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Oops......note to self, don't stack items with underglaze on them!


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That's a mistake I won't make again. I used Duncan Concepts for the first time and put three mugs on a platter with underglaze on them. They are now well affixed to the platter. This was a 05 bisque fire.

I thought I had stacked pots w/Amaco underglaze and nothing fused together. But I now done some research on Duncan Concepts and see that it's different from Amaco. Maybe someone will learn from my mistake.


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The look on my son's face when I tipped the tray upside down and the mugs stayed in place was priceless!

Babs, I don't think they are worth trying to save. I am a hobby potter and I've finally gotten to the point that when I lose items I just say, oh well, try again. I imagine if I counted on them for income then it would bother me. 

Mark and OldLady, I like the way you think. 

On another note, I really like the way Duncan Concepts fires.


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1 hour ago, LeeU said:

Consider me "learned"...I was about to experiment with underglaze on bottoms. 

I use underglaze on bottoms of things, but Duncan's Concepts is a shiny gloss.  It's rather like Stroke and Coat.  But Amaco's Velvets don't seem to stick to the shelves.  They will sometimes leave marks if you stack them but I haven't had anything stick to the shelf.

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