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Callie Beller Diesel

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Everything posted by Callie Beller Diesel

  1. I'm in the stage where I'm questioning which pots need feet. I don't know that putting feet on something is a bad habit, I think it's just an aesthetic/ time choice. I personally prefer a footed bowl, but as long as the bottom is finished and given some consideration in terms of the overall design, the lack of one doesn't indicate a bad habit. I was forever and always being told I threw too fast while still in school. Now it's considered "efficient use of time."
  2. It's your piece @terrim8. I'm not going to tell you what to do with it.
  3. Just so you know, Skyler promptly appropriated this as his own.
  4. Raku firing Thanksgiving Monday in a little snow...
  5. Apparantly if you change the scale of everything drastically, I can't throw worth beans.
  6. A fully functioning miniature wheel made by a member of Workshop Studios
  7. Working on a serious mug collection in our house! My kids have fights over their favourites, notably the "bunny cup," which is a nice handle-less number from Shprixieland Studios, and one of @Joseph Fireborn's yunomi's. The little turkeys appropriated them before I got a chance to use them! Our popcorn bowl is another favourite.
  8. My gravy boat needed a redesign, because the other one was too fussy. So I made a thing.
  9. 1000 Miles Apart Ceramics Conference in Calgary this weekend. I haven't spent this much time watching demos in a looong time!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roberta12


      Who is demoing what???   This sounds fun!


    3. oldlady


      so you have learned a lot and are going to share it all with us, right?:huh:

    4. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      Oldlady, I'll try! Roberta, we had demos from Carole Epp from the Musing About Mud Blog, Jeni Hansen-Gard talked about her socially engaged clay practice, and Peter Barbour demoed his fibre clay sculpting process. Ciro DiRucoco came to town and stayed with me, and he's the guy who's been curating the Plainsman Clay Instagram feed for the last while. We had a cup auction for a fellowship fund they're starting for ACAD students to attend the Medalta residency program and clay olympics on the last day. And I can finally say this somewhere: Ciro and I put the finishing touches on our picks for a show that we have helped curate that will be part of the official NCECA events in Minneapolis next March! I'm going to my first NCECA!!!

  10. I would love to know what everyone’s studio looks like. Remember, if it’s messy, it means you’re working in it!
  11. My usual is an ear or a d, with the backwards c used on latte mugs. But those are only a 2 finger cup at best, because of the low profile.
  12. @Rae Reich type an @ and then begin typing the person's screen name. A drop down menu will appear, and you can just click on the right one.
  13. I got some mugs out of the kiln last Monday. I am making more mugs this week. Because mugs.
  14. I try to work clean, because I hate doing the Big Clean. If you break the big jobs down into small bits you do as you go, it's not so overwhelming. I don't deal well with visual clutter that reads as a mess. I'm not a total neat freak or anything, but I don't like seeing a million unfinished tasks in front of me when I come into my studio. Surfaces are wiped pretty frequently to keep the dust down, and mopping gets done after trimming and glaze days. Hands are cleaned in a bucket before being wiped with a towel, tools are rinsed in a bucket after the throwing sessions and the major messes are wiped as they're made. I have to be really careful of dust, because my studio is in he basement, and I don't want the bad stuff getting sucked all through the house by the adjacent furnace.
  15. I have dedicated studio towels that just get thrown in the washer. I have bath sheets that get draped over my knees while I'm throwing or doing certain finishing tasks, and some medium sized ones for general purpose hand wiping. Just got them all from the thrift store. They go into the regular wash in their own seperate load, but I wash them pretty frequently in the name of keeping the dust down and not putting a lot of clay through my top loader. I tend to clean 98% of the clay on my hands off into a bucket (also wiping with a grout sponge) that later gets decanted into my reclaim. At that point, my hands are safe enough just to wash with soap and water in the bathroom sink. When pulling handles, I pull separately and let them set up before attaching, so I'm really only having to clean up from that job once, and not constantly wiping my hands. Fun hint: you keep your elbow dry if you dip the clay slug in the water bucket instead of getting your whole hand wet. I don't buy paper towels for the rest of the house, never mind my studio.
  16. I had my phone balanced on a travel mug. I'm glad I wasn't the only one hitting the button with my nose!
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