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wants to produce a suitable clay for porcelain handle mold


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ı have a simple press and a mold for porcelain handle. Unfortunately, the clay which ı prepared doesnt work well . when ı put the clay into mold and press it the last product comes with little fractures. To prepare the clay ım using oil for it and using a mixing machine. ı need an appropriate recipe for clay. if you have other ideas to make it better please enligthen me .

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Hi and welcome to the forum!

To help you, I think we need more information. Why are you putting oil in a pottery clay?

I know oil gets used in plasticine or in clays used to make mould masters for special effects industry or other industrial design applications, but it’s not typically used in dinnerware production. 

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First of all thank you for your concern. I don't know exactly why or which kind of oil used and like you said I purpose for industrial production. I learned this recipe from people whom doin this job but they don't give exact details so I used different ratios of oil and water. The last recipe I wrote is close being better. What givrs nuisance for me is nothing than when I put the clay into mold and press the button to shape it its okay. But when the process completed and I saw the product it has defects like cracks on the surface its not smooth. But it should be like that. Also I doubt about pressure and velocity of press 

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I think the oil is the problem, especially if you also have water in the clay. As we know, water and oil don't mix. I've had to do some stamping on clay, and vegetable oil on the surface was the best way to get the stamp from sticking due to very small details in the stamp. If I used too much oil the clay would crack in odd ways. With a decent porcelain, you shouldn't have any trouble getting a smooth surface from a press mold. The other issue, assuming you're using a plaster mold, is that the oil is going to ruin the porosity of the mold and make it much more difficult to get the clay out of the mold. Give you mold a good cleaning with soap and water to get the oil out.

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