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Rae Reich

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    Rae Reich reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    @liambesaw.  Liam.  My friend. Those prices, man. We need to talk!
  2. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Well I did my farmers market today, got out in the sun and got a lot of sketching done :/
    Made 55 dollars, which was more than i was expecting since this was a 20 tent market and I was one of two Craftsmen there.  
    luckily the booth fee was only 10 dollars!
    man there are some really weird people out there...
    Guy to the left of me was selling bleach water (FOR DRINKING!!!) and the booth across from me was selling essential oils... Don't these people know how dangerous those things are!? 

  3. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Pres in What’s on your workbench?   
    Hi folks, 
    I have been doing some thinking about the white liner glaze that I have been dipping the hazelnut and the white clays in before spray glazing. So I decided to try a piece without glazing the whole piece in the white glaze, just the inside and neck. I think you can see the difference. Seems like to me, the white is bleaching out the cream rust glaze here, pieces I had sprayed with the cream rust, the variegated blue and the rutile green would always be more blue and green. Interestingly enough, the hazelnut pieces would have more browns in them. 

  4. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Mark C. in What’s on your workbench?   
    Nice piece 
  5. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Marcia Selsor in What’s on your workbench?   
    working on a new batch of pots for soluble salts. will be writing 2 articles about discoveries in PMI and Revisita Ceramica International. Workshop schedule filling up for 2020. 

  6. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Pres in What’s on your workbench?   
    Not on my workbench, but to let you know what I have been doing. These shots were from delivery of pieces to Savannah Bee on June 24th.


    best, Pres
  7. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to shawnhar in What’s on your workbench?   
    Sponge holders and berry bowls, just loaded the kiln with these and some 6 lb bowls.

  8. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Denice in QotW: What would your basic tool kit for glazing be?   
    Looks like everyone has a pretty complete list,  the only thing I would add is a pair of disposable gloves.   When I was in college I had a reaction to a wash with copper carbonate in it.   I  took my gloves off to get some wash into a tight area.    I only got it on my fingers but my teeth went numb after a few minutes.   My professor asked me if I had been wearing gloves,  I told him I took them off for a few minutes.  He said now you know not to take your gloves off.   Denice
  9. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Hulk in QotW: What would your basic tool kit for glazing be?   
    Add scale, dust mask (not a throwaway), graduated cylinder, Epsom salt and/or vinegar, several sizes of kitchen whisk (already mentioned, however, I have one chucked up in my lightweight portable drill - lighter than the 1/2" corded drill + grout mixer), long scraper to check for globs on bucket bottom and particularly the corners, screens/sieves, masking tape, razor blades and utility knife, wax emulsion, map gas torch, assortment of brushes, grout sponges, bucketS, small/purpose cut sponges, patience to wait for stuff to dry, more patience. 
    Haven't been into tongs at all, might give it a go...
  10. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Pres in QotW: What would your basic tool kit for glazing be?   
    Yep, I forgot to mention the drill with paint mixer, the stick blender for the jars of spray glaze, and a toilet brush to mix base glaze.
  11. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Pres in QotW: What would your basic tool kit for glazing be?   
    Hi folks, again no new QotW in the pool so. . . .after last weeks QotW about handbuilding and throwing tool kits lets extend to Glazing.  What would your basic tool kit for glazing be?
    I have been doing a lot of spray glazing of late, and will start off with a pair of dip tongs(for base coat dip glazing), compressor and spray gun. I use a simple one that uses standard quart jars that works really well for my purposes. I would also add a banding wheel, a bucket of water to clean out the sprayer between colors, and a small brush for brush work over glaze. Glazing for me also includes cleanup before loading into the kiln. Include here a potters sponge, a bunch of 1" sponge brushes, a bucket of clean water. I also wax bases of all of my pots before glazing so that would be with an electric skillet and paraffin. 
    What would your glazing kit include?
  12. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in QotW: What would your basic tool kit for glazing be?   
    Mine is a drill with blunger, a giant whisk, a pouring measuring cup from the dollar store, a turkey baster and a large tiling sponge.  I also occasionally use wax!  No brushes or tongs though, I should probably get some sometime lol 
  13. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Got to open the kiln last night, almost everything came out great, which is a blessing for sure.  Started another glaze load last night and hope it's just as dope.

  14. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Marcia Selsor in What’s on your workbench?   
    Getting ready for my exhibition as one of 3 signature artists for our local Art Center Fundraiser; Art in the Beartooths. I have been firing and doing a few re-firings. Making interesting discoveries , at least for me regarding slight differences in temperature for soluble salts.

  15. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Denice in What’s on your workbench?   
    I am finally ready to make the top section of my arched mural/grill.  As soon as I get finished with it I am going to start making the antique glass bottle bottoms to set into the mural.   I need to make some more molds and then I will be ready to start firing.   I looked around on the internet to see if I could buy some glass similar to my antique glass bottoms.  I found some by a glass artist and they were 50 to 100 dollars each,  I need 80.  I can't afford to spend that much money and I was bummed out that it wasn't a original idea.   So I have done a dozen test to get my firing  glass firing schedule perfect.     Denice
  16. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to oldlady in What’s on your workbench?   
    did not know you could do that, min!  they look good and the bumpy salt effect is still there.
  17. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Min in What’s on your workbench?   
    Couple soda jar re-fires, there were some wadding bits from the lids that fell inside the jars that needed to be dremelled out. Touched up the glaze in the bottoms and fired them to ^6 in electric kiln. Lost a bit of the flashing colour but came out okay. 

  18. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Haha, hey, it's organic, 100% natural reclaim conditioner.  
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    Rae Reich reacted to shawnhar in What’s on your workbench?   
    I will never forget the frog poop, that will haunt me to the grave... 
  20. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Thanks!  Unfortunately they do have jarring distractions because whenever I sit down to film, my neighbors who are NEVER out, decide to do their yard work.  But it's been great kind of chronicling my journey since the start of the year, and it's a lot of fun too.
    As far as the website goes, well I am not that into computers anymore so it's hard for me to sit down and concentrate on one, but I'll get through that eventually 
  21. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to LeeU in What’s on your workbench?   
    And they are lookin' good! Nice and simple, no jarring  distractions, conveys the info just as it should! Hope building the webite is at least a little bit fun--I loved doing mine even though I have neglected it lately. 
  22. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    I've been busy filming and editing YouTube videos.  Need to get back on the mugs and bowls wagon though, so will get back to normal making soon.  
    I also need to finish my website and get things moving on the business end, I just only have so much time in the day, someone clone me please!
  23. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Joseph Fireborn in What’s on your workbench?   
    Been making yunomi around the clock. I have been testing a lot of clay mixes and additions and I have some big plans for my standard white glaze work. Also been making some new marks on my work that I haven't usually made and I plan to leave the areas rawish of clay. Hopefully, once I can get what is in my head down on the pot it will be as beautiful as I imagine it. I could literally make yunomi and nothing else for the rest of my life. They are the absolute perfection of a pot.
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    Rae Reich reacted to Babs in What’s on your workbench?   
    dork x2 here; beats handling them..pun???
  25. Like
    Rae Reich reacted to Johnmicheal in What’s on your workbench?   
    I still love my drycleaner bags, I can't remember the last time I actually drycleaned anything, but it didn't keep me from stopping in one and asking if they had any discards. I'm still using them, and that was 5-7 years ago, with a bag of them still in storage lol. They are light, they drape well, I double, sometimes triple them up to control drying.....and sticking with the subject, my workbench is clear, I'm ready to start again, pitchers are the need for this week
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