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Making Clay Stamps

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Making my own texture stamps I have always only bisque fired them before using them.

Is there a reason to NOT fire the stamps to the clay's maturity?

As a single firer I don't want to do a special bisque firing for a few stamps. Also, I don't need anymore calcined EPK.


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I have found that a non-porous ceramic stamp is not as versatile as a bisqued stamp.  I use stamps while throwing as well as on soft slabs work and leather hard work.  If the stamp is only used on leather hard work the non-porous stamps make clean crisp impressions, but they tend to stick to the moist clay;  porous stamps work well on both.   

If I were single firing to cone 5-6 I would consider either using a cone 10+ clay for stamps and fire them to cone 5-6, or I would add 30-40 % fire clay to the regular ware clay for making the stamps so that when fired to cone 5-6 the stamps would remain porous.  If I were single firing to cone 10 I definitely add fire clay to my regular clay so that the stamps would be porous.  


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@dhPotter, could mix up a thick cone 10 - 12 slip, pour it onto plaster to dry it out then wedge it up. If you are only making a few stamps 500 grams or so should be plenty. I think this would still be somewhat porous at cone 6 but not as porous as bisque. Any ball clay 25, EPK 25, Custer 25, Silica 25. (and I think you have all those ingredients)

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I use wood, bisque ceramic, plastic and other items to stamp into the clay before shaping, With all of these stamps because of the wet clay, I dip the stamp into my throwing water and stamp into the pot. . . release is fine, with no sticking.




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/31/2018 at 4:04 AM, Pres said:

I use wood, bisque ceramic, plastic and other items to stamp into the clay before shaping, With all of these stamps because of the wet clay, I dip the stamp into my throwing water and stamp into the pot. . . release is fine, with no sticking.




For non-porous stamps you can also dip into WD40, or use cling flim over to get a softer edge.

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