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Double Vision

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not making light of the above Jed, but often I shut my eyes totally when centreing and throwing, don't know how far one can go with this method.

The brain is an amazing thing. canadian , I think Arrowsmith has written on brain plasticity , neural plasticity and maybe there is something there for you.

I know that the brain will learn to ignore faulty signals from perfectly good eyes in babies eg a severely squinting eye will become brain dead if left with out treatment.

Let us know how you journey.


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A good friend tells a story in his Handbuilding classes, where he had a blind student in one of the previous classes. At the end of the class, the student asks to handle all of the other work made in the class. Upon doing so, the student says, "Wow, you guys all suck!" It keys into how feeling the clay is much more important than seeing it. The eye tends to do a lot of averaging. I've actually started having beginner wheel classes try throwing blindfolded fairly early to help learning what's going on. So, like Babs was saying, throwing without looking is pretty comfortable.

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