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    Roberta12 reacted to liambesaw in What’s on your workbench?   
    Been making growlers and screen printing transfers for them and some other projects.
    Here's the first, I really like the way it turned out

  2. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to LeeU in What’s on your workbench?   
    I got an invite to place some of my pieces in a new "artisans" shop in a town conducive to people looking for art, including some tourism traffic. Delayed of course due to the stay-at-home,  but I am making some items to try out a different glaze palette. Mostly large spoon rests, biz card holders, tea light holders & shallow tray-like catchalls. Should be fun.  I have some commercial oil spot glaze that I've not used yet. There is also a fish imprint on one of these and I want to do something different with the image-maybe a line drawing-dunno yet.  The main thing is there's "something" where for too long there was nothing. Yay me. 

  3. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    I did photos today. Here are some ideas that bear more exploring, although I have to test and see how folks will respond to them. Also, I found a much better alternative to the cover style travel mug lid. It fits a number of mugs in my personal collection. It’s been handy since we’re doing all the home office stuff in the basement so we can have some work/life separation and it’s cold down there. 

  4. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Babs in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    One positive springs to mind. Parents appreciating teacher skills more.
  5. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Babs in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    Oh Neil, it is indeed a really awful situation for you!.
    Stress is really unhealthy. I know this from situations I have lived through.
    Finding a way of letting go the  continuous brain chatter of the" what ifs " is hard but key to coming out the other side.
    Not helpful in setting a course through this but finding, cementing in a time each day where you leave all those worries outside your "door" and focussing instead on something, or nothing , which relaxes and nurtures you is key to staying healthy and capable.
    Take care. Hug your kids, talk to your dogs.
    Tackle the tax stuff with a dispassionate brain.
    In midst of tax yesterday my computer flashed a quick message. Your pc needs repair and shut down. Our financial year ends in June 30th.
    Inthe past I would have been in melt down hair pulling state.
    Because many dear friends lost everything in recent fires......I handled it in a completely different manner. 
    Just saying.
    So much out of your control out there.
    You can take action in personal protection and hygiene in workplace to ensure you return home safe and clean. Just saying.
    We have a shower in shed so we clean, andchange clothes if dealing with chemicals before going into our home...a possibility in your studio?
    Take care.
  6. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to neilestrick in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    Spring Green still hasn't cancelled their art fair, which meets the last weekend in June. They say they'll make a decision by June 1. I think I'm going to drop out regardless, because I don't really feel comfortable doing a big travel show that soon. Staying in a hotel and being exposed to thousands of people just doesn't seem like the right thing to do this summer.
    Here in Illinois today a judge overturned the governor's stay at home order. A down-state rep claimed that the governor overstepped his authority by extending the stay at home, because his original disaster declaration expired on  April 9th. The rep is from a rural part of the state in the middle of nowhere, with a small population, so they haven't seen many Covid cases. So he filed a lawsuit so his people can get back to work, without any consideration at all to what that would do to those of us in the Chicago area where we're seeing more than 2,000 new cases every day. I only hope that there will be a stay on the ruling and it works its way up to the state supreme court and the governor wins. It's really stressing me out, though. If the lockdown is lifted, then we all have to choose between opening back up and possibly getting sick, or staying closed and not being eligible for any unemployment funds because on paper there's no danger. I just can't believe how reckless people are willing to be with other's peoples lives.
    Also, the Illinois unemployment insurance system for the self-employed might not be up and running until May 11, so two more weeks of waiting there until I know if I'll be getting any financial help, and the IRS and the state are taking forever with our tax returns since they're so different than our 2018 returns because my wife opened a business last year. Sorry to unload on all of you, but I'm starting to feel the stress of all this uncertainty.
  7. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to GEP in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    It’s not food, but I did make them in my kitchen. I have trouble buying lip balm in stores, because these days they all contain ingredients that make me itchy (shea butter, aloe vera, menthol). Why can’t I buy a basic mixture of beeswax and coconut oil? Now I know why, because it is way too easy and cheap to make it yourself. The store brands need to add fancy ingredients so they can charge $3.99. These tubes cost me about 25 cents each.

  8. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    If you can’t find dry yeast, the fresh cake stuff is still around because fewer people are familiar with it. I think you add a bit more of it than the dry stuff and just crumble it in to the flour. The no-knead recipes also only use 1/4 tsp yeast, 3 cups of flour, 1 1/4 tsp salt and 1 1/2 cups of water.
    ps: @Mark C. if you crop your photos on your phone to a square format, they don’t flip. It also can help with file size. Snapseed is a free and ad free photo editing app you can use for this. 

  9. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Babs in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    made hot croos buns and big pot of bean soup...winter coming here, and tjis a.m. inspired by Min, hummous.
    So lunch will be hummous, home made flat bread, and greens from my garden.
    Pots mine

  10. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Mark C. in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    Funny thing about that video Min is those are some crystalline  potters I'm friends with. He just stopped by our place a few months ago and I bought a large bulk buy of heavy duty metal lotion tops from him.I seem to do this about evey few years from them. They have a second home up the coast from me that they are outfitting for another second pottery studio . They have stopped by a few times. We do a few of the same shows  and have helped each other out over the years .Good folks.They are full timers like me and do only crystalline work. Look for them at Anacortes when the next one happens whenever that may be.
    PS the lotion pumps I make are screw on tops-the clay is threaded in a mold similar to the video but a bit different as the top is made ina press mold and added to pump jar when firm
  11. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Benzine in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    Love those @liambesaw !
    My first thought was, that they looked industrial/ like something automotive related. 
    In regards to the topic question, I think it is best to err on the side of caution.  Like many have pointed out, we don't know the actual numbers, due to the lack of testing. 
    I live in a relatively rural State, and in a very tiny town, yet we still have cases.  My Father, initially thought this whole thing was overblown, and now the County he lives in, has one of the highest case numbers in the State. 
    As a teacher, the repercussions are just tragic, especially for the Seniors, the retiring teachers, those in activities and athletics, and worst of all, those "At Risk" students who depend on School for structure and a sense of normalcy. 
    My District is currently only doing "Voluntary Learning".   We provide optional resources for students, and don't have to make up the days.  We may yet go to "Required Learning", at least for High School, but that will obviously present even more obstacles.  My Three-Dimensional class, was half way through a project, with at least two left.  That class is mostly clay work, so obviously it will be difficult to give them the same experience, at home. 
    I don't think a lot of it has set in yet.  I'm just kind of numb to it all, as this is indeed unprecedented.
  12. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to liambesaw in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I spent yesterday making 64 and 128 ounce growlers.
    I am modelling them off of old STP brake fluid cans and will be stenciling them as such.  Fun little coronavirus project.  
    My next round will have swingtop lids, but for now they'll be corked.
    These are part of a series of videos on markets doing well during coronavirus.  Beer, cannabis and coffee are our local industries which have boomed since quarantine started.

  13. Like
    Roberta12 got a reaction from Benzine in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I listened to a Hidden Brain podcast about the 1918 flu.  The historian that was interviewed was Nancy Bristow.  Quite interesting.  One of the important pieces of info about that virus was that they did "socially distance" for a time, and then as the virus appeared to recede, the businesses and public places opened up again.  Bringing about another wave of illness.  Evidently there were 3 waves of the virus..... that's why it makes so much sense to me, to keep things closed as much as possible until there is widespread testing and vaccines on the horizon.  so, to tie in with the topic, if there are holiday shows,  putting distance between vendors, wearing masks, having hand sanitizer available,  will all be realistic expectations.   
  14. Like
    Roberta12 got a reaction from Benzine in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I have to agree with Pres and Terri.  We live in an area with almost no verified positive cases (3) however because of the lack of testing availability the actual number is probably much higher. (one clinic only has 6 tests)   Many of our local events are being canceled for the summer venues and personally I feel that is prudent.  Fall?  I can see they may come back but I don't know if I will participate in any way.  Winter?  we will just have to see!   Once testing is widespread I feel that businesses will be able to open their doors with some precautions.  But if you have options as a business person, to sell online, do deliveries, curbside, whatever that may be, at least you will be able to keep your doors open in the short term.  Very tough times and tough decisions to be made.  I suppose it will have to be a case by case decision made by individuals that are being impacted.  
  15. Like
    Roberta12 got a reaction from terrim8 in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I listened to a Hidden Brain podcast about the 1918 flu.  The historian that was interviewed was Nancy Bristow.  Quite interesting.  One of the important pieces of info about that virus was that they did "socially distance" for a time, and then as the virus appeared to recede, the businesses and public places opened up again.  Bringing about another wave of illness.  Evidently there were 3 waves of the virus..... that's why it makes so much sense to me, to keep things closed as much as possible until there is widespread testing and vaccines on the horizon.  so, to tie in with the topic, if there are holiday shows,  putting distance between vendors, wearing masks, having hand sanitizer available,  will all be realistic expectations.   
  16. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Rae Reich in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I'm thinking that it would be wise to plan for a year without shows. Maybe next summer. 
    In the meantime, online shopping appeals to many customers, possibly potters can create online co-ops to get away from etsy distractions. 
    Also, in the short term, consider marketing hand sanitizer bottles - if you know a sewist, see about selling masks and bottles together. 
    Right now, Nurseries are open (because they sell food plants) so think about placing wares there - vases, planters, wall art, garden themed mugs and platters.
    Stay safe.
  17. Like
    Roberta12 got a reaction from Rae Reich in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I listened to a Hidden Brain podcast about the 1918 flu.  The historian that was interviewed was Nancy Bristow.  Quite interesting.  One of the important pieces of info about that virus was that they did "socially distance" for a time, and then as the virus appeared to recede, the businesses and public places opened up again.  Bringing about another wave of illness.  Evidently there were 3 waves of the virus..... that's why it makes so much sense to me, to keep things closed as much as possible until there is widespread testing and vaccines on the horizon.  so, to tie in with the topic, if there are holiday shows,  putting distance between vendors, wearing masks, having hand sanitizer available,  will all be realistic expectations.   
  18. Like
    Roberta12 got a reaction from Rae Reich in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I have to agree with Pres and Terri.  We live in an area with almost no verified positive cases (3) however because of the lack of testing availability the actual number is probably much higher. (one clinic only has 6 tests)   Many of our local events are being canceled for the summer venues and personally I feel that is prudent.  Fall?  I can see they may come back but I don't know if I will participate in any way.  Winter?  we will just have to see!   Once testing is widespread I feel that businesses will be able to open their doors with some precautions.  But if you have options as a business person, to sell online, do deliveries, curbside, whatever that may be, at least you will be able to keep your doors open in the short term.  Very tough times and tough decisions to be made.  I suppose it will have to be a case by case decision made by individuals that are being impacted.  
  19. Like
    Roberta12 got a reaction from Babs in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I listened to a Hidden Brain podcast about the 1918 flu.  The historian that was interviewed was Nancy Bristow.  Quite interesting.  One of the important pieces of info about that virus was that they did "socially distance" for a time, and then as the virus appeared to recede, the businesses and public places opened up again.  Bringing about another wave of illness.  Evidently there were 3 waves of the virus..... that's why it makes so much sense to me, to keep things closed as much as possible until there is widespread testing and vaccines on the horizon.  so, to tie in with the topic, if there are holiday shows,  putting distance between vendors, wearing masks, having hand sanitizer available,  will all be realistic expectations.   
  20. Like
    Roberta12 got a reaction from Pres in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I listened to a Hidden Brain podcast about the 1918 flu.  The historian that was interviewed was Nancy Bristow.  Quite interesting.  One of the important pieces of info about that virus was that they did "socially distance" for a time, and then as the virus appeared to recede, the businesses and public places opened up again.  Bringing about another wave of illness.  Evidently there were 3 waves of the virus..... that's why it makes so much sense to me, to keep things closed as much as possible until there is widespread testing and vaccines on the horizon.  so, to tie in with the topic, if there are holiday shows,  putting distance between vendors, wearing masks, having hand sanitizer available,  will all be realistic expectations.   
  21. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to LeeU in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    Having worked in allied health, peripheral to public health, for state government, for many decades in two states, I know way too much about the disregard and misunderstandings of how to interpret and apply  valid data for populations.  Collecting and analyzing the best valid data and massive testing needed. It is more about trends and regional containment strategies than about single positives/negatives of us as individuals.  I ain't budging until Sir Fauci tells me it's worth taking a chance. And then I'll wait a few weeks after that to see what's happening out there! 
  22. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to neilestrick in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    My wife reads a lot of articles every day about Corona transmission since she's still working, and they're now finding more and more cases of people who are testing positive with no symptoms at all. For instance, 60% of the 600 sailors on the aircraft carrier that's been in the news that have tested positive have no symptoms. That means we really don't have a clue about infection rates. So until everyone can be tested for infection and antibodies, nothing should be opened up. If they don't do it that way we'll just have another wave of infection and fill up the hospitals again.
    Here in Illinois, we're adding over 1,000 cases a day, partly do to the fact that we're now testing over 7,000 people every day and that number is increasing. But as long as those infection rates stay high or keep increasing, we're in lockdown. The numbers need to get low and stay low for at least two weeks before we can open up, and everyone needs to get tested. So I know our lockdown will extend well into May, if not June. I don't expect the kids to go back to school. Once I'm able to open my shop back up, I expect we'll be wearing masks in the studio, especially since I have a fair number of seniors in my classes. I  don't think there should be any art fairs or large public gatherings of any sort until August at the very earliest at this point, but I have a feeling that some of the July shows will still happen because people are hungry for money. I'll be wearing a mask if I do any shows this year, which will be really unpleasant in the warmer months.
  23. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to liambesaw in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I say hold off on large gatherings until there's a vaccine.  I won't be attending any that's for sure!
  24. Like
    Roberta12 got a reaction from terrim8 in QotW: What are your beliefs about the time to reopen the economy and returning to Summer craft shows?   
    I have to agree with Pres and Terri.  We live in an area with almost no verified positive cases (3) however because of the lack of testing availability the actual number is probably much higher. (one clinic only has 6 tests)   Many of our local events are being canceled for the summer venues and personally I feel that is prudent.  Fall?  I can see they may come back but I don't know if I will participate in any way.  Winter?  we will just have to see!   Once testing is widespread I feel that businesses will be able to open their doors with some precautions.  But if you have options as a business person, to sell online, do deliveries, curbside, whatever that may be, at least you will be able to keep your doors open in the short term.  Very tough times and tough decisions to be made.  I suppose it will have to be a case by case decision made by individuals that are being impacted.  
  25. Like
    Roberta12 reacted to Mark C. in QotW: In these troubled times, have you come to any new revelations, or changed plans for your pottery moving forward?   
    One thing that has popped up this week is more than usual one off small orders mostly mailed out a few UPS .They are coming thru e-mail or phone calls. Like today a call came in and I shipped out a garlic keeper to San Diego via usps all thru texting today as that was her prefered way to comunicate . Some like e-mail some want to talk. Two huge mugs (36-42 onces) this week as well to far away places.
    Yesterday my local gallery called (they are closed) with a customer wanting a 8 square plate set and was wondering if I stocked that?
    She also said the gallery was closed but my pots where the only thing still selling mail order from them-I felt good about that news.
    Folks still want stuff and they are finding ways to find it. Since travel is out they are calling and texting and e-mailing.
    I try to never use my personal cell phone # for business as I need a firewall from customers is some areas of my life. My cell phone is one of those walls
    My wife hates business on the weekends when customers call I the am. On the land line.Slowling this is dissipating over time.It still happens-They call at all hours (I have said many times customers are clueless). For example I got a call a few days ago asking if I sell cones . Because  the local ceramic shop is closed (they still have a pick up service) but you have to leave a message.I often get calls on clay or lessons or can you fire out stuff.
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