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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Chilly


    From the album: All Stuff

  2. Chilly


    From the album: All Stuff

  3. My poor back. Cut, slam wedged 25kg of porcelain. One bag too hard, the other too soft.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pres


      That can be tough, but for me after the cut and slam, wedge with cone or ramshead to restretch contracted spine.

    3. karenkstudio


      If the hard bag is not completely dry, cut it in a few chunks and wrap each in a

      very damp hand towel for a day or two.

    4. Min


      you sound like Goldilocks, hope your next bag is just right : )

  4. Hi Sharon, welcome to CAD forums, and good on you for volunteering. I'm too far to away come and help, but slip-casting (pouring) is (to me) the easiest job in the studio. Like everything though, you will need to test, test, test and make good notes. Start with a two-piece mould. Apply mould straps so mould cannot openup. Using a soft brush, make sure there is nothing inside, no dust, old clay, spiders nests........ Stir your bucket of slip thoroughly for several minutes. If it's been hanging around for a while you might want to sieve it. Using a plastic jug with an open-bottomed handle scoop up some slip. Pour the slip into the mould until it is full to the very top. Hang the jug on the rim of the bucket, so it drips back into the bucket. Set a minute-timer for 10 minutes. I use 10 for earthenware, 20 for stoneware slip, but this differs depending on heat and humidity. Meanwhile, find a pair of flat sticks or an old fridge shelf and place over top of bucket, to hold upturned mould. When timer goes off, use a plastic tool to cut a small v-shape (10mm by 10mm max) from the setting slip in the pour hole so you can see the thickness of the cast. Re-set timer for more if needed. Pour slip from mould back into bucket. Leave mould upturned on sticks until slip stops running out. Leave upside down, or right way up for several hours (again this depends on humidity), until you can see the clay start to shrink away from the mould. Use thin end of plastic tool (lucy tool - http://www.cromartiehobbycraft.co.uk/imagecache/c0b4830c-141b-490c-999d-a27e00a10685_800x479.jp) to remove clay from the pour hole. This action is a bit like scraping round a bowl with a spatula to remove all the cake mix. Undo mould straps. Place mould on side with seam horizontal. Use thick end of plastic (lucy) tool to gently prise the two halves of mould apart, then lift top half of mould away from bottom half. Allow to dry a bit more, then carefully remove "pot" from mould. Put the mould back together, with mould straps and leave in a dry, airy place for <>24 hours before re-using (depending on, yes, you've guessed, the humidity. Place pot on thick piece of foam and fettle (clean up the seams etc) when leatherhard. Wash, rinse, spin, repeat The really difficult bits are deciding how long to leave the slip in the mould, and knowing when to open the mould, and the physical size and weight of some of the moulds. Not enough/too much time = too thin or too thick castings. Opening the mould too soon usually results in tearing the pot apart as it is still sticking to parts of the mould. Leaving too long for a simple vase, say, might not be a problem, but for a complex figurine, the shrinkage can pull the pot apart. You can allow any boo-boos to dry completely and then throw them back in the slip bucket, or start a new bucket and add water. You can add (I recall) up to one third recycled, dry slip to a bucket of new slip without too much problem. More than that and you need to read this article: http://www.ceramicindustry.com/articles/84299-ppp-successful-slip-castingand then this one: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/527ac372e4b0d4e47bb0e554/t/527fd7f1e4b0c046bfa9b90d/1384110065234/Dispersant+Addition+Procedures.pdf. It's a bit heavy going, but doable. Good luck
  5. How do you get your "clay fix" when on holiday or when can't "pot" due to illness or injury?
  6. I'm a better organiser than I am a potter. If no-one else wants to take this on, I will.
  7. Winter has returned! Farewell spring!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. terrim8
    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Well I was wrong, spring isn't here. Summer is here. It's pretty darn hot.

  8. Threw two whole pots today, then destroyed one.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I destroy about 95% of what I make. I have a whole shelving unit full of stuff I am going to hammer and trash next week. Keeps me on my toes!

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Do you throw away because it isn't good or because your not satisfied with it?

  9. Can't get into the studio. Fresh paving laid between house and greenhouse door. Not allowed to walk on it yet. Which book do I want to re-read?

    1. Marko


      Forget the book. Go press your hand in the cement, write initials, dates. LOL

    2. glazenerd


      Of Mice and Men- John Steinbech. back.. something like that. Not read it in 40 years, but still remember it well.

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      "Thank you for arguing." That is one of my most recommended books to almost anyone who asks me about a book to read.

  10. Chilly


    From the album: All Stuff

    $2.8 million. WTF ??
  11. Hmmmm, I'm guilty as charged. Couldn't think of a design, and for home use I like the grinders.
  12. Hurrah, the forum is back

  13. Discharged from fracture clinic. Now I can start getting back to a normal life. Physio says it could take another 8 months before shoulder returns to "normal". I'm cool with that.

    1. vinks


      Wishing Good health!

    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Not bad. Time zooms by. You will get there. Glad you got some good results!

  14. Discharged from fracture clinic. Now I can start getting back to a normal life. Physio says it could take another 8 months before shoulder returns to "normal". I'm cool with that.

  15. Kiln is cooling.

    1. Marko
    2. glazenerd


      cool quicker- I wanna peak!!!

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