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Marcia Selsor

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Status Updates posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. Fired my first bisque in Red Lodge last night. After several different delays due to online missing attachments on both sides, myself and the electric company, I finally have power to the kilns, Just in time to prepare for next week's wood firing with the Red Lodge clay Center.

    1. terrim8


      Have fun!





  2. Firing my first bisque in my new kiln shed. Wiring happened today. Loaded late this afternoon and firing a tube stacked load for the wood firing happening next week. Each person is allocated 18 cu. ft in the train kiln.

  3. Got rid of 2 rubbermaid storage containers of porcelain, plus boxed raku clay and Armadillo porcelain. I have clay waiting for me in red Lodge, so I don't need to take more 1800 miles. Moving sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Denice


      We moved 10 years ago, moved all of the boxes, clothes and small stuff ourselves. Hired mover for the large stuff. We had a 3 story house plus a basement where my studio was located. Best money ever spent.

    3. Min


      so, are you doing all the unpacking also while your hubby is at your old place?

    4. glazenerd


      Moving does suck, which I why I told the wife to bury me in the backyard. I ain't moving again!!!!

  4. got rid of about 600 pounds of clay and glaze chemicals. Another friend coming by tomorrow for porcelain and more clay and glaze chemicals ware boards, etc. Starting to arrange boxes for loading the truck in 3 weeks.

  5. in Texas for4 days to estimate what will be needed to final move to Montana. 2 pallets of clay and chemicals. I want to keep my G200 , F-4, Custer, and gerstley borate. Some of the rest will go to the university here.

    1. glazenerd


      If the GB is the original before they started blending it: certainly worth keeping.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      it u


      and I know! So s the 100 pounds of Custer. and G-200.

  6. whole family together for Spring break and help with unpacking and arranging house things.

    1. Denice


      You lucky dog, my son asked us to get rid of extra stuff around the house, he didn't want to deal with it when we died.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      It is my husband up for his Spring Break in Texas.

      He has to leave Saturday.


  7. was throwing today in my new studio. Yay! Now I am waiting for the electric company to hook up the power. But I will be ready with kiln loads of pots. POR FIN!!!

    1. glazenerd


      Throwing? do you do that often? Should we call Dr. Phil?

    2. Min


      all things come to she who perseveres : ) woot woot on getting the kilns firing soon! i'm exhausted just reading about all the work you have done to get up and firing.

  8. All lights are up. And I didn't kill myself. Thank you Mark C for the lead to LED king. Great lights and easy to install.

  9. got the shop lights installed today. All but one. missing hardware. But the light is great.

  10. back to finishing taxes.

    1. Roberta12
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Tonight I am done!!! yay. My shop lights cam this afternoon. I have to go to Billings in the morning, but I can hang the lights tomorrow afternoon.


  11. worked on the studio 'til 9 last night. A bit achy today. Made the cart for my slabs while working on the slab roller. One overhead storage can get done when my husband comes up over Spring break. I don't want to do it while no one is around..just in case I fall off a ladder. So maybe I'll throw some saggars today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marko


      Or one of those ear bluetooth headsets. I keep my phone in my pocket. Please be careful Marcia.

    3. Marcia Selsor
  12. worked on the studio 'til 9 last night. A bit achy today. One overhead storage can get done when my husband comes up over Spring break. I don't want to do it while no one is around..just in case I fall off a ladder. So maybe I'll throw some saggars today.

  13. yesterday was 57 but warmer in the sun. Worked outside cutting up sheet rock out the back of my van for my slabs. Much easier to move smaller pieces around.

    1. Marko


      Marcia, it's gonna be 95 in Kingsville on Thursday. Miss it?

  14. yesterday was 57 but warmer in the sun. I cut up sheet rock out the back of my van for my slabs

  15. the electrician came today and installed the meter for new service to the kiln shed 200 amp meter. Plus a panel box inside. My big oval will be direct wired to the panel and plugs for the 2 smaller kilns. The energy company is next to approve the wiring, then the electrician comes back for the wiring to the kilns. Signed up for a wood firing at the Red Lodge clay center in April. I can bisque soon.

  16. Got a three shelf storage and counter top done today. It is starting to get cleaner and more organized every day. I can start making things soon. Got Clay!

  17. got the last pegboard up. Mounted my extruder. Dropped off boxes, plastic and metal at recycling. had some water leak into the kiln shed floor. Snow mounds are still melting a lot. I think I will solve that problems as soon as it warms up.

    1. Marko
    2. glazenerd


      A few strategically located surface collectors should do the job.

  18. got my last heater installed. My studio feels great. No noise, drafts, just warm air. Clay won't freeze unless I lose power. And I have a kerosene heater to back it up.

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Gratz! I am loving that winter is almost over here. Can't wait to pot in the spring. Cool nights and warm days.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I am loving my heaters. Just a comfortable temperature for working. Clay not freezing.


  19. Having a great weekend around Yellowstone Park. saw a wolf stalking an elk, Lots of wildlife and gorgeous skies, rock/thermal formations. LOts of snow, wind and sun.

    1. jrgpots


      Yellowstone in Winter with so few people around is indescribable. I remember seeing 2 elk standing in the run off of a hot pool. They were covered with icicles and shrouded in steam coming off the hot water....so beatiful..

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I posted photos on my Facebook page. Back home and relaxed with lots of inspirations.





    3. glazenerd


      I remember Yellowstone from my last visit- 2003.

  20. I mixed clay today! Picked up dry clays about 11, did errands, and started mixing about 1 pm while the sun was warm . Cold front is coming in tonight. Beat it! So happy. Mixed about 270 pounds wet. That should be a good start. This batch is for making new saggers. I didn't bring many with me. My birthday is Wed. so I can celebrate by doing some throwing. Kilns will be getting wired in Mid- February.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      they are for my low temp. I will bisque to 08 and fire with pots to the same.


    3. glazenerd


      Happy Birthday!!

    4. Denice


      Nothing better than working in your new cozy studio while the winter blasts away outside your door. Happy Birthday.

  21. I mixed clay today! Picked up dry clays about 11, did errands, and started mixing about 1 pm while the sun was warm . Cold front is coming in tonight. Beat it! So happy.

  22. Love being in Montana. Day break is beautiful when the sun first hits the tops of the mountains. Picking up dry clay today in town (how lucky to be near a supplier) then wet clay on Friday at Archie Bray in Helena. Getting closer to operating.

  23. Love being in Montana. Day break is beautiful when the sun first hits the tops of the mountains. Picking up dry clay today in town (how lucky to be near a supplier) then wet clay on friday in Helena. Getting closer to operating.

  24. picking up clay tomorrow. Wish I could have picked it up yesterday and mixed it today in a balmy 51 F.

    1. Roberta12


      Where are you getting your clay these days?

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I am picking enough up for a batch of raku from the red Lodge Clay Center. However, it seems to be 25% higher than the Bray prices. And they don't publish their prices. They said they don't publish them because they are so low. Not the case.


    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I am going to be in Helena at the Bray on friday and will pick up more there.


  25. Today is work on taxes day, clean house, flatten boxes for storage and take things to recycling, groceries on the way home. Would love to put up shelves and install another heat panel this weekend.

    1. Denice


      At least your keeping on track. I caught my husbands head cold and it turned into a ear infection. All I do is sleep.

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