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  1. Like
    Kellykopp got a reaction from Pyewackette for a gallery image, Four Blade   
  2. Like
    Kellykopp got a reaction from Pyewackette for a gallery image, Untitled   
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    Kellykopp got a reaction from Pyewackette for a gallery image, Princess   
  4. Like
    Kellykopp got a reaction from Pyewackette for a gallery image, WIP   
  5. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to JolandavdG for a gallery image, BR 21-04-01.jpg   
  6. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to JolandavdG for a gallery image, BR 21-09-01.jpg   
  7. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to JolandavdG for a gallery image, BR 21-12-01.jpg   
  8. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to JolandavdG for a gallery image, BR 21-11-01.jpg   
  9. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to Marcia Selsor for a gallery image, P1070310.jpg   
  10. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to dhPotter for a gallery image, wine Mt   
  11. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to susieblue for a gallery image, Cottonwood Croft   
  12. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to mdobay for a gallery image, cone10 1   
    First cone10 fire. love the gaze transitions
  13. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to SydneyGee for a gallery image, Tenmoku and Blue Chun Bowl   
    Made 4 matching bowls in this glaze combo and B-Mix. I have to say, I LOVE how b-mix throws, I can get the walls so thin and delicate. The colors show up fabulous on it as well. Only problem is when I remove the pots from the wheel white wet, if they warp even slightly, they held that warp through firing. Personally, I am okay with this, as the pieces were very thin with undeveloped lips to hold their shape, and they otherwise feel ok. Had no problems with cracking, only the warping.
    I don't have many other options for white or light clay bodies, so I will probably continue to use it.
  14. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to SydneyGee for a gallery image, Oatmeal and Oxblood Reduction   
    We borrowed our friend's light-box this weekend and went to town! This is an oatmeal and reduction red called oxblood on a heavy iron-filing filled recycled clay body. Cone 6 reduction. I am not sure about the thumb rest myself, but people seem to love it and are requesting more!
  15. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to ChenowethArts for a gallery image, House Wine 2   
    This is the second "House Wine" vessel that I made. This time, underglaze transfers were added in an effort to build more depth to the surface. These are fun to make but seem to require a good bit of time on the workbench.
    This one is headed for a November show.
  16. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to docweathers for a gallery image, DSC02029 (Small)   
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    Kellykopp reacted to alabama for a gallery image, IMG 20160131 144153   
    Coil built, Shell tempered, burnished, pit fired, post fired engraved. Typical 15th century Mississippian Culture pottery. Pre-fired engraved on greenware is much, much easier...happen to have a senior moment at the time! Oh, my pit fire crew is Heidi Boxer and Kelli Stray dog. Heidi is going on 13.
    The mussel shells were burnt, then crushed, then added to the river clay.
  18. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to alabama for a gallery image, IMG 20160918 105833   
    The sun came back just after the sticks burned away. The bowl is finished.
  19. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to oddartist for a gallery image, Black Orb   
  20. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to oddartist for a gallery image, mermaid bust   
  21. Like
    Kellykopp got a reaction from SydneyGee for a gallery image, Untitled   
  22. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to Marcia Selsor for a gallery image, heron2   
    10 x 10"
  23. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to Marcia Selsor for a gallery image, Rakucowscalves   
    7 x 10"
  24. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to Rakukookoo for a gallery image, Saggar fired   
    Saggar fired with horse hair ferric chloride
  25. Like
    Kellykopp reacted to Rakukookoo for a gallery image, Pop off slip   
    Latest naked raku
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