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Mark C.

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Posts posted by Mark C.

  1. I'm a bit different as a wholesale  distributor and most of my dealings are with Laguna clay in larger amounts. They are 13 hours to my south one way. trucking is getting costly and harder.They have gone thru many supply chain issues and of late (past year) have been out of lots of clays and my last custom order took 6 weeks and missed my truck pick upo date. Our local supply shop has a new owner coming in and is  young and its up in the air how this will shake out in the long run. My assistant works there as well so I know more than I'm saying.

    Since I'm a professional and I deal with professional suppliers it been fine. Supply chain issues have been an issue in all regards

  2. On 8/29/2022 at 3:16 PM, Pres said:

    @Mark C.good choice in Rock, but I do like some country, mostly ballads. . . Ghost Riders, Battle for New Orleans, some of that heel kicking stuff. However, rock is my biggest call, loved the golden oldies stuff, and the rock instrumental guitar as in the Ventures, all the way out to Hendrix and back.




    Pres My family made surfboards in the 50s before foam boards (balsa and redwood stringers) so of course I have the ventures etc in that mix-also saw Hendrix back in the day, light his guitar on fire so yes have some of him as well, The diversity is huge in my mixes of cds-as I have more than the 2 x400 cd players can hold. I also have a huge mix goin g with pandora thru the iPod as well pumped into our stereo system in house with 7 sets of speakers around like a pair in kitchen,living room ,office ,salt kiln area, studio ,Kiln loading area,BBQ backyard area.

    I like music when working so I wired it in in the 80s everywhere. My friends family owned Cerwin Vega speaker Company so all my speakers are Cerwin Vega's

    Music is a big part of life around here.

  3. Its never made any sense to me except that cone 06 is not durable at all. In my area cone 6 never made a hold at all until the last 10 years and only one school went to it (including a cone 10 high school thats still cone 10) The school that switched  just did  this year due to  loosing thier tec loosing  funding so the teacher could load and fire and walk away (simplfiy) ands thats our Junior collage. There are a few private folks doing cone 6 now as well. The community art center and our Cal State Poly collage are all cone 10 still.

    I now have 50 years in at cone 10 reduction -I would not ever consider oxidation as my customers and I like the reduction look

  4. 4 hours ago, NancyE said:

    I appreciate everyone's experience and advice and I am proud to say I am still capable of learning.  Copious tenacity cannot completely compensate the fact that I am 65, short, "overweight" and arthritic.  I will order 1500 lbs pugged, deaired and deliciously ready for work.  Did I mention I am also mining local "wild" clay?  So I will still have the opportunity to learn to hate the mixer if I get it running.  At least with the wild clay I have permission to use the backhoe and stop with the 5 gal bucket at a time gathering. 

    Nancy E

    Price breaks are usually at 500, then 1,000 then a bigger break always at 2,000 (1 ton)

  5. Stamp the circle with whatever your image is. Make your own stamp or you can buy one.

    I have been around a zillion mugs with stuff on the sides either mine  or others back in the day-My studio assistant made women bike mugs for years-I think a few photos are in my album if you look.

    We use a small needle bulb to apply the glaze (thes ecomes with a few micro tips) or colorant into just the indentations and spong off any extra (usually not needed). Then wax over it to freeze it or glaze it and wax it whatever system you are looking for in the outcome

    I have a power sponger if you are doing say 50 of them. My guess is thats what Deneen does as well

    Once you get it down its easy-just takes time lots. of time. I had a potter who supplied the local natiuona and state parks with logos of redwood trees with park name on each mug as I said seen a zillion of this type of work. You can order your stamp in metal ,wood or make your own in clay


  6. I think the bailey should do 3/8 no issues-I'll try 3/8 and see myself.

    Is your canvas stiff or soft? and does your outfeed  table fit tight against bottom roller?

    I have the Bailey 8 foot table is your home made ? as the outfeed is critical  hieght and tightness

  7. I am noticing some side cracks so maybe that clay is a bit to dry/hard?

    I just rolled a few 4 inch peter pugger pugs thru in one pass down to a 1/4 inch on my 30 inch Bailey electric -this is about standard for me in one pass-made some wall fish and fish plates and some oval platters  today. The porcealin is pretty soft as well

  8. I put about 1/2 a pug cut diagonally so it vee shaped  with the long side catching the rollers. If its not vee shaped I piund it down so the thin edge grabs the rollers.

    I never use say a think slab-always a really thick pice or two of clay that rolls off as it squeezed . 

    for me it canvaa on bottom and the smooth cardboard like slab matt  brand on top (no canvas marks)


  9. I think B mix is the wrong clay for this. It does not slab well (staying flat) like to cracks as well and drys super uneven.

    I work in porcelain 95% when I need to do slab work I choose other white  bodies

    I make larger press molded baking dishes -that body is white -its 1/2 porcealin and 1/2 wso called 1/2 and 1/2 the WC number is 382. Its made for slab torture.

    I suggest a body thats more up to the task any white body with finer white grog will work as well.

    I also will add as other below me on the waster  slabs or sand or grog to allow the slab to move as it shrinks in the fire

  10. looks like a cooling crack to me

    Also high fire body is not mature and a bit punky also amy be a factor ?

    The high fire clay, low fire   glaze is not an issue with moisture  weeping?

    can you explain the forming technique as this could be the factor ?

    Looks a bit like toilet lid-what is the size of the piece?

  11. I think of these as old school machines-If your studio is huge and it can be forgotten in a corner and the price in super cheap than yes but really you will need to pug and deair the clay still which a modern tool does all in one step.

    For me its a waste of time and free would not do it but keep in mind I have moved up to way better equipment long ago.

  12. Sure long ago (the 70s)

    mixed it in a tub added my slop -dryed it in huge plaster tubs-ran it thru my vertical Alpine pug mill (before most of your times-these maching stood 5 feet tall)

    came out rough -had air in it and was short-agged it for a few years still short.I was in my 20s and in the middle of the schooling of hard knocks  which I got a degree in about 10 years after my art collage degree. You try every thing until it kills you-listen to know one except a bad back and sore body-I went for the advnaced hard knocks degree

    Gave up the whole darn deal. Never looked back-My time has always had value

    Nowday I have two peter pugges and still would not make clay . The only reason for me would be to make a body I could not buy one. Maybe a self throwing body if Glazenerd can devise one for me as that is the only body I cannot buy as of now.You would weigh the balls drop them on the wheel and step away as it throws itself. 


  13. I mixed 3 tons once in a soldner mixer once darn near killed me unloading it all. Ran it thru a bluebird no airing pug mill.-clay was short for years.

    I learned my lesson-I commend you on going ahead with the school of hard knocks-I was 30 years old then-I hope you are in your 20s

    That soldner mixer is a back killer at least for me other may love it

    On the clay getting hard deal I have a master tip for you

    Use a small round 2-3 inch round throwing sponge  (this is so you can ameasre the same amount every time but submerging it ino a bucket of water.

    Now unbox the clay and open the plastic bags-depending on how dry they are its one or two or three squeezes of that full sponge (two is usllay fine) retie the bag and drip them into the box and put a arrow on it.Fip the box everty day for 4 dasys to cover all sides of the longways pugs inside. Then store-this clay will now be even weteness once agin within a week . No to bother with underwater or wet towels. I have done tons this way of porcealin which is harder than most Bodies to rewet. I bought 12 tons for years once a year and some got hard. 

    My clay  is 13 hours away one way so your clay seem close but what do I know.

    Oldlady said it above -buy in bulk and store it in a cool dry place.The price breaks add up. 

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