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About Denice

  • Birthday 10/15/1952

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  • Location
    Wichita, Kansas
  • Interests
    Remodeling projects, gardening and restoring classic cars.

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  1. Ordered a new LL kiln today from  Neil.   He helped me decide  on the model that would work for me in my elderly years.   Great service and price.   Now I have to sell my old kilns and wait.      Denice

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    2. Pres


      I should also mention that even though I did not order through Neil, he gave me a lot of advice about what was available in the way of size and what would fit my breaker. He also helped a lot in the test firing and calibration of the kiln, helping this boomer to understand the difference between cone offset and thermocouple offsets.




    3. Denice


      What is the difference between cone offset and thermocouple offsets,  I have never heard of offsets before.   You live in a area that is closer to the manufacturer,  the closest company who sold it was Brackers in Kansas City.   You had to order it online and they didn't have the upgraded elements or Genisis  controller on the order form.  Their price was much higher than Neil's I wondered if they had given me the sale price.  He recommended that I try to order it from them and pick it ourselves to save on freight.   Kansas City is about 200 miles from us my husband said he wanted it shipped.   Neil made it easy!

    4. Pres


      Cone offsets are on the entire load. In the Genesis controller these are easiest to use, as they are consistent on all the shelves. I used the cone offset because all of my 06, or 6 cones were melted beyond their targets. With a little experimenting on a second and third firing I arrived at a negative 35 degrees cone offset. If I had had one shelf that fired differently than the entire kiln, then I would have put a thermocouple offset in on that thermocouple. This however simple it seems would cause the other thermocouples to try and compensate for the changes that the thermocouple I adjusted. Becomes complicated to balance out.


      Hope that makes sense to you,



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