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Everything posted by PeterH

  1. Changing the mesh size of the silicon carbide apparently influences the appearance. PS I suspect that refiring can only smooth/collapse/consolidate previously fired lava glazes, as all their fizz was expended in their first firing. As the top half of the cylinders indicate thicker application of the glaze increases the foaming -- especially for finer grades of SiC.
  2. Can you confirm your slip recipe. Potterycrafts gives 18.5 litre of water to 50 Kg powdered clay (i.e. 0.37 litre water to 1 Kg powdered clay). https://www.potterycrafts.co.uk/Products/pottery-powdered-clays/P3103 Walkers give 9 to 12 litres water to 25 Kg powdered clay (i.e. 0.36 to 0.48 litres of water to 1 Kg powdered clay) https://shop.walkerceramics.com.au/AW500.B/Limoges-PC010B(CM10)-Porcelain-~25kg/pd.php Can you confirm that you didn't use freshly-made casting slip, as it takes a while to fully hydrate the clay (e.g. overnight).
  3. Any help? https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0272/1968/9606/files/KS1227_KS1027_And_KS1018_1PH_Wiring_Diagram.pdf?v=1593295124 At a quick glance all the switches seem to have similar wiring
  4. Perhaps this video, which you mentioned in an earlier posting. http://mcgyakimono.blogspot.com/2010/08/making-teaware.html PS Thanks for so many memorable postings.
  5. I expect you are right that it doesn't contain any "smarts" for minimising the effect of failing elements. PS What information I found (but haven't read in detail) I think that the CE is just an indication is passes European community standards CE marking for Electronic equipment - EMC testing So your controller is probably a Stafford ST316B. Data sheet, installation guide and user guide at https://staffordinstruments.co.uk/st316b-controller/ Site https://staffordinstruments.co.uk/ Contact https://staffordinstruments.co.uk/contact-us/
  6. Do you want/need the inside of the tube glazed? Would some sort of bellows help you blow out the glaze -- e.g. an air-filed glaze trailer. Pipe cleaners, or a more durable equivalent such as: 5 x Straw Cleaning Pipe Cleaners kit, Bristle Metal Pipe Cleaner for Drinking Straws, easy to brush and clean pipes, Pipe Cleaner Kit, Straw Cleaner Brush and kit for craft supplies https://tinyurl.com/5ftme7n7
  7. Assuming the damp box started out with water in it, it could simply be a magnified form of efflorescence of some soluble salt as the water seeped into the pot and then evaporated from it..
  8. If the problem is the copper carbonate out-gassing have you tried black copper oxide? Found a cone 6 switch, and the colour seems to be unchanged. Switching copper carbonate for copper oxide in a fluid glaze ... in Copper Oxide Black https://digitalfire.com/material/copper+oxide+black Surprisingly, the bubbling also seemed unchanged. For this base glaze and firing schedule Tony Hansen concluded: The copper oxide recipe is not bubbling any less even though copper oxide does not gas. The bubbles must be coming from the kaolin.
  9. Useful reference Amps vs. Volts vs. Watts vs. Ohms: What’s the Difference? https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/electrical-terms-explained-watts-volts-amps-ohms-diy/ ... with a good summary
  10. IIRC I've seen blue/green "copper" recipes with a little cobalt, and vice versa. Presumably it simplifies the final optimisation of the colour. PS loosely related ... which include a set of copper vs cobalt test tiles (for a specific base glaze)
  11. Are you talking about this sort of process? Hammock Crockery Molds The Catenary Pottery Printer Produces Bowls in Sagging Fabric https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/catenary-pottery-printer More photos of the pots in https://design-milk.com/innovative-catenary-pottery-printer-gt2p/ PS I have a very vague memory of somebody else who made very large very shallow circular vessels this way, without the hype (or the mime artists). They used a very taut mesh, and had no noticeable undulation at the rim.
  12. At least for initial experiments it might be worth using a found or bought texture-mat/texture-roller for producing "test tiles" and then to help produce a master to make a mould from. Please let us know how you get on.
  13. Two ideas you may find useful. 1) Stain the cracks to make them more visible (you may have more than you think). 2) Use a thermal stress-test to make "latent" cracks appear sooner. ... one from Digitalfire https://digitalfire.com/test/iwct
  14. Textured clay, black , colour, sand down bumps leaving white?
  15. I'm in awe. At first it looked like white dots against a coloured background, looking closer the coloured areas seem to have black edges where they meet the white. Hard to see how that can be achieved easily. - Two-coloured highly registered printing (e.g. on Min's transfer paper)? - Black under the coloured, and the white dots sanded down?
  16. I think that's Sonja Brough https://www.instagram.com/sonjabrough/ I don't have an Instagram account to explore, but there is some sort of video at Chaotic Prettiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CwE4H7joZy4/ ... which may show pieces under construction
  17. Weight if dry ingredients are involved. But volumetric mixing (of made-up glazes) for test-tiles is a great idea ... providing you use a syringe with a decent scale.
  18. @Jmvelezz Finally ... Transformation of Six Leaves Glaze to Contemporary Ceramic Bases on the Taoism Characteristics http://ithesis-ir.su.ac.th/dspace/handle/123456789/2977 ... click on 60155902.pdf near the bottom of the page. ... which seems to be link to http://ithesis-ir.su.ac.th/dspace/bitstream/123456789/2977/1/60155902.pdf ... which looks like the same link that doesn't work when you use it directly! I've not found any English-language page at the university that would let me report the problems to the universities IT department. I suspect that they have got their permissions in a twist. PS You may want to remove the watermark before printing. How to do it depends on your system. Start with a google for something like print pdf without watermark. Don't have the file any more, but think I uncompressed the pdf file then edited it directly (on Linux possibly using pdftk & vi).
  19. Haven't watched the original video closely enough to know if it's got the few seconds of cable-winding info shown here: PS Probably worth trolling though all his YouTube videos https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Dale+Savoie+ ... which seem to have a lot of extra detail
  20. A little googling if it's of any help. This seems to be the video, and readers comments about the email address being non-functional. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC0QXALQT_M A discussion https://cone6pots.ning.com/video/home-made-slab-roller Another users experiences http://mudismymedium.blogspot.com/2012/04/slab-roller.html ... which comments on the non-functioning email & web references, and gives https://www.biggovtsucks.com/docs/SlabRollerModified.pdf https://www.biggovtsucks.com/docs/SlabRollercuttingchart.pdf Good hunting! PS A thread on a different DIY roller, with some comments that seem relevant.
  21. Would it be worth trying acrylic medium as the resist (sometimes used as an alternative to shellac resist in water-etching)?
  22. ... or perhaps not. Electroplating vs Electroforming: What’s The Difference? https://facfox.com/docs/kb/electroplating-vs-electroforming-whats-the-difference Electroforming https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroforming The process involves passing direct current through an electrolyte containing salts of the metal being electroformed. The anode is the solid metal being electroformed, and the cathode is the mandrel, onto which the electroform gets plated (deposited). The process continues until the required electroform thickness is achieved. The mandrel is then either separated intact, melted away, or chemically dissolved. ... my emphasis PS Note that when the form is to be separated from the mandrel it is advantageous if the electro-deposited layer is only weakly attached to the mandrel. For electroplating strong adhesion is desirable.
  23. | Finding details of the iron content, this post & the one following it. The MICR market was always a tiny specialised market of very high iron content toner, don't even know if it is currently active. You Australian location won't help.
  24. If you find a potential image is there any way of getting a preview of how it will look when fired as a transfer (which will typically have a different resolution and pigment model)?
  25. I would keep trying http://ithesis-ir.su.ac.th/dspace/bitstream/123456789/2977/1/60155902.pdf from time to time. It seems a fairly serious "internal error" as it won't let me go to the home page or notify the administrator. With luck this might mean that they will fix it soon-ish (a few days?).
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