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About Chantay

  • Birthday November 25

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  • Location
    Virginia, USA

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Advanced Member (3/3)



  1. You have so much artistic talent. The pose of the cat and anatomy is spot on. Very impressive.
  2. How cold it is.

    1. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Ack, you on the east coast? In eastern Washington here... 40s and RAIN! You'd think Seattle moved over here! :)

    2. ChenowethArts


      It is so cold that hitchhikers are holding up pictures of thumbs!

      So cold that Starbucks is serving coffee on a stick!

    3. Marko


      Been raining, 40's to 60's. Friday, might be in the 70's. So not to bad. Firing help keep the studio warm.

      Good ones Paul. LOL.

  3. Chantay

    March 2014

  4. Chantay

    My Pots

  5. Chantay


  6. My first pottery class, at a local college, was terrible. The class I'm taking now is so much better. In the first class the teacher offered very little instruction and minimal demonstrations. The class I'm taking now, beginning throwing, the teacher has a set schedule. Starts with cylinders, next bowls, etc.. She does several demos in each class. She also repeats, repeats, repeats instructions. The class is all adult, many older. I for one need the repeated instructions. My throwing has improved immensely after just the first two classes. She also allows room for experimentation and creativity. But this is a teacher who can teach good basics. Others in the class must like her. Most of the students are repeats. -chantay
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