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About Denice

  • Birthday 10/15/1952

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  • Location
    Wichita, Kansas
  • Interests
    Remodeling projects, gardening and restoring classic cars.

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  1. Ordered a new LL kiln today from  Neil.   He helped me decide  on the model that would work for me in my elderly years.   Great service and price.   Now I have to sell my old kilns and wait.      Denice

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. neilestrick


      Thanks, Denice!

      Cone offsets allow you to adjust the temp for any cone. So for instance if you notice it's firing too hot at cone 6 but not at cone 04, you adjust the temp for cone 6 without affecting any other cones.

      Thermocouple offsets allow you to individually adjust the thermocouples if it's firing too hot or too cold at all temps, or if you notice that one section of the kiln is firing too hot or too cold. Larger kilns often need the bottom thermocouple adjusted to prevent the bottom from running cold.

    3. Pres


      Thanks for reminding me Neil, I forgot to state the offsets were for the cone firing to so there could be multiple offsets just for different cones.

      Thanks again for reminding me,



    4. Denice


      Offsets sounds like the firing method  I have for a  kiln that is firing to cool on the bottom.   I put a C5  instead of  C6 in the sitter,  when it clicks off I turn it back on.  Then I adjust the temperature turning the knobs manually watching my dual Skutt thermocouple  until the whole kiln is the right temp.   I will take a look at my Caldera manual and learn how to do offsets with a thermocouple that is programed.  Denice

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