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Everything posted by liambesaw

  1. Did some more screen printing today. A harbinger of things to come.
  2. Yeah, I figure if it doesn't fall under fair use, since I'm not selling brake fluid, and the intent of the item has nothing to do with brake fluid, I can always change the design when asked. There are a lot of ceramic artists using trademarked symbols on their work, some quite famous. Free advertising vs. damage to a brand. Now if it were some Disney product or something I'd actually be worried since they're well known for kicking people's butts for using any image or likeness, fair use or not. And even then you open up Instagram and there's Disney themed pottery everywhere
  3. Been making growlers and screen printing transfers for them and some other projects. Here's the first, I really like the way it turned out
  4. Since I can bend wire better than I can plan for perfect shrinkage, I'll do it the other way around hah! Plus the premade la parfait lids are way too big for a growler!
  5. I had a teacher who would use the long side of a tongue depresser on the chalk board and to this day I can't let one of those things near my mouth. Just reminds me of my nervous system shutting down
  6. I like the feel of a really thin bowl, I just hate that they're so easy to break. So for myself in my own house I make really thin rice bowls, because I don't feel bad when one pops in the sink. I don't sell them though. If someone picks up a bowl of mine and the first thing they think is this is too heavy to use, well I don't know, there's no pleasing everyone lol Way back before I can remember, my teacher was always pushing for thinner in classes. I think that is less function and more art, like most schools are concerned with
  7. In your wiring diagram, I would switch to a single relay since you're not controlling them independently, unless you have chosen two for a different reason, one less thing to buy and one less thing to fail.
  8. Yeah just thought of stoneware on stoneware grinding gets my jaws hurting. One of those questions "can it be done? Yes. Should it be done? Maybe not"
  9. In that case, I would run new heavier gauge wire to the basement and make the kiln so that the power draw is not the limiting factor. In my mind it would be easier to build an electric kiln capable of cone 10 if you have enough amperage, instead of trying to beat industry on engineering the most energy efficient kiln on the market. And then in the future if you end up buying a bigger kiln or find something used, you can hook it up without any power issues. I think everyone here has had to pay that electrician bill or do the work themselves, I don't think there's a home in the world set up to run a decently sized kiln straight from the wall.
  10. That speaks loads Do you have only 16 amps available for a reason? That seems like a very weird amount. If it's a 16 amp breaker in your breaker panel, you are limited to more like 12 amps of continuous duty. And 2500 watts isn't a lot to work with, less than 2 small space heaters I don't know how things are in your country, or if there's any sort of home insurance, but another drawback of building your own kiln, is that it won't have any sort of safety certification, and if it happens to burn down the house, you may be hosed. Anyway, just a lot of fun stuff to consider. LPG is not a very good explosive, maybe build a small raku kiln in the back yard first to "warm" her up to the idea of a bigger one Google "Ian Gregory flat pack kiln" for a quick and cheap design.
  11. Looks like way more of a pain than a swing top lid. I took the wire bails off of an old swing top mason jar last night and bent all the parts out of new wire, put it back together and it worked a dandy. I think I'll just bend my own swing top lids! I bend wire all day for my day job, so it only took a minute to bend the swingtop
  12. Not on my kitchen table yet, will be about 6 months, but we make our own miso paste here and for the first time we are using jars that I made to do it!
  13. I spent yesterday making 64 and 128 ounce growlers. I am modelling them off of old STP brake fluid cans and will be stenciling them as such. Fun little coronavirus project. My next round will have swingtop lids, but for now they'll be corked. These are part of a series of videos on markets doing well during coronavirus. Beer, cannabis and coffee are our local industries which have boomed since quarantine started.
  14. Kilns are very simple machines, so even if your manufacturer is dead and gone, there's very little to a kiln. Easy to get replacement parts and the information is the same across.
  15. Oh yeah, we are lucky that it was 67 and sunny here today and pretty much the same all week. That has taken some burden off! As for art lessons in the shed, nooooooo way! This shed is so crammed with greenware and equipment I have a hard time moving around myself. They HAVE however been getting a lot of use out of sidewalk chalk, markers, paint, melted crayons and all sorts of other creative outlets inside during the day. They've even made a few pinch pots themselves outdoors while doing a "picnic". I love my boys! I just love it more when they go to school and come home tired :p
  16. I've got 2 huskies and 2 kids here in quarantine, so I have been taking them on walks just to get a tiny bit of sanity. My kids have reached peak annoying this week, and I've been trying to flatten the curve as much as possible. But yeah, lots and lots of walks, with and without the kids, but always with the Huskies. Because you know what's worse than bored childrens? Bored huskies! Yikes.
  17. Wow! We hit 65 today, but last week it snowed a little here too!
  18. You can put oatmeal in milk or water overnight in the fridge and then just microwave til it's warm. It soaks up the water overnight and works well. Kinda like soaking beans but not as involved
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