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A question about sanding clear glaze over underglaze-decorated mug and refiring

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Hello! This is my first time asking a question here, I hope I’m doing it right!

I decorated a mug with underglazes and then applied two thin layers of brush-on clear glaze. I believe my piece was over fired as the colors came out way darker than my test tiles. I’m really not liking this piece and was wondering if I could salvage it instead of trashing it. Could I sand down the clear glaze, repaint the underglazes and fire again? I was thinking of firing to cone 04 instead of mid ranging it to 6 again.

Thank you for any help!!

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  • DingoDingo changed the title to A question about sanding clear glaze over underglaze-decorated mug and refiring

Or better, the day when someone comes by and offers you twice as much as you thought it was worth.

Unless of course you're making something to match something in your house on purpose.

I think the largest problem may come from a build up them of the more refractory underglazes.

Get them Cone Packs in there so you can "believe" the truth!


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Thank you both!! Honestly I love tedious detailed work so it wouldn’t be annoying for me to sand and repaint, but the more I let it sit there the more I like it. It’s a gift for a friend who is into a certain type of color scheme and these colors just aren’t right, despite my previous test tiles.

Unfortunately I don’t have my own kiln so I can’t yet control how it gets fired...someday! Thank you both again, I think I may just leave it as it is and hope my friend likes it. 

I’ll likely do a test someday where I sand down the clear glaze and repaint and refire just fer kicks!

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Even if you can sand it back, the clay being glaze fired previously will mean it will not be porous enough to allow an acceptable amount of underglaze and glaze.

Try painting u.g.and glaxe on bottom of mug before you try to grind to see what I am writing about

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