, a big garlic clove, about a pound of pan roasted cherry tomatoes and some parm.  I did the pots. 

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