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  • Location
    : Citrus Heights, CA
  • Interests
    Ceramics, glazing techniques, farming, photography, drone piloting. reading all kinds of stuff but primarily thrillers

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  1. After a too-long hiatus from throwing, I'm back in the studio and found something very interesting...I've noticed that I'm throwing with a lot less water than in the past. I've also decided that I'll be using my reclaimed clay for squirting  extrusions since it seems a more acceptable use of the reclaim than throwing...at least for me.

    1. Denice


      I also use my reclaim clay for extrusions and hand building,  my throwing clay is also good for hand building.   One of my college professors showed us how he threw with very little water.   Everyone in the class loved throwing that way,  you and the wheel were easy to clean up.   The pot on the wheel was tighter  and easier to move than a sloppy wet pot.  Denice

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