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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. From the album: architectural pieces and some workshops

    This was a column similar to those I made in Philadelphia
  2. From the album: architectural pieces and some workshops

    Workshop at Clearlake University of Houston
  3. From the album: architectural pieces and some workshops

    working on pieces at the Clay Studio
  4. From the album: architectural pieces and some workshops

    These patterns were insured by pieces from an architectural salvage place on 2nd St.
  5. Visiting family for the holidays.

  6. Firing two bisques tonight. Hope to get everything bisqued before Monday.

    1. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      Ooh 2? do you have 2 kilns?


  7. These are beauties, Marc! And I like the orbs.
  8. Good day in the studio

  9. trying to get up the umph to go work in a cold studio.

  10. That should read NITRIL gloves. Instant spell checks can really change a meaning.
  11. cold front has made it to deepest tip of South Texas.

  12. From the album: saggar, horse hair, feathers, foil saggars, Obvara

    foil saggar fired pieces using ferric chloride, epsom salts, cobalt and copper sulphates. Vapor respirator and nitric gloves are required when working with these nasty chemicals. Marcia
  13. Time for finishing up projects before the holidays.

  14. big cold front with heavy rain slowing down my firing preparations.

  15. Burnishing today. I have a lot of pots to fire.

  16. delivered new work to Houston. Got a call that one had already sold before they were displayed! Yay!

  17. Need to ship out pieces, do paperwork, trim pots.

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