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Status Replies posted by yappystudent

  1. A great auction! KVIE sold the trio of pots for $350...way more than the retail of $120!

  2. Big weekend coming up as my trio of Horsehair Raku jars goes on the auction block at the local PBS KVIE station's annual Art Auction. At the preview Gala on Monday it already had an early bid of $150 against an asking price of $120. My segment of the auction will air in the 1PM hour on Saturday...

    1. yappystudent


      Citrus Heights is one of my old home towns, nice to see a CAD person doing the neighborhood some good. I lived in one of the apt blocks on the east side of sunrise mall when Alexander Calder stabiles and sunlight sculptures were still part of the mall's architecture, before it's makeover anyway, many hours spent at the movies and hanging out.  

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Busy with pottery class assignments. Trying my hand at slipware there and at home. 

    1. yappystudent


      By slipware I meant slip decorating. That's what they call it on Youtube searches, oops. At any rate it's good fun, TY!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. The rains have come. Trying to develop some big vessels to repeat for sale. 

    1. yappystudent


      Luckily no smoke on the coast. Slab over a bowl I found as well as using the big maple leaf press mold, and ty for asking. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. New kiln arrived and is in place.  Got the kiln vent installed too.  If the pending hurricane doesn't drop too much water on us...should  be able to test fire soon.


  6. New kiln arrived and is in place.  Got the kiln vent installed too.  If the pending hurricane doesn't drop too much water on us...should  be able to test fire soon.


  7. Sprained my ankle and scraped myself up rolling down a 20 foot hill, while trying to pick peaches. I got extremely lucky. 

    1. yappystudent


      TYVM for the well wishes. It was very exciting at the time but I'm almost back on my feet. Overextended with a fruit picker on  a steep overgrown slope, feet went out from underneath me, and to my surprise once I got rolling gravity was in control. Badly sprained right foot, much of my left leg scraped and bruised black. Managed not to hit a short metal stake that used to hold up washed-out retaining wall but lots of partly-trimmed brush trunks poking out. Did not hit head, neck, or my back on the concrete at the bottom.  Advice: don't overextend, or pick fruit wearing shorts. 

      @Igusten: I do have quite a few in the freezer already, the skunks are enjoying the nearly full 5 gallon bucket sitting up under the tree at present. I'll make a stab collecting it tomorrow. 

      @Denice: The idea of your toe makes me cringe. Ow.  

      @Gabby thank the powers that be for lazy animal companions. whenever I'm sick or hurt the big cat abandons me completely, the little one sticks to me like glue to the point of annoyance. 

      @Pres ty and I'll be careful. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Well, it's got nuthin to do with ceramics, but  a big black bear just helped himself to the suet cakes hanging from my car port roof. He made a crushed wire mess of my pricey squirrel proof double cake suet hanger. I've been hanging suet for 8 years w/o being visited by a big fuzzy thief.  Guess I won't be putting that out anymore. Did I mention he was big? (And beautiful-a treat to see, truth be told).

    1. yappystudent


      And I thought the deer were pushy around here. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Well, the kiln arrived, but it was damaged.  So after a few hours, back it went.  Guess I got more time to organize for it.:(


  10. So excited I can barely contain myself.  Kiln is ordered!!!! Space is ready for it!!!!  Been a long time coming.


  11. Finally, going to take the plunge and buy my first kiln.  I am feeling a little scared....I have some  experience firing someone else's kiln...but it has been a few years.  

    My space in the basement is all wired, got a great vent area....the house had an old oil furnace removed 30- 30 years ago, but the chimney still has the vent and the opening is close to where the kiln is going.  

    1. yappystudent


      Reading about kilns helped to raise and answer a lot of questions I had when I was getting my kiln. Your challenges might vary but they are worth pushing through. I'm only on my 8th firing next and it's actually getting more exciting because things are turning out better and I've more confidence using the machine itself. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Finally, going to take the plunge and buy my first kiln.  I am feeling a little scared....I have some  experience firing someone else's kiln...but it has been a few years.  

    My space in the basement is all wired, got a great vent area....the house had an old oil furnace removed 30- 30 years ago, but the chimney still has the vent and the opening is close to where the kiln is going.  

    1. yappystudent


      TY for liking my owl. Good luck with your kiln, you'll love it. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Maiolica is friggin' hard. 

    1. yappystudent


      Sounds like a good suggestion. I'd certainly have more control over my outlines that way. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Maiolica is friggin' hard. 

    1. yappystudent


      Thanks for the advice and the link. Mainly I'm just grumbling but the advice is appreciated. I have watched that video and some others, but that's not exactly what I'm trying to do. Her work is more Majolica, I'm trying to adapt Maiolica and go for something like an 'ancient but refined' (?) look. I'm working on three different experiments that are Maiolica/Majolica-like. It's hard to describe even to myself but I'll know it when I see it. The oxide was an impulse because I figured it would give me nice clear black, stable lines to paint underglazes over at bisque stage. I also tried one with black underglaze outlining on sandy clay, and another with a smooth black clay body with lighter values of slip painting. All are still in the greenware stage but I'm enjoying the process, except for the oxide. I may have to take a trip to buy black mason stain and ask the pottery store folks about the other materials you mentioned for outlining. Here's an image of the oxide (right) and underglaze (left) pieces as-is: 1234015688_Majolicaexperimenttwovesselsgreenware.jpg.d13f465e8c445a4aea8727971bd91b34.jpg

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Maiolica is friggin' hard. 

    1. yappystudent


      I was trying an abbreviated form of what I understand to be Maiolica: red clay w/ various white coverings. I got as far as this somewhat complicated process making three nice smooth-surfaced forms to experiment on, then tried working with some black oxide outlines, figuring I'd apply it to the greenware, stabilize it during bisque firing, then apply colored glazes and more detailed lines later. The oxide gets everywhere....spent most of my time cleaning up oxide mess on my piece and all over my workroom. I'm still finding smudges of it on my clothes, towels, countertops.... 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Getting ready to open the vegetable stand in a couple of weeks...the farm is producing well. Just waiting for the tomatoes to ripen. it's a good opportunity to sell my pottery, too!

    1. yappystudent


      I used to live in Citrus Heights, in the second apartment complex behind Sunrise Mall! I miss central valley produce but not the summer temps. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Kiln opening #6 tonight. Finally gave my neighbor his mug. 

    1. yappystudent


      Still looking for the images of the bird bath. It did sell at the yard sale despite a crack going right through the bottom (sealed with aquarium silicone). 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Bought a used shop sink complete with stand and hardware for $20. Is everyone on vacation??

  19. Kiln opening #6 tonight. Finally gave my neighbor his mug. 

    1. yappystudent


      It was mainly bisque and tests, but one was my first attempt at majolica -birdbath that's going into a yard sale tomorrow. Has a crack through the center, which I 'fixed' with aquarium sealant. I'll post a pic of it ASAP. ty for the encouragement:)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Forming mosaic tiles in low-fire clay today. Did a sketch for a gourd vase. 

  21. Just had a trio of horsehair Raku pots juried and accepted for a local PBS TV station's fall Art Auction!

  22. Stuck on making up a 'store' title and motif. Grokking new 'bread & butter designs. Needing to make some stuff for myself alone. 

    1. yappystudent


      Sweet. I'm stealing that Queen Agnes' logo right now, it might not be to far away from the mark. Valuable insight otherwise as well. Actually you must read minds because the current working title starts with "Queen"! -anyway, the shop theme will be largely to keep my own interest over time, allow some wiggle room to my designs, build up a local reputation with original work. I am not a social flower so my work is going to have to speak for itself. Won't argue that I don't need to do this, especially in regards to paraphernalia wares, what's on the shelves currently locally and online is mainly either godawful or very bland. That won't be all I'm doing but since those stores need goods and there is one on every block here the unexploited niche is irresistible. Thanks again for your interaction, useful stuff. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Stuck on making up a 'store' title and motif. Grokking new 'bread & butter designs. Needing to make some stuff for myself alone. 

    1. yappystudent


      TY for asking. My situation is a bit complicated, but the simple version would be to peddle a personal fantasy twist to somewhat baroque-meets-sci fi wares, in a small capacity in my local community and on Etsy. I can't quite decide how exotic to get. At this point my output will be fairly minimal so it's up to personal choice really. Any ideas? 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. Mixed up 200lbs.,CR2 cone 6 porcelain: let the crystals begin. Going to mix up 50lbs., of cone 11 "wood fire" porcelain next weekend. Tested the cone 11 last year: does strange things :) 

    1. yappystudent


      More power to you. 

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