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emergency MATH problem!

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i am making a dry 10,000 gram batch of glaze.   i have measured and mixed 5 of the ingredients.   just as i was about to add 2,000 grams of whiting,  the phone rang.  when it was over,  i glanced at the recipe and misread the amount as 3,000.   i added the whiting, mixed it with the others in the bucket and looked up the last ingredient, silica.    IT WAS 3,000 GRAMS! , not the whiting.

i realized what i had done and now have to ask all you math gurus for help adding an appropriate number to the 5 other  ingredients to make a somewhat larger than 10,000 gram batch of this marvelous base recipe.

the real recipe includes   frit 3134   1400

                                              c&c ball clay      1800

                                                       neph sy        1800

                                                 bentonite            200         this is supposed to be 2% of the total.  is 200 correct?

                                          and the silica         3,000

i have left the studio without adding any silica.   i hope someone can work out how much to add of each ingredient  listed.   this batch will remain dry until i divide it as needed for various colors.

 i realize that i need a break so i am going to sit and read a mystery, it seems appropriate.

Edited by oldlady
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Not a math genius by any stretch of the imagination but here goes.... from what i gather you put in 33% too much whiting than the recipe calls for and you want to correct it with a larger amount of glaze right?  So heres my attempt ...  frit 3134 is 1400g... multiply 1400 X .33 .. which is 462. .and then add that number of grams of frit into your bucket. Then go to the next...c&c.. 1800X.33 =594g and so on and so forth. Youve already added the whiting+33% so pass that one. You will end up with a corrected 13330g glaze batch. Oh by the way I never make ANY mistakes!:rolleyes:

Correction (thanks to Min) multiply by .5...

Edited by Russ
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Just double checking your problem, you added 3,000 of whiting instead of 2,000? All other ingredients added as stated, including 3,000 silica? If this is correct then you added 50% too much Whiting.

Not a math genius either but this is what I get...

Add the following to the bucket (hope you have a big bucket)

3134  + 700

C&C + 900

NepSy + 900

Silica + 1500

Bentonite + 100

edit: Just reread your post, add a total of 4500 silica to the bucket. (3000 that was supposed to be in it plus 1500)



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thanks, all of you!   from someone who went through 12 grades in school with a consitent D minus in math on each report card.

yes, it is a 5 gallon bucket, last time i filled it was 3 years ago.   i used the last 3,000 grams to make purple yesterday.  i will roll it on the ground and use a drywall mixer through a hole in the special top to blend the mixture.

a special thanks to Madeleine who first gave me the recipe and has now fixed my mistake.  looking through emojis but cannot find one offering a dozen roses.

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4 hours ago, oldlady said:

a special thanks to Madeleine who first gave me the recipe and has now fixed my mistake.  looking through emojis but cannot find one offering a dozen roses.

:wub: just friends helping friends where they can

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Idle thoughts.

10 hours ago, Russ said:

Oh by the way I never make ANY mistakes!:rolleyes:

This may be the best way of avoiding the maths! (Besides asking your very willing friends to help.)

The problem seems to be restarting the mixing after an interruption (a phone call in this case).

Maybe after an interruption it's worth taking the time to:
- Write the recipe down on a scrap sheet of paper
- Tick off the ingredients you have already added
- Add the extra ingredients, ticking as you go.

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@oldlady  In case it's of any use I've reformulated your problem as an exercise in form-filling. I hope that it breaks things down so that each step seems like a logical progression.

The idea is to look at what you have done so far and calculate a NewRecipe which is a scaled copy of the original recipe which is:
- large enough to accept all the ingredients already in your bucket
- and at least the size of the original recipe
... and then calculate the AdditionsNeeded to the bucket to match the NewRecipe.

As you didn't list your full recipe I've tried to reconstruct it (as a 10,000 gram batch with a 2% addition of bentonite). So check I've got things right.

Here is the form. which is filled in column by column. Note that BatchSize is the largest number in the MinBatchSize column (or 1, whichever is greater).


PS This seems to give the same results that Min has already posted.

Edited by PeterH
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thank you, peter.   i used min's figures and have already mixed the larger quantity.  it fits inside my 5 gallon bucket leaving about 3 or 4 inches spare.  i have a show on the 28th so now i can separate several 3,000 grams of this base and add a different color to each.  

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