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Change In Kiln Sitter Fireing


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Just wondering why my kiln is now firing about a cone colder now. It used to always fire with the bar and witness cones matching now I might have to add 1 hotter  on the bar. I have set the sitter latch even closer than it has been but it is tending to fire cooler and now might have to add 1 cone hotter on the sitter.



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Is the bar bending to 90 degrees, or to the same bend as previously?


The sitter rod, the rod that rests on the cone and holds the claw on the outside, can become bent over time, which affects how the system functions. If it's an old kiln or you're putting a lot of firings on it, the rod may need to be replaced.

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I would also replace the rod tube assembly as a whole unit vs just the rod, I want to say they run around $50 or less.  Then re-adjust your plunger latch settings with the tool and test fire the kiln.  Also, are you consistent with bar placement in the sitter every firing? If it's consistently doing this, you may need to set your plunger catch tab so it gets where you need it.  

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Will some kind soul explain this to me

Kiln firing a cone cooler?

Sitter tripping at C5 instead of 6?


My sitter rod thinned on use so didn't trip till kiln fired higher.

Replaced everything.

Cant get this post.

Can some one explain it to me.

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Could be a combination of bent/thin sitter rod and claw calibration. It's a mechanical system with several connected moveable parts, so it's possible that more than one is out of whack, causing it to fire cooler. Could be that the rod is bent the opposite way that yours was, Babs. As with everything in ceramics, it depends......

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It could be the weight in the drop lever. They slip over time and should be reset with the little setter plate. I have readjusted mine numerous times over the years.The setter plate holds the bar in the position where the cone movement will drop the outside lever.It just takes a little screw driver to loosen it. Then tighten the set screw.



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Ok you serious minded people. Originally from the north, I HAVE learned to perform many tasks, like Mark inferred, by taking what logically would be the way and bassawkwarding them to get results.

I adapted my kiln to bottom loading,

I spend a lot of time standing on my head also.

I've stopped calling the plumber to fix my sinks and toilet and in those cases ,have resorted to basins to pour out onto the garden, and long drops.

Was ecstatic to find potery wheels which work when suspended from ceiling.

Ah so of course my sitter rods bend upwards, well it depends.

Mark can you advise on a spray gun and whether specific gravity is specific and if so to what, and design a t shirt for me warning visitors that I am taking advice from experts in the north some of whom spend time meditating on jackhammers

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