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NC- Print copy of L and L manual?

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Hi and welcome!

I’m taking the liberty of editing your title so that people know what question they’re responding to. 

To the best of my knowledge the best way to get a print copy is to print off the pdf at the library, if you don’t have a home printer. But if someone has better info, I’m sure they’ll chime in. 

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I would just
- print it -- either on my computer printer or via a library of office-services print shop.
- then put it into a loose leaf binder, or probably put the sheets into holders and put these into a loose leaf binder.

If you really want it bound into a book I think there are people who will do it for a price. This sort of thing:
... although they may struggle with the page size the manual comes in.

Try googling some thing like :
getting book made from pdf

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The L&L manual for Easy Fire kilns is very thorough. If you print it it's going to take a lot of paper, and finding info in can take a while due to its size. L&L's website has a ton of great information, so for specific info or questions about your kiln it's easier to just use the search function on their website.

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I have an L&L EZ. Given that I can't half remember settings even after doing them a zillion times, and that I just don't like  searching a site  on a laptop &  programming the kiln at the same time, having the wonderfully thorough  manual (binder, not bound) right there (inluding notes I've added along the way) is great. 

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