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Posts posted by LeeU

  1. Much of all of the above from all of the posts, tailored to home studio/low production.  While not a "tool" per se, my most crucial non-pottery-intended item is my  UpCart that "climbs" up and down stairs-a dolly-the econo model can handle over 100 lbs...had it for years and it is essential for getting things in/out of my house & studio. I can barely lift 50 lbs of clay anymore-and even 25 is hard on a bad day, so this thing is a real blessing. 

  2. For inventory, I use a spreadsheet. I head the columns to tell me what I want to know  and use separate worksheets for each broad category (ex. Bowls and Trays)   I use alpha codes for types of ware (ex. BW = bowl, TR=tray) and then a number (BW13; TR11). I take a pic of the piece & insert a tiny thumbnail in the sheet row for that piece. I write the code (Item No.) on masking tape & put that on the bottom of the piece.  I make columns for the other things I want to know, like glaze/clay body info, size, type of fire, price, physical location (in storage/box4,  or at Lisa's Boutique, etc. , whether it's on my webpage,  plus status: sold-NFS- gifted, whatever I want to keep track of. Always have a col. for Notes (like TR11 is in storage, but needs refire)

  3. 5 hours ago, Callie Beller Diesel said:

    the facebook “add a comment box”

    WOW-thank you SO much for the time & effort you put into the feedback. I will be going over the details it in depth as I carry on! One bit of confusion is the facebook comment thing--I deliberately kept links to social media out of it, so I have no idea what that coud be-it does not appear on my laptop.  I especially appreciate the "choose your audience" perspective-that confirms some things that have been bubbling up into my consciousness lately. Thanks again, this is so helpful. Oh-and that indictor for a missing "something"  by blog author is a glitch in the code on their end-I'm trying to get  IT to deal with it...it's been very frustrating-they may lose me over that alone! 

  4. I've done a "first pass" at resurrecting my WIX website. Mostly to learn the changes to the editing functions & output presentation--still really don't like them, so am likely to switch venders. In any event, if anyone would care to take a look and offer some feedback, I'd appreciate it. This is half-baked, so keep that in mind. One problem I have is that due to certain conditions I must use a large monitor & a mouse. That means I have a hard time finding out how my design looks on a phone, a tablet, and a laptop. I have a phone (Android), so I can see it, but I have not mastered how to change things in the editor on my monitor to look better on the phone, even with the "mobile optimization", it's a lot of trial & error. So feedback specific to tablets/phones/laptops is also appreciated. Just FYI, the pieces are all pretty old and do not reflect the new direction, new palette, that I am moving toward. I won't activate the new site until I have some new inventory. BTW-this image is a screen shot from my large monitor, so unless you ave a huge screen I'm sure it will look different...like all the white space between the bottom red text and the footer probably does not appear on smaller screens. (but I don't know !!! - so you tell me LOL)

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.


    Screenshot (8630).png

  5. What he said (Hulk). Except I don't touch anything until the whole load has been spread out on my work table for a couple of days. I might go in and pet them, but no finishing-if any is needed-until I've spent a day or so getting over-oh, I hate that, or oh, that's not what I wanted, or any other form of oh, throw it out. Inevitably that is usually premature and even the uglies may be redeemed w/a refire. So I let it perk a bit until I can be more objective. As w/Hulk's dispatching of the not-A- work,  I do the same, and pitch most into the Meet Mr. Hammer bin.

  6. As a consumer as well as a seller I prefer including the cost of shipping in the price of the items. In a policies section I state that the price includes the shipping fee, at cost (UPS or whatever method). Keeps life simple and it stings less on the buyers end when going to check out. I often think twice when I see the shipping cost, because some of the rates just really irk me--I'm happier not having it shoved in my face.  It's just easier to swallow and if I do comparative shopping on the item, I can do the math and tell right away that the inclusive price is not an inflated price. I also prefer "shipping included" to "free shipping"-no such thing!

  7. The look of the fired unglazed clay is my essential criteria. Unless I'm checking out a new-to-me black/gray, I go to great lengths to avoid staining - usually go for whitest/lightest bodies, but they can't be soft/slippery. I usually get somethign with a bit of tooth/grog/sand, recommended for handbuilding. I don't care about absorbsion  or shrinkage for what I do.  Suppliers tend to have helpful, knowledgable, customer service people who have never steered me wrong. At the moment I am in love with Dragon Fruit, from International Clay & Mnerals Co. ICMC   Very light gray with fine speckles and feels like stone...makes for some interesting contrast with glazes (but not for total coverage-that just wastes it's beauty). 

  8. 10 hours ago, Callie Beller Diesel said:

    something like mailchimp

    OH  !      re Min's comment, I am going to take some time while I fiddle w/WIX and definately check out Hostinger.  My domain is through GoDaddy and I'm fine w/that...plus I know it's really not that hard to move it around. I'd been so stagnant for so long that this little shake-up w/WIX & the new learning curve is actually good for me! I'm going in a new direction in terms of forms & palette, so I'm finally getting jazzed a bit.

  9. 10 hours ago, Callie Beller Diesel said:

    Email services have all the things you didn’t know you needed

    Yes-I agree. I should have clarified that I am such a small home studio & am not doing online sales, so all I need is the gmail.  I think when I set it up I had been criticized (by some local guild potters) for using the "common man DIY" approach to my web presence &  email-saying it made me look "unprofessional". That probably made me dig my heels in LOL That was years ago,  when I was just starting back into the field & was taking every kind of marketing & SEO workshop on the planet & was barraged with pitches to get me to pay for various services.  In today's  world, I guess a service with the features you have mentioned-especially that you don't know you need until you can't do something,  is probably imperative for a ceramics business.

  10. 4 hours ago, kswan said:

    As far as email,

    I didn't see the point of paying for an email through the web builder/host.  I know some people think they look more professional, but I've used leeuceramics@gmail.com  for 10 years, and it serves me quite well.   I don't do mass mailings and of course I get messages that come through my Contact form.  BTW-I like your website, nice and clean, simple & attractive. The Hostinger price is tempting-will check it out.

  11. I've got plenty of time left on my subscription to learn what I need to know to use WIX's updated system, and I'm doing that now--it's not as frustrating as it was last week.  I'm liking my results so that will serve me well even if I move to another platform. This is running me $11 a month (probably about half what a new subscriber would pay. I got a deal for renewing a few years ago & I expect a good deal if I renew, or it will be bye-bye. My price includes online payment & retail support-the set up for the shop is easy and attractive-I just don't use it or need it. I like WIX, so I'm inclined to stay--but "it depends".  I'm beginning to research other options, just in case. Thanks for all the input so far--very helpful!! 


  12. On 8/4/2023 at 6:52 PM, Kelly in AK said:

    I had some gold paint lying around and thought, “Why not? I’m sure I’ve got a pot somewhere I wouldn’t mind defacing.”

    Great minds......  I've recently started using metallic enamels on some pieces, either as thin line detailing or covering an area and then wiping it off, just leaving the sheen.  All shades of gold (rose, bright, old, etc). Going for subtle, not too attention-getting-should be an interesting evolution, as I'm using a softer, lighter palette overall.  Fun! 

  13. Couldn't find anything in Search--I'm seeking some opinions/experiences with free or very low cost  website builders that have a decent level of quality and flexibility for design options. Not too complicated to put together, but not clunky-looking when done, either.  My WIX site had been wonderful but they have changed the editing processes and pre-sets/templates (not for the better). It's been a frustrating nightmare. I am going to have to start over, and might go to another host platform if there are some recommended options to explore.  I am not looking for--do not need--a very heavy sales/marketing oriented builder. Thanks in advance! I had to unpublish my site and hope to put it back together soon. 

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