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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Spent all morning breaking up pallets and feeding the fire. We put last week's pots into altar fires, put the altar fires onto the embers of a big fire and piled wood on top, and kept on piling it on. Left it to die down and cool and wow, we had pots. Mine (the thinnest) broke but the thicker ones were fine. Everyone was delighted, now they want o play with real clay

  2. Spent yesterday with a group of Explorer Scouts. They dug raw clay, chopped it, slushed it, pounded it, made pinch pots. Going to "pit fire" next week. Such fun.

    1. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      that sounds fantastic!


  3. slip now evaporated nicely. Lid on, needs re-mixing tomorrow, then I can add the sodium dispex and start pouring. Hooray, thank you sunshine.

  4. Waiting for the over-watered home-made slip to evaporate........

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chilly


      Trouble is, it's not settling out. Still looks as it was when I finished mixing it. Now decanted into four buckets not two. Come on sunshine, do your stuff.

    3. Babs


      Add some dry clay trimmings, let slake and sieve again, aztest way to go. Add Flocculant?? Try somee epsom salts.

    4. Chilly


      I'm clean out of any more clay of that type at the mo. Patience is getting there. Daytime highs of 40C in a closed glasshouse......

  5. Now the elements have been replaced in the community centre's kiln, it's overfiring. Grrrr. ^7 cone touching the floor for a ^6 firing.

    1. Biglou13


      Recallibrate, ez fix

  6. Been away from the forum for a few days. Wow, you've all been busy !

  7. Hummph. Wasn't piriformis in spasm. It was all of lower back, particulary right-hand-side. Banned from kick-wheel. Banned from sitting still for longer than 20 minutes. Good job I can hand-build standing up.

    1. Babs


      My! Have you seen Big Lou's response to how do you sit at the wheel.

      Just spent most ofthe day throwing, took Neil's advice and thre for a shorter time broken by periods of other work.

      BAck ok tonight, but I also have a daily yoga practice which saves me from myself.

      Good luck with your recovery.. does biking count as sitting?

  8. Hobbled out to studio (piriformis in spasm) spent a pain-free hour so absorbed in modelling new mug shape, hobbled back indoors for lunch

    1. ChenowethArts


      Hobbled to Gobbled...works for me :)

    2. Min


      Ouch, I feel your pain. Takes a long time to heal doesn't it!

  9. Woo, woo. I now own, flint, whiting, sodium dispex in addition to the other stuff I inherited. Gonna be a fun few days, Yes, I do also have a mask!

    1. Babs


      any pics ofhte mugs for the agricultural world?

    2. Chilly


      Not yet. The centre's kiln failed to reach temperature. Again. Now the kiln techs have agreed with the experts here - new elements needed. So once again, my little kiln will get fired - manana :-)

    3. High Bridge Pottery

      High Bridge Pottery

      I like using dead sea creatures in my glazes too ;)


  10. Sunshine again. So nice.

    1. C. Banks

      C. Banks

      very nice to see the sun again

  11. The rain is back, no surprise there. Now "stuff" is not going to dry, it's going to have to come indoors. Going to get nagged. Again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Benzine


      Chilly, what about making a "Drying Cabinet"? I've seen people discuss the use of them.

    3. Chilly


      Benzine - I have half of an 8 x 10 greenhouse for a studio. There's barely enough room for me and all the stuff I've accumulated. I do have a shelf over the bath in the second bath-room, where stuff dries quite nicely, but I still put it in the kitchen too.

    4. Benzine


      Chilly, that would make sense.

  12. The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray, I'm going out to play.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Babs


      was your clay clay or glaze?

    3. Chilly


      It was clay. I couldn't tell the difference between the "unkown" stuff and some from a new bag :-)

    4. Chilly


      It was clay. I couldn't tell the difference between the "unkown" stuff and some from a new bag :-)

  13. In the morning I find out if my "gifted" terracotta clay is clay or not

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChenowethArts


      'Hoping for the best!

    3. Rebekah Krieger
    4. Chilly


      Couldn't tell the difference between the "known" and the "gifted unknown" so will carry on using it. Just need to put up with it's stickiness.

  14. Spent all morning designing/cutting stencils for sample mugs for Essex Young Farmers to sell. #Foreageaid.

    1. ashleigh_arts


      I love the idea of stencils. I'm gonna have to experiment! What are yours made of?

  15. Sitting playing with computer, should be out in cold damp studio :-(

    1. ChenowethArts


      A warm laptop is hard to give up when it is cold in the studio...I feel your pain :)

  16. It's still raining, not having to cover with plast to stop things drying too quick, it's so damp everywhere.

    1. ChenowethArts


      Similar situation here...now wondering just how long it will take things to dry out!

  17. Rain rain go away, come back next year

    1. Denice


      Chilly just send to rain to an area that desperately needs it. Denice

  18. Chilly

    Camping Plaque

    for Steve's workshop
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